Red Hat Linux System Initialization:

This file exists because I wanted to understand how my Linux machine boots up.
After many years on DOS/Windows machines understanding the config.sys/autoexec.bat
process I wanted to know the same thing for Linux.  Actually, on my DOS/Windows machines
the startup scripts are almost but not quite entirely as complicated as the Linux
startup.  I had a structured startup where I placed initialization for the sound card,
DOS/4DOS command line configuration, aliases, command history loading, prompt configuration,
in separate files to keep autoexec uncluttered.  The system would also archive copies of my
config, autoexec, system.ini, etc critical files whenever a change was made to them
 -- there's nothing like changing a configuration setting and having a machine that won't 
boot up and then forgetting what you changed.

   /etc/inittab - runlevel 5 is default
   /etc/initscript used to start processes from inittab
   /var/run/utmp   log files for when children of init die
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: all runlevels
/etc/rc.d/rc runlevel: all runlevels
/sbin/update: all runlevels - writes dirty buffers back to disk
/sbin/mingetty: runlevel 2-5
   /etc/issue               - configuration file for the login prompt to display
/etc/X11/prefdm             - starts up the preferred X display manager to log the user in

   /sbin/initlog            - used to log the init process
   /etc/sysconfig/network   - defines the host machine for networking
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions - defines functions used to start processes during init
   /etc/sysconfig/console/default.kmap - defines the default keyboard key mapping
   /etc/sysconfig/keyboard  - defines the key mapping table to use
   /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps     - contains zipped up keyboard definitions
   /bin/loadkeys            - loads a keymap
   /sbin/swapon             - starts the virtual memory swap paging
   /bin/hostname            - sets the system host name
      /etc/HOSTNAME         - will contain the host name
   /bin/domainname          - sets the NIS domain name
   /fsckoptions             - sets options to use with fsck when system starts up
   /forcefsck               - if present forces fsck to run full
   /fastboot                - if present speeds up the boot process by skipping some stuff
   /sbin/fsck               - check file systems
   /sbin/sulogin            - if errors on file system
   /bin/mount               - mounts the proc file system
   /sbin/isapnp             - loads plug and play configuration
      /etc/isapnp.conf      - plug and play configuration
      /etc/isapnp.gone      - plug and play configuration
   /sbin/quotacheck         - Creates group and user quotas to limit disk space usage
   /etc/mtab                - cleared and regenerated
   /sbin/depmod             - generates kernel module dependencies listing
   /etc/conf.modules        - kernel module configuration
   /sbin/modprobe           - loads kernel modules and all dependent modules
   /etc/raidtab             - table of RAID devices
   /sbin/raidadd            - 
   /sbin/quotaon            - turn on quotas for file system
   /etc/sysconfig/clock     - system clock configuration file
   /sbin/hwclock            - set the real time clock
   /sbin/clock              - 
   /bin/date                - display the current date
   /etc/rc.d/rc.serial      - serial port configuration settings
   /etc/rc.d/rc.modules     - script to load kernel modules
   /etc/sysconfig/desktop   - contains the name of the preferred X display manager
   /etc/X11/prefdm          - symbolic link to preferred X display manager
   /bin/dmesg               - dump the kernel message ring buffer
      /var/log/dmesg        - the kernel message ring buffer dump

   /etc/sysconfig/init      - configuration for the pass/fail messages during init

   /sbin/runlevel           - gets the previous and current runlevel 
   /var/run/runlevel.dir    - file is created to keep track of the directory for the new run level
   /var/lock/subsys/XXX     - lock files for subsystems as they come up
   /etc/rc.d/rcXXX.d/K*     - process kill scripts for runlevel
   /etc/rc.d/rcXXX.d/S*     - process startup scripts for runlevel

/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/            - startup scripts for runlevel 5
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/apmd    - advanced power management daemon - monitors battery power
      /etc/sysconfig/apmd   - configuration file for power management
      /sbin/apmd            - power management daemon
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/network - networking 
      /etc/sysconfig/network - configuration file for networking
      /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia - configuration file for pcmcia
      /sbin/ifconfig        - networking interface controller daemon
      /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup   - script to bring up networking interface
      /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown - script to bring down networking interface
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap - RPC connection manager
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs   - mounts NFS, SMB and NCP mount points
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/random  - maintain random number seed between boots 
      /var/run/random-seed  - contains the random number generator seed
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog  - system and kernel logger
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/atd     - at daemon for running commands at a certain time
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond   - cron daemon for running commands at a certain time
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet    - start up TCP/IP services
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd     - printer daemon for spooling print jobs to printers
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs     - start NFS services
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/keytable - loads the keyboard mapping table
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail - starts the mail transport agent for sending email
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/gpm      - support mouse operations on text consoles
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/sound    - save and load sound mixer settings
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs      - X Windows font server
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb      - SAMBA file server for sharing on Windows machines
   /etc/rc.d/rc.local      - script for custom initialization commands after all other
                             init scripts execute

   /etc/issue              - fixed up
   /etc/          - created

Single User Mode runlevel:
/sbin/sulogin invoked if single user mode run level is specified in inittab


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