Linux commands with useful options

Ever find yourself thinking the following:

"What was that -X option that I need to use with this command?"
"What date format do I have to use with this comamnd?"

This file contains a list of those hard to remember -x command line
options -- when the man page contains too much info to look at.
I just want a quick reference I can keep open in my editor and
lookup those options which escape my memory.

Commands featured here:

lsof - list who/what has open files
mpage - format multiple pages per sheet

nc, curl - get HTTP pages
tcpdump - packet sniffer

# Printing to postscript printer on Windows machine
mpage -1 -c -f >
ftpmuld hp2100s

# Change a file's date
touch --date='Oct 23, 1999'
# use -m to change just the modification time

# man manual page information
-a display all manual pages for a topic
-K search for string in all man pages -- slow
-w list locations of man pages that would match

List processes not part of normal operation
ps auxw | grep -Ev 'init|kswapd|kflushd|kupdate|syslogd|klogd' | more

# List all (important) files and their sizes
ls -FABRQv1
   -F  Show file type character /-dir @-link *-exe |-FIFO =-socket
   -a  List all files including those beginning with .
   -A  List all files except . and ..
   -B  Ignore backup files i.e. *~
   -R  Recurse into subdirectories
   -Q  Place filenames in Quotes and escape non-printing characters
   -v  Sort by filename keeping version suffixes ordered
   -1  Display only one column of files

   Other useful additions
   -l Long format print all information about a file
   -d List just directory names, no files
   -I PATTERN Do not list files matching shell pattern specified
   -s Print disk allocation for file
   -G Don't show group information
   -X sort by extension
   --block-size=1 Display file sizes in bytes
   -k  Show file sizes in Kb

# General purpose ls
ls -RalF --block-size=1
# add -S to sort by file size

# Sorting options for ls
ls -cfrtuvSUX --sort=word
  U - unsorted
  r - reverse
  S - size
  X - by extension
  v - by version
  t - modification time
  c - change time
  u - access time
  f - unsorted

# Good for seeing how much space files take up
ls --block-size=1 -1sSR

# List all files (important) with their sizes and modification time
find . -not -name '*~' -printf "%13s %TYy%Tmm%Tdd %Th %Ta %TH:%TM:%TS %p\n"
   %13s Size of file in field width 13
        Modification Date/Time
   %TY  Year
   %Tm  Month
   %Td  Day
   %Th  Short Month Name
   %Ta  Short Weekday Name
   %TH  Hour 00-23
   %TM  Minute
   %TS  Seconds
   %p   Full file name and path

   Other useful formatting options
   %m   File permissions in octal
   %g   File group name
   %u   File user name
   Other useful options
   -maxdepth 1 Prevents searching subdirectories
   -depth Process directory contents before directory

# Display a nice directory listing which is somewhat DOSish
find . -not -name "*~" \
  \( -type f \
     \( \
        -perm -ug=x      -printf "%13s %TYy%Tmm%Tdd %Th %Ta %TH:%TM:%TS \"%p\"*\n" , \
        -not -perm -ug=x -printf "%13s %TYy%Tmm%Tdd %Th %Ta %TH:%TM:%TS \"%p\"\n" \
     \) , \
     -type l             -printf "%13s %TYy%Tmm%Tdd %Th %Ta %TH:%TM:%TS \"%p\"@\n" , \
     -type p             -printf "%13s %TYy%Tmm%Tdd %Th %Ta %TH:%TM:%TS \"%p\"|\n" , \
     -type s             -printf "%13s %TYy%Tmm%Tdd %Th %Ta %TH:%TM:%TS \"%p\"=\n" , \
     -type d    -printf "         %TYy%Tmm%Tdd %Th %Ta %TH:%TM:%TS \"%p\"/\n" \
  \) \
  | more

# Display all time values for a file
echo "   last modified       last status changed        last access"
find . -maxdepth 1 -printf '%TYy%Tmm%Tdd %TH:%TM:%TS | %CYy%Cmm%Cdd %CH:%CM:%CS | %AYy%Amm%Add %AH:%AM:%AS | "%p"\n'

