4.2 The Basis of SOCIAL & CULTURAL

Systems, Structures & Constructs

This article examines the formation and development of

social systems and structures.

" What   experience  and  history teach is this—that people and governments have
never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have
drawn from it."........... Hegel


"Society is now one polish'd horde,
Form'd of two mighty tribes, the Bores and Bored.
.............Lord Byron

When the words "social system or construct" or structure is used here it invariably means
here a post-tribal and post-shamanic society having organised physical structures like
towns and cities as the epicentres of their development.

"For man seeketh in society comfort, use, and protection."........Francis Bacon

To understand the workings of a society or cultural system and their resultant structures or
constructs, it is essential first of all to comprehend the basic workings of the mind of man 
and this is  comprehensively covered in the preceding articles of  'Personal  Validity'.   For
society is, in a way, a collective reflection of the minds that make up that society. Thus as
the  basic  function of the mind is to seek a  state of maximised satisfaction with as much
safety  and security  as possible,  so does a society also reflect this process,  but in a more
amplified manner. Social and cultural structures are built upon this desire to have a stable
and secure environment  and  this  is  something that no member of any  society opposes,
unless someone sees beyond the  social  patterns  of behavior and where they are leading
the society to, and thus perceives a defect or danger that  will  lead  to  future  problems,
and then attempts to convey or warn the other members of it.
How  the  others  respond  will  depend  entirely   upon  the  communicating power of the
individual, the fluidity of the value system of the society as well as the quality of the social
communication technology ( the artistic as well as the rational usage of its language).

" With the loss of tradition, we have lost the thread which safely guided us through
the vast realms of the past, but this thread was also the chain fettering each
successive generation to a pre-determined aspect of the past "....Hannah Arendt

All social systems are founded on the basis of  conformity and agreement to established
norms to be followed by the individuals, and in return the individual gets the much
needed security of life, without which a social system cannot function. And so, conformity
is the central pillar of social structures. But mere conformity to a social order itself devours
the creativity of individuals, and so a rigid and strictly codified structure is bound to decay
and degenerate, ultimately leading to its corruption, that then leads to a degenerate or
destructive path, and which case it becomes, is dependent upon its esteemed values ( or
lack of ). At the same time, a flexible structure is vulnerable to be hijacked by greedy and
ambitious persons under the garb  of  progress and development or under the pretext
of danger to security, which easily gets the support of the majority since ordinary people
are prone to be misled.

While social structures should ideally provide for the development and promotion of able,
creative and moral people,  it should  also have safeguards against negatively creative, or
destructive  individuals.  This  is  far easier said than done for it needs  something that is
always in short supply  - moral power, which is so easily devoured by its opposing force -
greed.  Now  greed  is  also   necessary  as  a driving motivation for accomplishing many
constructive things for most people, but it always comes down to where the line is drawn,
if at all, and redrawn, if at all, and if no line is drawn and adhered to then there is no limit
to which greed can go to and  eventually destroy everything in its path.   It must also be
kept in mind that greed is one of the cornerstones of social structures, since people gang
  up  ( "agreed"  can be looked on as "a greed" here for most societies )  on  the basis of
perceived  benefits  in  terms  of   "evolution"  to  every  member ( a sophisticated word
for greed ).

"From top to bottom of the ladder, greed is aroused without knowing where
to find ultimate foothold. Nothing can calm it, since its goal is far beyond
all it can attain.".............Emile Durkheim


"In social institutions, the whole is always less than the sum of its parts.
There will never be a state as good as its people, or a church worthy of

its congregation, or a university equal to its faculty and students."
............................Edward Abbey

The most important relationship in a social setup, therefore, is that between the individual
and the social system or construct, that is,  to what  extent  does  the   social  system as
an institution  support  individual  creativity  and empowerment  to  further  enhance  the
quality and  efficiency of the  institutions of the system.  Therefore, the individual  entity
versus the social institutions as the counter entity is the crucial relationship that enhances
and also inhibits each other's development.  And without a balanced system that is led by
creative individuals,  a social structure cannot sustain and once it starts slipping, there is
no knowing where it ends up.

