2.4 The Two Modes Of Perception :

Sensory and Non-Sensory

"The expectations of life depend upon diligence : the mechanic

that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools"

.........Confucius 500 B.C.

The whole process of a being's existence revolves around what is called perception :

the cognitive activity that from birth to death directs the stream of consciousness. The

concept of perception is distinguished from consciousness is that the primary element

of consciousness -   the supra-conscious  is  beyond direct perception, but affects and

directs perception. In a new born being, the perceptual field is empty, and although

the supra-conscious is active, it has nothing to act upon or direct. Immediately after

birth, the perceptual field starts filling up, mostly through the senses and the order of

the senses that comes as a part and parcel of the order of  the society  around the

being. The processing of these sensory inputs by the nervous system takes place,

and the perceptual field is also acted upon by the supra-conscious. The resultant

structure of the perceptual field is called here as the mind of the being.

It should be clear that this perceptual field is very much limited in its capacity to

hold and process conceptual elements (objects) that make up this field, although

this does have considerable variation from one person to another.

"First, we need to differentiate between sensing and perceiving. Sensing
is the more mechanical aspect, involving the stimulation of the sensory
receptors  and  the  sensory  nerves.  Perceiving is about one's personal
relationship to the incoming information. We all have sense organs which
are similar, but our perceptions are totally unique. Perception is about
how we relate to what we are sensing. Perception is about relationship
to ourselves, others, the Earth and the universe. "-- B. B. Cohen

"Perception is always an embodied perception, one that is what it is only
within a specific context or situation. Perception in-itself does not exist-
there is only perception as it is lived in the world - as a result of the
incarnate nature of perception, the perceiving subject is always
changing." .........Merleau-ponty

In  a   highly  active state of awareness or stimulation or in strange experiences

this perceptual   field does expand, but again not without limits. Its only in case

the   supra-conscious  becomes fully active and is able to take the perceptual

field beyond its boundaries, can there be unlimited possiblities of  experiences

out of the ordinary.

"I say one must be a seer, make oneself seer. The poet

makes himself a seer by an immense, long, deliberate

disordering of the senses. " ...............Arthur Rimbaud


" I have defined sensation as perception through conscious sensory
processes,  and  intuition  as perception  by  way  of   unconscious
contents and connections. Obviously we could argue until Doomsday
about the fitness of those definitions, but the discussion eventually
turns upon a mere question of terms." ........Jung

urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes)Human beings perceive the world primarily through a system

of inputs known as the sensory systems of vision, sound, touch,

smell  and  taste ( the five senses). The physical world around

a being is therefore constructed as a model primarily through

these sensory inputs , with the inbuilt primary goal of survival

as the dominant controller.urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes)


The sensory systems provide the direct communication mode for

a being to interact with its environment so that a basic structure

of the mind is constructed in order to provide for the functional

requirements for the survival of the being.


The sensory systems are therefore vital not only for the survivability

of  a  being  but  also   play  an  equally  vital  role  in developing the

construct  of the mind of the being by accumulating the ''knowns' of

the world,  perceived  by   the being through the sensory inputs and

explained or interpreted mainly by other beings in a system of know-

ledge that is distinct to that society and time in which the being lives.


Since  the  sensory systems are a system of input-output with the

physical world and the paradigm of the world is primarily based on

this system , most attributes of the physical world can be agreed

upon by beings in sensory communication with each other so that

an order exists in which a social system functions.Thus the sensory

systems not only provide vital functionality for the individual being

with his environment or the physical world in which the being lives

but also the vital means by which a group or network (society) of

beings function cohesively and orderly ( or disorderly, as

the case may be).

Without an agreed upon system of perception based on sensory

data no social system or order can last . The degree of order in a

social  system  is   proportional  to  the  degree of agreement in

perceiving the physical world through the sensory systems .

Similarly the physical survivability of a being is proportional to

the degree of coordination or correlation between the overall

self of the being with the physical reality of the being

determined by the sensory systems.

But these are considerations with the assumption that the

world, and its reality is wholly physical only, i.e., that there

is nothing in reality beyond the physical.

