# aliases - tcsh
# Alias configuration file for tcsh shell

# aliases to reduce amount of typing needed

# aliases to help with directories
alias md mkdir
alias mdd mkdir --parents
alias rd rmdir
alias nd "mdd \!^; cd \!^"              # make a directory and change to it immediately
alias cd 'cd `dotdot.pl \!*`'            # allow cd ...../dir
alias pushd 'pushd `dotdot.pl -pushd \!*`'     # allow pushd ...../dir
alias ov 'cd ../\!^'
alias / cd /
alias ~ cd ~
alias - 'cd $owd'
alias ls ls-F --color
alias . ls -l
alias cd.. cd ..
alias .. cd ..
alias ... cd ../..
alias .... cd ../../..
alias ..... cd ../../../..
alias ren mv

# use a safer remove command, keeping a backup copy in KDE trashcan
alias rm rmu -f

# use environment variables $to and $from to point to other directories
alias to 'set to=\!:1'
alias from 'set from=\!:1'
alias dirs 'dirs; echo "to: $to"; echo "from: $from"'

alias h history
alias li less
alias liw 'less `which \!:*`'
alias type cat
alias ke kedit
alias ds "du -c -b --max-depth=1 \!:* | sort -n -r"       # display amount of space used by subdirectories
alias duse "du -b -c \!:* | sort -n -r"  # make a listing of disk space used
alias df 'df -T'
alias wh "find ~ -name \!:* -print" # use variable substitution here
alias fuser 'fuser -v'
alias today "find ~ -mtime -1 -daystart \!:* -print"

# Aliases to help out with changing the path
alias upath 'set path=(`upath.pl`)'         # remove duplicate directories from the path
alias rmpath 'set path=(`rmpath.pl \!:*`)'  # remove a specific directory from the path
alias addpath 'set path=($path \!:*)'       # add a directory to the end of the path
alias pushpath 'set path=(\!:* $path)'      # add a directory to the start of the path
alias savepath 'set _opath=($path)'         # save the current path
alias restpath 'set path=($_opath)'         # restore the path to the saved path

# power aliases
alias chf "choose.pl 'find ~ -type f -name "\!:1"|'"

# miscellaneous aliases for Perl
alias diag perl -w -Mdiagnostics  # run perl with detailed diagnostics messages
alias debug perl -d:ptkdb         # run perl with visual debugger
alias check perl -c
alias use use.pl

# locate source code which uses a particular module
alias uses 'egrep -r "^((use)|(require)) +\!:*" *'

# help out with recursive grepping
# sgrep greps particular file extension
# search greps all files recursively
# searchlist greps and just lists the filename

alias sgrep 'grep \!:1 `find . -name "\!:2"`'
alias gc 'sgrep \!:1 *.p[lm]'
alias search 'find . -type f -exec grep -n -H \!:* {} \;'
alias searchlist 'find . -type f -exec grep -l \!:* {} \;'
#alias cvs mycvs

# Keep track of the time every time a prompt is printed
# that way if I forget to do a workon -bye at the end of a day
# I can still get my last command time from the previous day.
alias precmd workon -time
alias tcalc deltat.pl
alias calc  'perl -e "print qq& = & . (\!:*) . qq&\n&"'
alias math calc

# alias to sweep backup files into the trash bin
alias sweep 'sweep.pl ~ ~/Desktop Trash'

alias regexp regexp.pl

# alias to help with finding processes that hog CPU time
alias hog 'ps -ef | sort +3 -4 -nr | head'
alias hog2 'vmstat 1 5'
alias myps 'ps -weo user,tt,pid,cmd'

exit 0

    Source: geocities.com/gurucoder/Tools/bsac

               ( geocities.com/gurucoder/Tools)                   ( geocities.com/gurucoder)