"The whole history of civilization is screwn with creeds and institutions which
were invaluable at first and deadly afterwards."..........Walter Bagehot

Anyway, social structures build up and degenerate because these eventually devour more
of  the moral power of human beings than regenerate it,   and it is this aspect alone that
determines how far a society goes before it self destructs.  The key therefore is how well
a society  can  promote  creative people,  and effectively handles,  without  suppression,
  people with a destructive bent, that is,  how its system utilises productively the power of
persons with a destructive disposition. ( for example, sport rather than war as a basis for
physical competitiveness ) 

The ideal alternative is that social structures should have individual creativity, not greed, as
the foundation for ganging up or hanging together,  so that it is these  creative individuals
that then build up on a base where the basic dignity of all life is assured, and responsibility
towards the environment  is the highest good, that is, actions that contribute towards
  giving back more to the environment than is taken from it, the most righteous of all
actions. Unless these values are inculcated in the educational system of a society, no
lasting progress is possible.

It  may be argued  that all   systems  and  structures  are bound  to  ultimately decay and
degenerate, and this is true,  but just  holding a great value  for this truth cannot be the
basis for undertaking  anything  meaningful in the realm of life,  for to undertake anything
meaningful is to first having to believe in it. While the basis of long term Reality is constant
 change of waxing and waning of social and cultural structures, it is in the short term and
immediate aspect of Reality that provides for meaningful thought, action and creativity or
else one tends to become a recluse, hermit or monk.


"Organization can never be a substitute for initiative and for judgment."...L. Brandeis

Meaningfulness always comes from individuals, not systems or institutions. The purpose of
Institutions  is to provide for the efficient availability of resources for the development of
exceptional individuals, not for promoting masses of monotonous robots that just serve to
maintain status quo which then stifles creative expression.  This holds true for all kinds of
institutions, whether these are religious or educational or social or political or scientific or
technological. So it is not only that individuals are to be taught to be responsible towards
society  and  environment  but  society  too  has   to  be  collectively  responsible  for the
development of each of its individuals, whether they are ordinary or exceptional.
Whereas,  ordinary  individuals  will  invariably  fit   well  by themselves  into  established
social  roles  and vocations, it is the exceptional individuals that eventually provide for the
dynamic  inputs to a social order, and  so the  existing norms   are crucial in terms of how
well they have  provided room for or handling exceptional individuals,   because exceptional
individuals can be creative or destructive, there being a thin dividing line between the two.
In general, any system or  institution is only as good as insofar it   manages  to utilize the
destructive potential of its individuals in a constructive manner, without suppressing the
potential of creative individuals.

"My ideal is a society full of responsible men and women who show solidarity
to those who can't keep up.".........Jacques Delors


"The hallmark of our age is the tension between aspirations and
sluggish institutions"....John Gardner

The most important institution in a society is no doubt the family and the  founding deeply
ingrained beliefs of any individual  are those  that are acquired from those people that are
closest.  Thus the parents are the real teachers,  whose values are so easily mimicked by
the offsprings. Sadly, the more advanced a society, technologically, the lesser the role and
interaction  of the parents,  thus  the main  learning then in technological societies is that
which is  acquired in school,  the  second most important social  institution.  Here not only
 are most of the social  norms and mannerisms taught and programmed, but also the role
of peers plays a crucial part.  A lot of  what  we like and  dislike  comes  from the kind of
company one is exposed to  ( or chooses )  and here choices made play a critical role for
  the  rest  of one's life,  because  it  is at this stage that  the pressure  to make choices in
terms of carrier, vocation, goals, etc, become  prominent  and these   are the  decisions
 that become almost  irreversible.
This is also the time that one discovers what are the fields that one has  a predilection or
talent for.  Once again we see that this factor is so easily overlooked by the teachers and
parents  alike  and  for  most  part  all   kids  are treated  to  the  same  kind   of useless
programming  with  superfluous  emphasis  upon science and mathematics that for most
people turn out to be a waste of time, resources and even worse, takes them away from
what they may actually have a talent for. Education as it is today,   for most part ends up
suppressing individual uniqueness, inspiration, creativity, free expression, self-development,
natural instincts and talents ; and instead promotes conformity, rote learning, machine like
behavior and thinking, subservience to and worship of data and fixed knowledge whose
validity is never to be questioned.