# Find files modified today, before today,
find . -mtime -1 -daystart
find . -mtime +1 -daystart

# Grep for something in all the .c or .h files below in current sub-tree
find . -name '*.[ch]' -print0 | xargs -r -0 grep -l thing
   -print0 and -0 causes it to work with filenames that have spaces in it

# Find all files except the ones in ./src/emacs
find . -path './src/emacs' -prune -o -print

# Copy a directory tree from one machine to another efficiently
find . -depth -print0 | cpio -0o -Hnewc |
  rsh OTHER-MACHINE "cd `pwd` && cpio -i0dum"

# Use TAR to archive a directory tree
find . -depth -print0 |
  tar --create --null --files-from=- --file=/dev/nrst0

# And to extract:
tar --extract --null --preserve-perm --same-owner \

# Clean up your clutter in /tmp - put it in your logout script
find /tmp -user $LOGNAME -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -r rm -f

# Remove backup files created by emacs and others
find ~ \( -name '*~' -o -name '#*#' \) -print0 |
  xargs --no-run-if-empty --null rm -vf

# Removing old files from `/tmp' is commonly done from `cron':
find /tmp /var/tmp -not -type d -mtime +3 -print0 |
  xargs --null --no-run-if-empty rm -f
find /tmp /var/tmp -depth -mindepth 1 -type d -empty -print0 |
  xargs --null --no-run-if-empty rmdir

   The second `find' command above uses `-depth' so it cleans out empty
   directories depth-first, hoping that the parents become empty and can
   be removed too.  It uses `-mindepth' to avoid removing `/tmp' itself if
   it becomes totally empty.

# Ensure all directories in a directory tree are group writable
find . -type d -not -perm -ug=w | xargs chmod ug+w

# Protect spaces in a file name
find . -exec something `{}` \;

# If you want to classify a set of files into several groups based on
# different criteria, you can use the comma operator to perform multiple
# independent tests on the files.  Here is an example:

     find / -type d \( -perm -o=w -fprint allwrite , \
       -perm -o=x -fprint allexec \)

     echo "Directories that can be written to by everyone:"
     cat allwrite
     echo ""
     echo "Directories with search permissions for everyone:"
     cat allexec

   `find' has only to make one scan through the directory tree (which
   is one of the most time consuming parts of its work).

# lsof command to list who's got a file open
lsof -v   -- version
lsof -c file
lsof +d dir
lsof +D dir    -- recursive
lsof -p proceessID
lsof -r time   -- redisplay continuously
lsof +r time   -- redisplay until no files open
lsof -u username,...
lsof -- file file file
# plus a whole lot more options

# make command for building projects
make -f file
-d print debug information
-n print commands but don't do anything
-q question - check if project is up to date but don't build
-w prints working directory before and after processing a command

# apache httpd
httpd -d /path/     starts the web server with a particular ServerRoot Directory
httpd -v            shows version number
httpd -V            shows compile settings
httpd -l            shows which modules were compiled in
httpd -t            runs syntax test on config files
httpd -X            runs a single copy - useful for debugging

# lpr  for printing documents
lpr -P printer       specifies which printer to print to

# a2ps for pretty postscript printing
a2ps -P display filename -- will preview output
a2ps -4                    will print 4 virtual pages on a physical page.
a2ps --line-numbers=5      prints a line number every 5 lines
a2ps --underlay=CONFIDENTIAL  use string CONFIDENTIAL as a background underlay
a2ps --chars-per-line=132  scale the font so 132 columns fit on each page
a2ps --list=media          will list all configured media
a2ps --list=defaults       will list the default settings from /etc/a2ps.cfg
a2ps --guess file          will display it's guess as to the file type to format as
a2ps --glob "*.pro"        display full path of .pro files that a2ps uses for formatting
a2ps --list=features       lists paper styles, formatting types, etc available to a2ps
a2ps --strip-level=3       no comments printed
a2ps --strip-level=1       regular comments not printed
a2ps --output=-            send output to standard output

