Visual Basic 5.0 Sample Coding/Documentation Style
  Sample of a utility class used throughout the project.
  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Strings"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Description = "This class implements a list of String, ID pairs"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder" ,"Yes"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Collection" ,"IDString"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Member0" ,"IDString"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
' Strings.cls
' This class implements an array of string, ID pairs. It serves as a
' general purpose string array class
' You can construct an entire collection from a single string using
' the methods which add with delimiters.
' This is similar to a Dictionary which VB6 supports but is highly customized.
' astr.AddStrID "23{the string}43{string two}54{string3}"
'  This adds 3 entries to the collection:
'     ID=23 string=the string
'     ID=43 string=string two
'     ID=54 string=string3
'  astr.Item(2).Str -> gets 'string two'
' astr.AddStrID "key1>23{the string}key2>43{string two}key3>54{string3}", True
'  This adds 3 keyed entries to the collection:
'     ID=23 key=key1 string=the string
'     ID=43 key=key2 string=string two
'     ID=54 key=key3 string=string3
'  astr.Item("key3").Str -> gets 'string3'
' By Brent S.A. Cowgill

Rem INCLUDE IDString.cls
Rem INCLUDE   vb_debug.bas
Rem INCLUDE     vb_debug_pub.bas
Rem INCLUDE     comctl32.ocx (Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 SP2)
Rem INCLUDE     vb_tools.bas
Rem INCLUDE     vb_strings_pub.bas
Rem INCLUDE     vb_strings.bas
Rem INCLUDE       vb_str_pub.bas
Rem INCLUDE       vb_str.bas
Rem INCLUDE vb_listbox.bas
Rem INCLUDE   vb_listbox_pub.bas
Rem INCLUDE   WinAPI_pub.bas
Rem INCLUDE   vb_tools.bas
Rem INCLUDE   vb_strings_pub.bas
Rem INCLUDE   vb_strings.bas
Rem INCLUDE     vb_str_pub.bas
Rem INCLUDE     vb_str.bas

' Some Module Definitions
Option Explicit

' Public Constants:

' Public Variables:

Public Key As String               ' The Key string when a string list is part
of a colleciton

' Private Constants:

' Delimiter characters for creating a Strings collection from a single string
Const sz_cCommaDelimiter As String = "," ' T_()
Const sz_cDelimiter As String = "}"  ' T_()
Const sz_cKeyDelimiter As String = ">"  ' T_()

' Private Variables:

'local variable to hold collection
Private mCol As Collection
Private id_mDebug As Long            ' Provide Storage for the DebugID

' Public Property Methods:

' Public Property Get DebugID() As Long
' DebugID property for global collection of objects
Public Property Get DebugID() As Long
   DebugID = id_mDebug
End Property ' DebugID()

' Public Property Get Delimiter() As String
' Returns the default delimiter character for the AddStrID() method
Public Property Get Delimiter() As String
'used when retrieving value of a property, on the right side of an assignment.
'Syntax: Debug.Print xx.Delimiter
    Delimiter = sz_cDelimiter
End Property ' Delimiter()

' Public Property Get KeyDelimiter() As String
' Returns the default Key delimiter character for the AddStrID() method
Public Property Get KeyDelimiter() As String
'used when retrieving value of a property, on the right side of an assignment.
'Syntax: Debug.Print xx.Delimiter
    KeyDelimiter = sz_cKeyDelimiter
End Property ' KeyDelimiter()

' Public Methods:

' Public Function Add(Key As String, szString As String, idItem As Long,
Optional sKey As String) As IDString' Public Sub DoIt()
' Add an IDString to the collection.  You can add it to the end of the
' or give it an index name with sKey
' Entry:
'   szString  The string to add to the collection
'   idItem    The ID to associate with the string
'   sKey      Optional key name for finding the item
' Exit:
'   Returns the IDString that was added to the collection
Public Function Add(ByVal szString As String, ByVal idItem As Long, Optional
ByVal sKey As String) As IDString
    'create a new object
    Dim objNewMember As IDString
    Set objNewMember = New IDString

    'set the properties passed into the method
    objNewMember.Key = sKey
    objNewMember.Str = szString
    objNewMember.ID = idItem

    On Error Resume Next
    If Len(sKey) = 0 Then
        mCol.Add objNewMember
        mCol.Add objNewMember, sKey
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       Err.Raise Err.Number
    End If

    ' return the object created
    Set Add = objNewMember
    Set objNewMember = Nothing
End Function ' Add()

' Public Function AddIDS(ByRef ids As IDString, Optional ByVal sKey As String)
' Add an existing IDString to the collection.
' You can add it to the end of the collection
' or give it an index name with sKey
' Entry:
'   ids  The IDString to add to the collection
'   sKey Optional key name for finding the item
Public Function AddIDS(ByRef ids As IDString, Optional ByVal sKey As String)
    ids.Key = sKey