Education should be oriented towards bringing out the Will and uniqueness of each and
every individual, rather than turning everyone into duplicate copies of a presumed ideal
human being ( A super - scientist ? ). The very concept of education implies that no fixed
standards, no fixed and predetermined goals can be imposed by a society upon the
members of that society. The goal of education should therefore be to enhance and
encourage the creative potential of every being and also to expose or at least to make
aware of the destructive potential in every one of us.  Once the educational institutions
fail to do this, all other so called higher institutions will also succumb to the resulting

All  other  social  institutions more or less reflect,  as well as are, offshoots of the  learning
institutions, and like them end up  eventually functioning only to maintain their status quo,
irrespective  of  where it leads to and the long term  costs to the environment. The world
then is nobody's baby to be cared for, and a race takes place to somehow quit the planet,
  to establish  a colony  on the moon, or mars maybe, so that  a few can live happily ever
after. Or if all goes well,  and  technology becomes more  and more  powerful,  then just
  colonise  the entire  universe.  Such are the beliefs that prevail in this age of reason, that
absurdities abound.


"Because intellectual capital measurement is not confined to business but is likely
to be the first universal measurement tool for all human institutions—we will be
able to construct a more valuable society.".
...........Michael S. Malone

The social institutions should be founded on an intellectual platform which first
of all must have its  own  foundations  purged of personal and cultural egotism.
When the very foundations of a philosophy  or  understanding has been  based
upon cleverly  and deceptively hidden falsehoods and inherently bad principles,
any subsequently developed structures of understanding over and above these
bad premises will only lead to further and further deception of entire societies
or  cultures  of  people.  Those  falsehoods, over time, become invisible to the
society  and  culture,  but  still  actively  operate,  hidden  by  the  developing 
philosophies, religion, science and technology.  A structure that is rotten from
within its deepest core.  Like a termite infested  wooden  house. And one day
the structure cannot sustain any longer its own weight...

"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking
for sources of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test
them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, and love of power."
..............P. J. O'Rourke

4.2.6 The development of Cultures

The  role that culture plays in our behavior is not so immediately apparent but has even
more  long term and deep rooted connections than society. Since human life developed
as distinct cultures in different parts of the world, reality was also differently understood,
and  constructs about reality therefore also varied greatly in different  cultures.  Initially
however, all constructs had certain similarities, particularly as far as the mythical beliefs
are concerned.  Most cultures start as tribal societies that are led by the shaman of the
tribe,  whereby  the  shaman  fulfills  the   role  of  healer,  advisor,  leader and spiritual
interpreter,  a link of that tribe with the Spirit or Intent of the world.  A  shaman is one
who seeks, interprets and acts upon the commands of the Spirit, and understands that
the Spirit, being not a physical manifestation, cannot and should not be institutionalised.

Therefore shamanic societies do not go for an organised lifestyle of town and city type of
structured  society,  but remains  basically as a tribal culture that  lives in harmony with
nature without formal and structured institutions.  A  tribal  society  however, has myths,
stories and legends about their origins and the forces of nature, but these in a shamanic
society  are neither  taken as hard and fast truths nor are they worshiped as such in an
 institutionalised  and ritualistic manner  as  seen  in organised  societies  where religion
 becomes almost purely a matter of ritual.

The weakening of the power of the shaman means that a process of  institutonalisation,
  hierarchical  and  structured  social  system begins to take place. This weakening of the
  shaman's power in societies takes place primarily when the  shaman is unable to control
and balance the  moral  acts  of the  members of the society of which the  shaman is a
leader. The shaman may be challenged by a member and a  member   of  lesser caliber
takes over control of the tribe as also one of the reasons.  In any case, a tribe becomes
post shamanic when their shaman's power and authority is depleted and the shaman is
unable to train another shaman or retain the power to reincarnate back after death into
the tribe. From this  arises  a  hierarchical   social  structure  where the priest takes the
role  of the shaman,  and having more of a formal  and   ritualistic  role  and  less  of  a
connection  with the Spirit, does  wield  authority, but without the power and spirit of a
shaman. The myths become more like absolute truths to be worshiped and upheld. The
establishment of a social hierarchy that is perpetuated by the vested interest of certain
sections of society signals the beginning of a cycle of immorality from which a society may
never be able to recover from.   Rituals  are  initiated in temples  and institutions, which
instead of promoting unique individuals, become instruments in the hands of privileged
  people who will use any method and means to perpetuate their unchallenged status and
privileges and to ensure their retention in their offsprings. A stratification of society into
classes and castes takes place in which human beings are classified according to their
birth ( family background ), skin colour, physical features, racial background etc.
Another notable feature of a developing post-shamanic culture is the domination of
the man over the woman in all aspects of society and social institutions, even in the
trivial matters of the family.