With this assumption, however, no comprehensive grasp of

reality is attainable, and one is stuck only within a scientific

view of reality.

"Intellect distinguishes between the possible and the impossible;
reason  distinguishes between the sensible and the senseless.
Even the possible can be senseless."........Max Born



" I entitle transcendental all knowledge which is occupied

not so much with objects as with the mode of our

knowledge of objects." .........Immanuel Kant

Apart from the sensory systems, there exists a faculty of perception

that is independent of the perception generated from the sensory

systems and that the nature of this mode of perception is mainly

spontaneous, and the source , the location , the time duration etc

essentially cannot be identified or quantified , and yet can have

the most profound impact upon the self, although this is neither

accepted or agreed upon in general nor is likely to be agreed

upon in the near future, that is, it cannot be in the domain

of scientific method  or investigation.( or at least what is

currently understood and agreed upon as science)

( This faculty for perception beyond the sensory systems is

fairly active in early childhood, but as the perceptual field

gets more and more cluttered with "objects" of sensory

content, this faculty becomes diminished in strength and

influence upon the perceptual field. )

Because of the very nature of this kind of perception , perhaps

to seek an agreement is itself inappropriate or invalid, for one

thing  is  for  sure :   this  kind  of perception is in no way similar

to  sensory  perception.   Even  giving an example of this type of

perception  is  fraught  with  pitfalls :  and  we  will  end back to

where we started :  sensory   models. It is for this reason that

words like ESP, Sixth Sense, Sorcery , Out of Body Experience

Mysticism, Occult powers, Shamanism, LSD, Altered States of

Consciousness, God, instinct, intuition, higher level of conscious

-ness, etc are being avoided here, for no sooner such terms

are used, immediately our minds will respond with :

Aha ! So that is what you mean !

Unfortunately, there is no other way to model non-sensory

perception than to use sensory models and analogies, and

this  process  is  unavoidable, even if the only purpose that

this can at all serve is to make us aware of the possibility

and potential of this mode of perception.

To deny possibilities, capabilities and potential of the human

faculties is not an option here.

"A primordial image is determined as to its content only when
it has become conscious and is therefore filled out with the
material of the conscious experience.".....C. G. Jung





" Art, essentially involves the idea of a sustained, experienced

mental synthesis. All art objects are 'performed' or imagined first

by the artist and then by his clients, and these imaginative and

intellectual activities or experiences may said to be the point or

essence of art.

The subject matter of the art is then the nature of the

process itself."    Iris Murdoch

urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes)The main point here is that non-sensory perception and the

synthesis process are inseparably related. In other words,

in  any   experience  of the mystical,  non-sensory kind, an

element of creation or synthesis are invariably involved,

and only then it becomes subject to analysis.urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes)

To revere art and have no understanding of the process that forces it
into existence, is finally not even to understand what art is....I. A. Baraka

urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes) The rational, intellectual faculty is thus twice removed from

   the   non-sensory  experience.  What has to be recognized is

     that every experience is processed by the intellect, whether

consciously or by default, sub-consciously. urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes)

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to

comprehend."........Robertson Davies

Our  intellect's  function   is  to  automatically,  by default,  provide for

interpretation and meaning to even the most weirdest of experiences.

One can train the intellect to stop doing so, and live only in continuous

experiencing mode, but how functionally and meaningfully useful it is

can only be determined personally.

"We are thinking beings, and we cannot exclude the intellect from

participating in any of our functions".....William James


A  vital distinction  has been made in this article between the world of senses and  of

the  world or worlds beyond the senses.  This then  becomes  the basis of the division

of the Self   (and its reality in its experience)  into the physical - of the senses as well as

derived from the senses and the non-physical - independent of the sensory systems,

but   synthesised  and  then  given  form  or  expression  in the domain of the senses,

with the intellect as the interpreter.

"We should take care not to make the intellect our god ; it has, of course

powerful muscles, but no personality"........Albert Einstein


NEXT PAGE 08 : 2.5 Physical & Non-Physical