    On Error Resume Next
    If Len(sKey) = 0 Then
        mCol.Add ids
        mCol.Add ids, sKey
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       Err.Raise Err.Number
    End If
End Function ' AddIDS()

' Public Function AddItem(ByVal szString As String, _
' Add a single IDString to the collection from a string.
' The string is made up of a key, ID number and string separated by
' delimiter characters.  The key and Id is optional and assume default
' values if omitted.
' The default format of a Key, ID, String sequence is:
' Key>ID{String
' Entry:
'   szString   The string to parse and add to the collection
'   bKeyed     Flag set if key is present in szString.  Default is false
'   bTrim      Flag set to trim white space around string before adding
'              to the collection.  Default true.  If false then spaces are
'              preserved
'   szKeyDel   The delimiter which marks the end of the key string
'              if omitted then '>' is used
'   szIDDel    The delimiter that marks the end of the ID number.
'              If omitted then the default for IDString is used '{'
' Exit:
'   Returns a reference to the new IDString created and added to the collection
' Examples:
' astr.AddItem "23{the string"
'  This adds one entry to the collection: ID=23 string=the string
' astr.AddItem "key1>23{the string", True
'  This adds one entry to the collection: ID=23 key=key1 string=the string
'  astr.Item("key1").Str -> gets 'the string'
Public Function AddItem(ByVal szString As String, _
                         Optional bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                         Optional bTrim As Boolean = True, _
                         Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                         Optional ByVal szIDDel As String) As IDString
   Dim szKey As String
   Dim ids As New IDString

   ' If there's a key in the string, strip it off first
   If bKeyed Then
      If Len(szKeyDel) = 0 Then szKeyDel = sz_cKeyDelimiter
      szKey = TakeToken(szString, szKeyDel)
   End If
   ids.SetStrID szString, bTrim, szIDDel
   On Error Resume Next
   AddIDS ids, szKey
   On Error GoTo 0
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Err.Raise Err.Number
   End If
   Set AddItem = ids
   Set ids = Nothing
End Function ' AddItem()

' Public Function AddStrID(ByVal szString As String, _
' Add a number of IDStrings to the collection from a string.
' The string is made up of keys, ID numbers and strings separated by
' delimiter characters.  The keys and Id's are optional and assume default
' values if omitted.
' The default format of a Key, ID, String sequence is:
' Key>ID{String}
' Entry:
'   szString   The string to parse and add to the collection
'   bKeyed     Flag set if keys are present in szString.  Default is false
'   bTrim      Flag set to trim white space around each string before adding
'              to the collection.  Default true.  If false then spaces are
'              preserved
'   szDel      The delimiter which marks the end of a Key, ID, String
'              sequence in szString.  If omitted, then '}' is used
'   szKeyDel   The delimiter which marks the end of the key string
'              if omitted then '>' is used
'   szIDDel    The delimiter that marks the end of the ID number.
'              If omitted then the default for IDString is used '{'
' Exit:
'   Returns a count of the number of IDStrings that were added to the collection
' Examples:
' astr.AddStrID "23{the string}43{string two}54{string3}"
'  This adds 3 entries to the collection:
'     ID=23 string=the string
'     ID=43 string=string two
'     ID=54 string=string3
'  astr.Item(2).Str -> gets 'string two'
' astr.AddStrID "key1>23{the string}key2>43{string two}key3>54{string3}", True,
'  This adds 3 keyed entries to the collection:
'     ID=23 key=key1 string=the string
'     ID=43 key=key2 string=string two
'     ID=54 key=key3 string=string3
'  astr.Item("key3").Str -> gets 'string3'
Public Function AddStrID(ByVal szString As String, _
                         Optional bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                         Optional bTrim As Boolean = True, _
                         Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter, _
                         Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                         Optional ByVal szIDDel As String) As Long
   Dim nc As Long
   Dim sz As String
   If Len(szDel) = 0 Then szDel = sz_cDelimiter
   On Error Resume Next
   Do While Len(szString)
      ' Get the first Key, ID, String sequence from the string
      sz = TakeToken(szString, szDel)
      ' Add the Key, ID and String item to the collection
      AddItem sz, bKeyed, bTrim, szKeyDel, szIDDel
      If Err.Number = 0 Then
         nc = nc + 1
         Err.Number = 0
      End If
   AddStrID = nc   ' return count of items added to collection
End Function ' AddStrID()

' Public Property Get Item(vntIndexKey As Variant) As IDString
' Access to individual items in the collection.  You can retrieve items
' by index number or by string Key
' Entry:
'   vntIndexKey  The index of an item or the key string that was used
'                to add the item to the collection.
' Exit:
'   Returns the IDString from the collection
Public Property Get Item(vntIndexKey As Variant) As IDString
Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
    'used when referencing an element in the collection
    'vntIndexKey contains either the Index or Key to the collection,
    'this is why it is declared as a Variant
    'Syntax: Set foo = xx.Item(xyz) or Set foo = xx.Item(5)
   On Error Resume Next
   Set Item = mCol(vntIndexKey)
   On Error GoTo 0
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      ' Throw the error out of the function so the caller can handle it
      Err.Raise Err.Number
   End If
End Property ' Item()