"If civilization is to advance at all in the future, it must be through the help of
women, women freed of their political shackles, women with full power to work
their will in society."'.........Emmeline Pankhurst



"General conceptions of a spiritual nature are indispensable constituents of a psychic
life. We can point them out among all people whose level of consciousness makes
them in some degrees articulate. Their relative absense or their denial by a civilized
people is therefore to be regarded as a sign of degeneration."......Jung

That  factor  of human  greed  that  the  shaman  has kept in  balance and control now
becomes  more prominent. The tribe instead of maintaining its balance and relationship
with  nature  shows  tendencies  to  expand  and  grow into larger numbers occupying
greater  areas  of  land.  Initially, if wars were waged between tribes due to perceived
threats,  misconduct  or moral  reasons,  now  the   wars  get  waged  in order to gain
resources,  land  and then  eventually  to   dominate and turn into slaves the people of
other tribes.  The exploitation of man and nature, by man, is the first step towards the
development  of  organization  and  structure of society into a hierarchy in which human
inequality  is the foundation stone. This  structure  then develops institutions in order to
control society. A system of rational knowledge  (which was earlier intuitive) develops in
which  certain doctrines, beliefs  and  ordered knowledge  is  taught and inducted into
others  to follow.  In  many  cultures   like  Greek,  Roman and  Hindu  cultures,  myths,
concepts about and forces of nature become personified as gods, deities   and demons.
  A  bifurcation  into  myths  and   systematic knowledge takes place. Religion and science
take root as institutions which were earlier one and the same and non- institutionalised.
The function of these is to  perpetuate, expand or consolidate the order so created. The
 second function is to dominate other societies,  even if by force,  to create empires and
kingdoms.  Such a consolidation  of  societies   having  some common mythos or similar
deeply  engrained  beliefs  can  be called  a   culture.  Every  culture  develops  its  own
rationality: a systematic understanding of  the world and its processes, the various forces
of nature etc.  Since  the  rational process is a linear understanding of the world, based
upon cause - effect  relationships  ( or the   generalistions of perceived  causes),  every
culture  develops a somewhat different understanding and conceptualisation of reality :
the rationality of that culture.


Initially, all cause-effect generalisations are based upon presumed causes whose sources
are not  clear  and  so  the  simplest   rationalistions  are  based  upon myths and stories.
 However,  with  the  development  of  the   physical  sciences, the older myths, seemingly
useless, are  discarded by the culture,  and eventually the physical sciences overtake and
suppresses any other understanding and also other cultures that persist with their mythos.
  The  clarity  of  many "discoveries" of cause-effect relationships  makes the dominance of
the physical  sciences  so  complete  that it  becomes an unquestioned presumption that
  the  material  reality is all there is to the whole and essence of reality. No other viewpoint
is admitted  as valid, since no one  can prove to the satisfaction of all scientists that the
physical is not all of reality.

Anyone who uses words like Spirit, Shaman, etc is ridiculed as primitive, superstitious and
irrational.  The nature of the Spirit is such that someone who has none of it can have no
conception of its existence,  let alone its meaning and function as the essence of reality.

It  should be clearly understood that the foundations of cultures having organized social
structures are laid when it becomes  post-shamanic and loses its connecting link with the
Spirit.  There  may come  spurts when  a person in such a society  does  momentarily
establish this link  and as a result point out the  social faults and shortcomings that are
 leading  the  culture  and  societies downhill morally.  But even if such a person is able to
convince a large section of the society about its faults, any changes usually turn out to be
cosmetic or superficial, and eventually  incorporated into existing institutions  and  people
more  or less revert  back  to their old ways,  with  a few  more  blocks added to the old
  structures. In any case, developments, advances in rational based knowledge: science
and its application in technology creates an illusion that the  culture  and its societies are
  evolving into a higher state of existence than the primitive man, since an organised
society offers many benefits, comforts and security than a tribal life. Now it would be an
actual evolution if the culture has been able to retain its Spirit along with developments in
physical  terms or at least develop a moral order in which reckless exploitation of humans
and nature does  not  take  place  and   the  destructive  tendencies have a natural non-
destructive outlet.  But  this can only happen in cultures in which there is a high value for
people who are capable of providing a direction and creative inputs into society by which
limits  (rules)  are  defined  to  which  extent   its  members  are  allowed  to  go.  The
fundamentals  of  these limits are those in which the basic dignity of all life in its natural
balance is cared for and a system of dispensing effective justice is in place.