# cvs Version Control
cvs --help command             display help about a cvs command
cvs checkout -c                display the modules file
cvs checkout -s                display module state (Exp Stable etc) as recorded in the modules file
cvs checkout -d dir module     checkout the module into a differently named directory dir
cvs export -P                  checkout without the CVS admin directories being created
                               useful for offsite distribution
cvs release -d module          release a checked out module and delete the directory

cvs update -A                  get head revision, clearing sticky tags
cvs update -d                  create any directories that are in repository but not in working directory
cvs update -kk file            prevents keyword expansion in working file useful for diff
cvs admin -ko file             change the default keyword substitution for a file
cvs update -rBASE file         gets the original revision of the file
cvs update -rHEAD file         gets the head revision of the file
cvs update -p -r1.1 file       prints out revision 1.1 of file.
cvs update -p -r1.1 file > file.1.1  checkout previous revision, non-sticky

cvs history -T                 report all tags
cvs history -c                 report history of all commits
cvs history -m module          report actions on a module
cvs history -o                 report modules which are checked out
cvs history -x C               report of merges resulting in conflict
cvs history -x R               report of removed files
cvs history -x A               report of when files added
cvs history -x M               report of files modified
cvs history -u name            report of history for user name
ident filename                 displays $Id$ and other CVS keywords for file named

cvs rdiff -s -rtag             display a summary change report of from revision 'tag' to current
cvs log -h file                less information than the full file log
cvs -n -q update               prints how an update would happen but doesn't do it
                                good for finding new files, conflicts, etc
cvs diff -u | less             view all changes so you can write a change log entry
cvs diff -D "1 hour ago" file  do a diff with current revision and the revision that is one hour old
cvs rdiff -t module/file       diff the top two revisions i.e. see the last change made

cvs commit -F file.log files   commits a file reading message from file.log
cvs commit -r5.0               change revision number of all files to 5.0
  cvs update -A                (will then clear the sticky 5.0 tag)
cvs tag -c tag_name            check for modified files before tagging - won't tag if any
cvs rtag -r old_name new_name module   rename a tag from old_name to new_name for module
cvs rtag -d old_name module    delete a tag (be careful)
cvs tag -r1.6 -Fstable filename   move an existing tag to a new revision
                                  i.e. always assign the 'stable' tag to the most stable revision
cvs remove -f *.c              removes files and removes from CVS
rm *.c; cvs remove             another way to remove a number of files

rpm2cpio - for extracting/listing single files from RPM
rpm2cpio logrotate-1.0-1.i386.rpm | cpio -t     - lists the files in an RPM
rpm2cpio logrotate-1.0-1.i386.rpm | cpio -ivd usr/man/man8/logrotate.8  - extracts a single file from the rpm
      In this case, the cpio options -i, -v, and -d direct cpio to:
      Extract one or more files from an archive.
      Display the names of any files processed, along with the size
      of the archive file, in 512-byte blocks.1
      Create any directories that precede the filename specified in
      the cpio command.
      So where did the file end up? The last option (-d) to cpio
      causes the entire parent directory tree to be created if it
      doesn't exist for the files as they are being extracted.

Using cat to view special non-printing characters (Windows Newlines)
cat -vet file

perl -pi -e 's/\cM//g' file ... remove dos/windows Ctrl-M from file - in place edit
Network debugging
netstat -atuv                  lists which services are listening on ports
netstat -atuvp                 also lists which program is listening on the port (if root)

Rename files (bash)

for d; do mv $d `basename $d .pgm`.jpg; done

# lots of typing and possibly wrong if file name has pgm in it
for file in *.pgm; do mv $file `ls $file | sed -e s/\.pgm/\.jpg/`; done

(tcsh - faster for lots of files)
foreach d (*.pgm)
   mv $d $d:gr.jpg

Rename a bunch of files after grepping through a previously stored file listing
grep something files.lst | xargs --replace mv {} {}.old

Read standard input into a variable
pwd | read path

Get HTTP pages

printf "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: NetCat\r\n\r\n" | nc 80

nc 80 < nowhere.html

OR telnet 80
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0

OR telnet 80
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

HTTP packet sniffer

 tcpdump -w file.dump port 80

will dump the raw HTTP packets to file.dump.  Then you can look at what
got received with a program such as Ethereal (check
Ethereal can also do packet-dumping on its own.  Dug Song wrote something
called the dsniff suite that can do a whole lot of nifty stuff, but I
couldn't get it to compile...  Remember these programs are for diagnostic
and educational purposes only.  h4x0ring can get you in a lot of trouble,
and invading peoples' privacy is Not Nice.


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