' Public Function Find(ByVal szItem As String) As IDString
' Find an entry in the list by looping through all entries.
' Entry:
'   szItem  The item to find in the list
' Exit:
'   ids     Returns a reference to the item within the list
Public Function Find(ByVal szItem As String) As IDString
   Dim ids As IDString
   For Each ids In Me
      If szItem = ids.Str Then
         Set Find = ids
         Exit Function
      End If
   Set ids = Nothing
   Set Find = ids
End Function ' Find()

' Public Function FindIndex(ByVal szItem As String) As Long
' Find an entry in the list by looping through all entries. And return
' the Index of the entry found
' Entry:
'   szItem  The item to find in the list
' Exit:
'   Returns the list index where the entry is located or a negative number
'   if the item is not in the list
Public Function FindIndex(ByVal szItem As String) As Long
   Dim ids As IDString
   Dim nix As Long
   nix = 1  ' List indexing begins at one
   For Each ids In Me
      If szItem = ids.Str Then
         FindIndex = nix
         Exit Function
      End If
      nix = nix + 1
   Set ids = Nothing
   FindIndex = -1
End Function ' FindIndex()

' Public Function FindID(ByVal idItem As Long) As IDString
' Find an entry in the list with a matching ID by looping through all entries.
' Entry:
'   idItem  The ID to find in the list
' Exit:
'   ids     Returns a reference to the item within the list with a matching ID
Public Function FindID(ByVal idItem As Long) As IDString
   Dim ids As IDString
   For Each ids In Me
      If idItem = ids.ID Then
         Set FindID = ids
         Exit Function
      End If
   Set ids = Nothing
   Set FindID = ids
End Function ' FindID()

' Public Function IsMember(vntIndexKey As Variant) As IDString
' Check if an index or Key can be used to retrieve a member of the list
' Entry:
'   vntIndexKey  The index of an item or the key string that was used
'                to add the item to the collection.
' Exit:
'   Returns a reference to the item matching the index or key or
'   returns Nothing if there is nothing in the list matching
Public Function IsMember(vntIndexKey As Variant) As IDString
   On Error GoTo Handler
   Set IsMember = mCol(vntIndexKey)

   Exit Function
   Set IsMember = Nothing
End Function ' IsMember()

' Public Function MinID() As long
' Find the minimum ID value in the string list by examining the whole list
' Exit:
'   Returns the minimum ID value that an IDString member of the list has
Public Function MinID() As Long
   Dim ids As IDString
   Dim idMin As Long
   For Each ids In Me
      idMin = Min(idMin, ids.ID)
   MinID = idMin
End Function ' MinID()

' Public Function MaxID() As long
' Find the Maximum ID value in the string list by examining the whole list
' Exit:
'   Returns the Maximum ID value that an IDString member of the list has
Public Function MaxID() As Long
   Dim ids As IDString
   Dim idMax As Long
   For Each ids In Me
      idMax = Max(idMax, ids.ID)
   MaxID = idMax
End Function ' MaxID()

' Public Property Get Count() As Long
' Get the count of items in the collection
Public Property Get Count() As Long
    'used when retrieving the number of elements in the
    'collection. Syntax: Debug.Print xx.Count
    Count = mCol.Count
End Property ' Count()

' Public Sub Remove(vntIndexKey As Variant)
' Remove an item from the string collection
' Entry:
'   vntIndexKey  The index of an item or the key string that was used
'                to add the item to the collection.
' Exit:
'   The specified item is removed from the collection
Public Sub Remove(vntIndexKey As Variant)
    'used when removing an element from the collection
    'vntIndexKey contains either the Index or Key, which is why
    'it is declared as a Variant
    'Syntax: xx.Remove(xyz)

    mCol.Remove vntIndexKey
End Sub ' Remove()

' Public Sub RemoveAll()
' Remove all items from the collection
Public Sub RemoveAll()
   Dim nix As Long
   For nix = mCol.Count To 1 Step -1
      Remove nix
   Next nix
End Sub ' RemoveAll()

' Public Sub RemoveFrom(ByRef lstsz As Strings, ByVal nRemove As Long)
' Remove some entries from another list and add them to my list
' Entry:
'   lstsz    The string list to remove entries from
'   nRemove  The number of entries to remove from the other list
Public Sub RemoveFrom(ByRef lstsz As Strings, ByVal nRemove As Long)
   Dim ids As IDString
   If Not lstsz Is Nothing Then
      For Each ids In lstsz
         If nRemove > 0 Then
            Me.Add ids.Str, ids.ID, ids.Key
            lstsz.Remove ids.Key
            nRemove = nRemove - 1
            Exit Sub
         End If
   End If
End Sub ' RemoveFrom()