"In a free society the state does not administer the affairs of men. It administers
justice among men who conduct their own affairs.".......Walter Lippmann



"Compassion is not a sloppy, sentimental feeling for people who are underprivileged
or sick...it is an absolutely practical belief that, regardless of a person's background,
ability or ability to pay, he should be provided with the best that society has to offer."
............Neil Kinnock

The  real trouble lies in the development of certain fixed doctrines, or sets of beliefs that
are rigidly followed (and induce others to follow) by the key people or religious leaders
or priests,  only  to perpetuate their own status without any risk to themselves.  This leads
to their lack of power to stop widespread  wrong doings by the members of their society,
and so these wrong doings eventually tend to get justified. Rather than dispensing justice,
this  justification  process  becomes  the  foundation  of  the  society  and  eventually, the
culture's philosophy. Theories and sophisticated explanations are  sought  to cover up the
heinous  acts of past and present, as if by providing a satisfactory excuse, all wrongs can
be obliterated  from their conscience. This only makes these faults get buried deeper and
deeper  into  the collective  psyche of the culture,  and so more easily passed on to every
generation until  the day the price has to be collectively paid.  When  the most obvious of
wrongs  are glossed  over  or  justified under some pretext or excuse or put on the back
burner,  a society  is only digging itself into a hole that will only  get  deeper and deeper,
and eventually there is no getting out of this hole.

"Wrongdoing can only be avoided if those who are not wronged feel the same
indignation at it as those who are."....Solon
(Greek statesman)

This happens when a fundamental wrong doing, instead of being dealt with by dispensing
justice, instead is covered up with justifications, then the resultant attitudes and values of
the  society tends  to repeat  and replicate the same wrong doings and justifications on a
broader and broader scale. In a manner of speaking, the unchecked wrong doings
 spreads a wide net of an infection of wrong attitudes that progresses to a sub-consciously
operating cultural mind set,  wherein sophisticated philosophies are conjured up only to
divert and camouflage a growing immorality that is plainly obvious to a person outside of 
all cultural baggage. This unwillingness to examine and acknowledge that a huge mistake
was made way back in time by a culture's forefathers is a symptom of a culture's
lost moral power.

"Society...prepares crimes; criminals are only the instruments necessary
for executing them."................ Jacques Quételet

Unfortunately,  even  this   is  not  realised  and  the  unchecked  wrong doings grow into a
gigantic structure of lies and deception that traps the entire culture within it. This growing
immorality  manifests  and  camouflages  itself behind two divergent kind of amoral ways
- science and mysticism.

Two kinds of divergent cultural philosophies and ways of living emerge. In the first
type, the highest value is  for the "evolution" of  physical sciences and its application -
technology.  In the other, the highest value is for "personal evolution" - or "mysticism " in
which the end all of existence is to escape the existential domain itself ( to break the cycle
of life and death, so to speak). In both the resultant societies one common thing emerges
- a growing social immorality and reckless exploitation of nature and man, to which the
societies are oblivious ( first type ) or uncaring ( second type ).
One type holds technological evolution to be the ultimate human accomplishment and the
other  type  holds  personal  evolution or enlightenment - a state of supreme bliss as the>
ultimate  in human  accomplishment, which is presumed to be a unification with God or
whatever. One is ignorant and therefore careless about the imminent destruction of the
  world, the other cares even less because for them the world is an illusion, since they are
already  in  God's domain,  and therefore destruction also an illusion,  and  so although
inevitable but unimportant.  One  extreme  is   drowning  in  the  arrogance of scientific
knowledge,  oblivious  of  its  destructive  nature,   and the  other extreme dwells in the
apathetic mysticism in which the end is an escape or denial of life itself ! ( the so called
breaking the cycle of life, death and rebirth)

"We must reject a privatization of religion which results in its reduction to
being simply a matter of personal salvation."..............Robert Runcie

None of them takes responsibility for the deterioration of the social conditions of which
they are a product of and party to.

"You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public"....Scott Adams


Proceed to next article :

4.3 Religions : The Rise and Fall of Monotheism


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