' Public Sub Copy(ByRef lstsz As Strings)
' Make a complete copy of another string list
' Entry:
'   lstsz   The string list to make a copy of
' Exit:
'   The entire contents of lstsz is added to the current string list
Public Sub Copy(ByRef lstsz As Strings)
   Dim ids As IDString
   If Not lstsz Is Nothing Then
      For Each ids In lstsz
         Me.Add ids.Str, ids.ID, ids.Key
   End If
End Sub ' Copy()

' Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
' This property is called behind the scenes when you issue a For each ... Next
' statement.
' Entry:
' Exit:
' Notes:
'   Dim astr as New Strings
'     ... add strings to collection
'   Dim ids as IDString
'   For Each ids In astr
'   Next
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
    'this property allows you to enumerate
    'this collection with the For...Each syntax
    Set NewEnum = mCol.[_NewEnum]
End Property ' NewEnum()

' Public Function ToIDStr(ByRef ids As IDString, Optional ByVal bKeyed As
Boolean = False, Optional ByVal szKeyDel, Optional ByVal szIDDel, Optional ByVal
bIDs As Boolean = True) As String
' Assemble an IDString into a Key, ID and String for subsequent unpacking by
' Entry:
'   ids        The IDString to pack into a string
'   bKeyed     Flag set if keys should be added to the string.  Default is false
'   bIDs       Flag set if ID should be added to the string.  Default is true
'   szKeyDel   The delimiter which marks the end of the key string
'              if omitted then '>' is used
'   szIDDel    The delimiter that marks the end of the ID number.
'              If omitted then the default for IDString is used '{'
' Exit:
'   Returns a single string containing the Key, ID and String separated by
'   the delimiter characters
Public Function ToIDStr(ByRef ids As IDString, _
                        Optional ByVal bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                        Optional ByVal bIDs As Boolean = True, _
                        Optional ByVal szKeyDel, _
                        Optional ByVal szIDDel) As String
   ToIDStr = IIf(bIDs, ids.ToStr(szIDDel), ids.Str)
   If bKeyed Then
      If Len(szKeyDel) = 0 Then szKeyDel = sz_cKeyDelimiter
      ' User specified a delimiter that is present in the string, that's a problem
      Debug.Assert InStr(ids.Str, szKeyDel) = 0
      Debug.Assert InStr(ids.Key, szKeyDel) = 0
      Debug.Assert InStr(CStr(ids.ID), szKeyDel) = 0
      ToIDStr = ids.Key & szKeyDel & ToIDStr
   End If
End Function ' ToIDStr()

' Public Function ToStr(Optional ByVal szDelimiter = sz_cDelimiter) As String
' Assemble a IDString into a string for subsequent unpacking by SetStrID
' Entry:
'   bKeyed     Flag set if keys should be added to the string.  Default is false
'   bIDs       Flag set if ID should be added to the string.  Default is true
'   szDel      The delimiter which marks the end of the string
'   szKeyDel   The delimiter which marks the end of the key string
'              if omitted then '>' is used
'   szIDDel    The delimiter that marks the end of the ID number.
'              If omitted then the default for IDString is used '{'
'   bFinalDelimiter  Flag set true if szDel should be appended to the end
'              of the string once complete
' Exit:
'   Returns a single string containing the ID and string separated by
'   the delimiter character
Public Function ToStr(Optional ByVal bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                      Optional ByVal bIDs As Boolean = True, _
                      Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter, _
                      Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                      Optional ByVal szIDDel As String, _
                      Optional ByVal bFinalDelimiter As Boolean = True) As String
   Dim ids As IDString
   For Each ids In mCol
      If Len(ToStr) Then ToStr = ToStr & szDel ' Add an end of string delimiter
      Dim sz As String
      sz = Me.ToIDStr(ids, bKeyed, bIDs, szKeyDel, szIDDel)
      ' User specified a delimiter that is present in the string, key or ID number,
      that's a problem
      Debug.Assert InStr(sz, szDel) = 0
      ToStr = ToStr & sz
   If Len(ToStr) And bFinalDelimiter Then ToStr = ToStr & szDel ' Add an end of
   string delimiter
End Function ' ToStr()

' Public Function KeysToStr(Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter) As
' Assemble all the Keys in a string list into a delimited string
' Entry:
'   szDel      The delimiter which separates each Key in the string
'              if none is provided then a comma is used by default
' Exit:
'   Returns a single string containing the Key for each IDString in the
'   list separated by the delimiter character
Public Function KeysToStr(Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cCommaDelimiter)
As String
   Dim ids As IDString
   For Each ids In mCol
      If Len(KeysToStr) Then KeysToStr = KeysToStr & szDel ' Add a delimiter
      KeysToStr = KeysToStr & ids.Key
End Function ' KeysToStr()

' Public Function IDsToStr(Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter) As
' Assemble all the IDs in a string list into a delimited string
' Entry:
'   szDel      The delimiter which separates each ID in the string
'              if none is provided then a comma is used by default
' Exit:
'   Returns a single string containing the ID for each IDString in the
'   list separated by the delimiter character
Public Function IDsToStr(Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cCommaDelimiter) As
   Dim ids As IDString
   For Each ids In mCol
      If Len(IDsToStr) Then IDsToStr = IDsToStr & szDel ' Add a delimiter
      IDsToStr = IDsToStr & ids.ID
End Function ' IDsToStr()

' Public Function GetSettings(ByVal szAppName As String, _
' This function adds IDStrings to the collection from a Registry string setting.
' Entry:
'   See GetSetting in VB help for a description of these parameters:
'   szAppName   The application name
'   szSection   The registry section
'   szKey       The registry key to get the string array from
'   See Strings.AddStrID for a description of the remaining parameters
' Exit:
'   Returns the number of IDStrings added to the collection from the registry
'   key specified
Public Function GetSettings(ByVal szAppName As String, _
                           ByVal szSection As String, _
                           ByVal szKey As String, _
                           Optional bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                           Optional bTrim As Boolean = True, _
                           Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter, _
                           Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                           Optional ByVal szIDDel As String) As Long
   GetSettings = Me.AddStrID(GetSetting(szAppName, szSection, szKey), _
                            bKeyed, bTrim, szDel, szKeyDel, szIDDel)
End Function ' GetSettings()

' Public Sub SaveSettings(ByVal szAppName As String, _
' This function saves the entire collection to a Registry string setting
' Entry:
'   See SaveSetting in VB help for a description of these parameters:
'   szAppName   The application name
'   szSection   The registry section
'   szKey       The registry key to save the string array to
'   See Strings.ToStr for a description of the remaining parameters
' Exit:
'   The entire collection is saved as a string in the registry
Public Sub SaveSettings(ByVal szAppName As String, _
                           ByVal szSection As String, _
                           ByVal szKey As String, _
                           Optional bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                           Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter, _
                           Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                           Optional ByVal szIDDel As String)
   Dim sz As String
   Const bIDs As Boolean = True
   sz = Me.ToStr(bKeyed, bIDs, szDel, szKeyDel, szIDDel)
      SaveSetting szAppName, szSection, szKey, sz
End Sub ' SaveSettings()

' Public Function LoadResStrings(ByVal idStart As Integer, _
' This function adds IDStrings to the collection from a sequence of resource ID'
' Entry:
'   See LoadResString in VB help for a description of the ID parameters
'   idStart     The first ID to load into the String List
'   idEnd       Optional last ID to load.  All intervening String IDs
'               are loaded into the string list.
'   See Strings.AddStrID for a description of the remaining parameters
' Exit:
'   Returns the number of IDStrings added to the collection from the resource
'   ID's specified
Public Function LoadResStrings(ByVal idStart As Integer, _
                               Optional ByVal idEnd As Integer, _
                               Optional bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                               Optional bTrim As Boolean = True, _
                               Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter, _
                               Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                               Optional ByVal szIDDel As String) As Long
   If idEnd = 0 Then idEnd = idStart
   Dim nc As Long
   For idStart = idStart To idEnd
      nc = nc + Me.AddStrID(LoadResString(idStart), _
                            bKeyed, bTrim, szDel, szKeyDel, szIDDel)
   Next idStart
End Function ' LoadResStrings()

' Public Sub CacheToDisk(ByVal szFileName As String, _
' Save the string list to a disk file for later restoration
' Entry:
'   szFileName     The file to store the string list in
'   szComment      A comment to appear in the file to describe its data
'   szDescription  A multi-line description to appear in the file for more
'   See Strings.ToStr for a description of the remaining parameters
' Notes:
'   The current file contents will be cleared and will then contain
'   the comment string on the first line and the string list items
'   on the second line separated by the delimiters provided.
'   After the second line the description will appear and can be multiple lines
Public Sub CacheToDisk(ByVal szFileName As String, _
                       Optional ByVal szComment As String, _
                       Optional ByVal szDescription As String, _
                       Optional bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                       Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter, _
                       Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                       Optional ByVal szIDDel As String)
   Dim sz As String
   Const bIDs As Boolean = True
   sz = Me.ToStr(bKeyed, bIDs, szDel, szKeyDel, szIDDel)
   ' The string items shouldn't have any newline in them for proper operation
   Debug.Assert Not bContainsAny(sz, vbCrLf)
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   Dim idFile As Integer
   idFile = FreeFile
   Open szFileName For Output Access Write Lock Write As #idFile
   Print #idFile, szComment
   Print #idFile, sz
   Print #idFile, szDescription
   Close #idFile
End Sub ' CacheToDisk()

' Public Function CacheFromDisk(ByVal szFileName As String, _
' Load items into the string list from a disk file
' Entry:
'   szFileName   The File to load items from
'   See Strings.AddStrID for a description of the remaining parameters
' Exit:
'   Returns the number of IDStrings added to the collection from the file
'   specified
Public Function CacheFromDisk(ByVal szFileName As String, _
                              Optional bKeyed As Boolean = False, _
                              Optional bTrim As Boolean = True, _
                              Optional ByVal szDel As String = sz_cDelimiter, _
                              Optional ByVal szKeyDel As String = sz_cKeyDelimiter, _
                              Optional ByVal szIDDel As String) As Long
   Dim szLine As String
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   Dim idFile As Integer
   idFile = FreeFile
   Open szFileName For Input Access Read As #idFile
   ' The first line is a comment -- ignore it
   Line Input #idFile, szLine
   Debug.Print T_DBG("Loading String List from disk cache: " & szFileName & vbCrLf
   & _
                     "Comment: " & szLine)
   Line Input #idFile, szLine
   CacheFromDisk = Me.AddStrID(szLine, bKeyed, bTrim, szDel, szKeyDel, szIDDel)
   Close #idFile
End Function ' CacheFromDisk()

' Public Sub Dump(Optional ByVal szName As String, Optional ByVal bDetails As
Boolean = False, Optional ByVal szIndent As String)
' Dump a string collection to the immediate window
' Entry:
'   szName     The name of the string collection variable
'   bDetails   Set flag to show details about each string in the collection
'              Defaults to false and shows each string on a single line
'   szIndent   The indent to preceed each line with
' Notes:
'   Dump "astr"
Public Sub Dump(Optional ByVal szName As String, Optional ByVal bDetails As
Boolean = False, Optional ByVal szIndent As String)
   Dim ids As IDString
   Dim szI As String
   Dim nix As Long
   Dim nTotal As Long
   szI = szIndent & sz_gI
   If Len(szName) = 0 Then szName = T_DBG("a Strings Collection")
   Debug.Print szIndent & szName & T_DBG(" := { a Strings Collection")
   DumpString T_DBG("Key"), Key, False, szI
   DumpNum T_DBG("Count"), Count, szI
   For Each ids In mCol
      nix = nix + 1  ' Collection index starts at 1
      If bDetails Then
         ids.Dump nix, True, szI
         ids.DumpLine nix, szI
      End If
      If nix > 50 Then
         Debug.Print T_DBG(szIndent & "And many more...")
         Exit For
      End If
   Debug.Print szIndent & T_DBG("} end Strings")
End Sub ' Dump()

' Public Sub GetDiffs(ByRef lstszOld As Strings, _
' This method compares the Strings list against a previous saved copy
' and generates two lists containing the new and removed items.
' Entry:
'   lstszOld      A previous copy of the string list.
' Exit:
'   lstszAdded    This list will be filled with items currently in Me but
'                 not in lstszOld
'   lstszRemoved  This list will be filled with items in lstszOld but not
'                 currently in Me
Public Sub GetDiffs(ByRef lstszOld As Strings, _
                    ByRef lstszAdded As Strings, _
                    ByRef lstszRemoved As Strings)
   Dim ids As IDString
   For Each ids In mCol
      If lstszOld.IsMember(ids.Key) Is Nothing Then
         lstszAdded.Add ids.Str, ids.ID, ids.Key
      End If
   For Each ids In lstszOld
      If Me.IsMember(ids.Key) Is Nothing Then
         lstszRemoved.Add ids.Str, ids.ID, ids.Key
      End If
End Sub ' GetDiffs()

' Public Sub LBMakeItem(ByRef szSelection As String, _
' Find a selection in the list and prepare it for addition to a list box
' Entry:
'   szSelection   The key or item from the list to add to a list box
'   bKey          Flag set true to put the IDString's key in the list's item
'                 The default is false which puts the IDString's ID into the
item data
'                 Note, if used, the Key string must be a number
'   bIdx          Flag set true to put the list index into the item data instead
of the
'                 IDString's ID or key,  use this for Keys which are strings
'   bShowID       Flag set true to display the Key or ID in the list along with
'                 the string
'   bReturnID     Flag set true to interpret the szSelection as a Key or ID
'                 of as the item string
' Exit:
'   szSelection    Will contain the string to put into the list box
'   nix            Will be filled with the ItemData to place in the list box
Public Sub LBMakeItem(ByRef szSelection As String, _
                      ByRef nix As Long, _
                      Optional ByVal bKey As Boolean = False, _
                      Optional ByVal bIdx As Boolean = False, _
                      Optional ByVal bShowId As Boolean = False, _
                      Optional ByVal bReturnID As Boolean = False)
   ' Find the item in the list
   Dim ids As IDString
   nix = 0

   If bReturnID Then
      ' If szSelection is a Key or ID
      If bKey Then
         ' Search by Key name
         Set ids = mCol.Item(szSelection)
      ElseIf bIdx Then
         ' Search by List Item Index
         nix = ToLong(szSelection)
         Set ids = mCol.Item(nix)
         ' Find the string with a matching ID value
         Set ids = FindID(ToLong(szSelection))
      End If
      ' Else szSelection is the item string
      Set ids = Find(szSelection)
   End If
   If ids Is Nothing Then
      szSelection = Empty
      ids.LBMakeItem szSelection, nix, bKey, bIdx, bShowId
   End If
End Sub ' LBMakeItem()

' Public Sub LBFill(ByRef lb As Object, _
' This takes a string list and puts it into a combo box or list box.
' Entry:
'   lb       The list box to fill (or combo box)
'   bKey     Flag set true to put the IDString's key in the list's item data
'            The default is false which puts the IDString's ID into the item
'            Note, if used, the Key string must be a number
'   bIdx     Flag set true to put the list index into the item data instead of
'            IDString's ID or key,  use this for Keys which are strings
'   bSelect  Flag set true to select the first item in the list once its full
'   bShowID  Flag set true to display the Key or ID in the list along with
'            the string
'   bClear   Flag set true to clear the list box before adding items
'   bUnique  Flag set true to ensure no duplicate entries are added to the
' Notes:
'   OLBSelFill() is almost a clone of this function, if there's
'   a bug here, there's probably one there too.
Public Sub LBFill(ByRef lb As Object, _
                  Optional ByVal bKey As Boolean = False, _
                  Optional ByVal bIdx As Boolean = False, _
                  Optional ByVal bSelect As Boolean = True, _
                  Optional ByVal bShowId As Boolean = False, _
                  Optional ByVal bClear As Boolean = True, _
                  Optional ByVal bUnique As Boolean = False)
    Dim ids As IDString
    Dim idItem As Long
    Dim nix As Long
    Dim szItem As String

    If bClear Then lb.Clear
    For Each ids In mCol
       nix = nix + 1  ' List is indexed starting at 1
       idItem = nix
       ' Figure out what string to put into the list, adding the ID or Key if necessary
       ids.LBMakeItem szItem, idItem, bKey, bIdx, bShowId
       If bUnique Then
          LBAddUnique lb, szItem, idItem
          lb.AddItem szItem
          lb.ItemData(lb.NewIndex) = idItem
       End If
    If bSelect And lb.ListCount > 0 Then
        lb.ListIndex = 0
    End If
End Sub ' LBFill()

' Public Sub OLBSelFill(ByRef lb As Object, _
' This takes a string list and puts it into the selection list of an
' OrdListBox
' Entry:
'   lb       The list box to fill (or combo box)
'   bKey     Flag set true to put the IDString's key in the list's item data
'            The default is false which puts the IDString's ID into the item
'            Note, if used, the Key string must be a number
'   bIdx     Flag set true to put the list index into the item data instead of
'            IDString's ID or key,  use this for Keys which are strings
'   bSelect  Flag set true to select the first item in the list once its full
'   bShowID  Flag set true to display the Key or ID in the list along with
'            the string
'   bClear   Flag set true to clear the list box before adding items
'   bUnique  Flag set true to ensure no duplicate entries are added to the
' Notes:
'   LBFill() is almost a clone of this function, if there's
'   a bug here, there's probably one there too.
Public Sub OLBSelFill(ByRef lb As Object, _
                  Optional ByVal bKey As Boolean, _
                  Optional ByVal bIdx As Boolean = False, _
                  Optional ByVal bSelect As Boolean = True, _
                  Optional ByVal bShowId As Boolean = False, _
                  Optional ByVal bClear As Boolean = True, _
                  Optional ByVal bUnique As Boolean = False)
    Dim ids As IDString
    Dim idItem As Long
    Dim nix As Long
    Dim szItem As String

    If bClear Then lb.SelClear
    For Each ids In mCol
       nix = nix + 1  ' List is indexed starting at 1
       idItem = nix
       ' Figure out what string to put into the list, adding the ID or Key if necessary
       ids.LBMakeItem szItem, idItem, bKey, bIdx, bShowId
       If bUnique Then
          OLBSelAddUnique lb, szItem, idItem
          lb.SelAddItem szItem
          lb.SelItemData(lb.SelNewIndex) = idItem
       End If
    If bSelect And lb.SelListCount > 0 Then
        lb.SelListIndex = 0
    End If
End Sub ' OLBSelFill()

' Public Sub LBSelect(ByRef lb As Object, _
' This takes a lookup list and selects all corresponding items in the
' combo box or list box.
' Entry:
'   lb        The list box to select items in (or combo box)
'   bItem     Flag set true to locate items by string name false to search
'             by ItemData
'   bKey      Flag set true to find ItemData by the IDString's key
'             The default is false which finds ItemData using the IDString's ID
'             Note, if used, the Key string must be a number
'   bShow     Flag set true to bring selected items into view as well as select
Public Sub LBSelect(ByRef lb As Object, _
                    Optional ByVal bItem As Boolean = True, _
                    Optional ByVal bKey As Boolean = False, _
                    Optional ByVal bShow As Boolean = True)
   Dim ids As IDString
   Dim szItem As String
   For Each ids In mCol
      If bItem Then
         szItem = ids.Str
         If bKey Then
            szItem = ids.Key
            szItem = ids.ID
         End If
      End If
      LBSelectItemOrData lb, szItem, bItem, bShow
End Sub ' LBSelect()

' Public Sub LBGetSelected(ByRef lb As Object, _
' This takes combo box or list box and adds all the selected entries
' or all the entries and adds them to the string list
' Entry:
'   lb        The list box to get items from (or combo box)
'   bID       Flag set true to put the ItemData in the ID
'   bKey      Flag set true to put the ItemData in the Key
'   bAll      Flag set true to get all items in the list, not just the
'             selected items
'   bStripTab Flag set true if the list entries consist of an ID, tab,
'             then the string and thus need the tab removed
' Notes:
'   OLBItemGetSelected() is almost a clone of this function, if there's
'   a bug here, there's probably one there too.
Public Sub LBGetSelected(ByRef lb As Object, _
                 Optional ByVal bID As Boolean = True, _
                 Optional ByVal bKey As Boolean = False, _
                 Optional ByVal bAll As Boolean = False, _
                 Optional ByVal bStripTab As Boolean = False)
   With lb
      Dim nix As Long
      Dim idItem As Long
      Dim szKey As String
      Dim szItem As String
      For nix = 0 To .ListCount - 1
         If .Selected(nix) Or bAll Then
            idItem = IIf(bID, .ItemData(nix), 0)
            szKey = IIf(bKey, CStr(.ItemData(nix)), Empty)
            szItem = .List(nix)
            If bStripTab Then
               TakeToken szItem, vbTab
            End If
            If bKey Then
               Add szItem, idItem, szKey
               Add szItem, idItem
            End If
         End If
      Next nix
   End With
End Sub ' LBGetSelected()

' Public Sub OLBItemGetSelected(ByRef lb As Object, _
' This takes an OrdListBox and adds all the selected entries in the item
' list or all the entries and adds them to the string list
' Entry:
'   lb        The OrdListBox to get items from
'   bID       Flag set true to put the ItemData in the ID
'   bKey      Flag set true to put the ItemData in the Key
'   bAll      Flag set true to get all items in the list, not just the
'             selected items
'   bStripTab Flag set true if the list entries consist of an ID, tab,
'             then the string and thus need the tab removed
' Notes:
'   LBGetSelected() is almost a clone of this function, if there's
'   a bug here, there's probably one there too.
Public Sub OLBItemGetSelected(ByRef lb As Object, _
                 Optional ByVal bID As Boolean = True, _
                 Optional ByVal bKey As Boolean = False, _
                 Optional ByVal bAll As Boolean = False, _
                 Optional ByVal bStripTab As Boolean = False)
   With lb
      Dim nix As Long
      Dim idItem As Long
      Dim szKey As String
      Dim szItem As String
      For nix = 0 To .ItemListCount - 1
         If .ItemSelected(nix) Or bAll Then
            idItem = IIf(bID, .ItemItemData(nix), 0)
            szKey = IIf(bKey, CStr(.ItemItemData(nix)), Empty)
            szItem = .ItemList(nix)
            If bStripTab Then
               TakeToken szItem, vbTab
            End If
            If bKey Then
               Add szItem, idItem, szKey
               Add szItem, idItem
            End If
         End If
      Next nix
   End With
End Sub ' OLBItemGetSelected()

' Private Methods:

' Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Class constructor
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
   ' Register myself in the global collection of objects
   id_mDebug = DebugIDRegister(T_VB("Strings"))

   ' Handle class initialization here
   Debug.Print T_DBG("Strings.Initialize()")
   'creates the collection when this class is created
   Set mCol = New Collection
End Sub ' Class_Initialize()

' Private Sub Class_Terminate()
' Class destructor
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
   ' We can't let any errors propagate out or the app will terminate hard!
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

   ' Handle class termination here
   Debug.Print T_DBG("Strings.Terminate()")
   'destroys collection when this class is terminated
   Set mCol = Nothing

   On Error Resume Next
   ' Remove myself from the global collection of objects
   DebugIDUnRegister id_mDebug
End Sub ' Class_Terminate()