Notes written / lifted from documentation whilst trying to figure out this whole
Linux thing.  Stuff I know I'd need to refer to again but never be able to find
unless I had it somewhere.

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
/       the root directory
bin     Essential command binaries 
          for sysadmin and users but needed in single user mode
          should be no subdirectories.  binaries not essential enough
          should be placed in /usr/bin
boot    Static files of the boot loader
           contains everything required for the boot process except configuration files 
           and the map installer. Thus /boot stores data that is used before the kernel
           begins executing user-mode programs. This may include saved master boot sectors, 
           sector map files, and other data that is not directly edited by hand. Programs
           necessary to arrange for the boot loader to be able to boot a file should be 
           placed in /sbin. Configuration files for boot loaders should be placed in /etc.
dev     Device files
           location of special or device files. 
           If it is possible that devices in /dev will need to be manually created, /dev 
           shall contain a command named MAKEDEV, which can create devices as needed. It 
           may also contain a MAKEDEV.local for any local devices. 
           If required, MAKEDEV should have provisions for creating any device that may 
           be found on the system, not just those that a particular implementation installs
etc     Host-specific system configuration
           contains configuration files and directories that are specific to the current system. 
           No binaries should be located under /etc
home    User home directories
lib     Essential shared libraries and kernel modules
           The /lib directory contains those shared library images needed to boot the system 
           and run the commands in the root filesystem. 
           Shared libraries that are only necessary for binaries in /usr (such as any X Window 
           binaries) do not belong in /lib. Only the shared libraries required to run binaries in
           /bin and /sbin should be here. 
mnt     Mount point of temporary partitions
opt     Add-on application software packages
           reserved for the installation of add-on application software packages. 
           /etc/opt local configuration for the add-on packages
           /var/opt variable data files for the add-on packages
root    Home directory for the root user
sbin    Essential system binaries
           contains binaries essential for booting the system in addition to the 
           binaries in /bin.  
           Deciding what things go into "sbin" directories is simple: If a normal 
           (not a system administrator) user will ever run it directly, then it 
           should be placed in one of the "bin" directories. Ordinary users should 
           not have to place any of the sbin directories in their path
           We recommend that users have read and execute permission for everything 
           in /sbin except, perhaps, certain setuid and setgid programs. The division 
           between /bin and /sbin was not created for security reasons or to prevent 
           users from seeing the operating system, but to provide a good partition 
           between binaries that everyone uses and ones that are primarily used for 
           administration tasks. There is no inherent security advantage in making 
           /sbin off-limits for users
tmp     Temporary files
           The /tmp directory shall be made available for programs that require temporary files. 
           Although data stored in /tmp may be deleted in a site-specific manner, 
           it is recommended that files and directories located in /tmp be deleted 
           whenever the system is booted. 
usr     Secondary hierarchy
           /usr is the second major section of the filesystem. /usr is shareable, 
           read-only data. That means that /usr should be shareable between various 
           hosts running FHS-compliant and should not be written to. Any information 
           that is host-specific or varies with time is stored elsewhere. 
           No large software packages should use a direct subdirectory under the /usr 
var     Variable data

The /usr hierarchy:
X11R6   X Window System, version 11 release 6
X386    X Window System, version 11 release 5 on x86 platforms
bin     Most user commands
           Binaries that are not needed in single user mode
games   Games and educational binaries
include Header files included by C programs
           This is where all of the system's general-use include files for the C and 
           C++ programming languages should be placed
lib     Libraries
           includes object files, libraries, and internal binaries that are not intended 
           to be executed directly by users or shell scripts
local   Local hierarchy (empty after main installation)
           for use by the system administrator when installing software locally. It needs 
           to be safe from being overwritten when the system software is updated. It may 
           be used for programs and data that are shareable amongst a group of hosts, but 
           not found in /usr
           Locally installed software should be placed within /usr/local rather than /usr 
           unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in /usr. 
           Note that software placed in / or /usr may be overwritten by system upgrades 
           (though we recommend that distributions do not overwrite data in /etc under these
           circumstances). For this reason, local software should not be placed outside of 
           /usr/local without good reason
sbin    Non-vital system binaries
           This directory contains any non-essential binaries used exclusively by the system 
           administrator. System administration programs that are required for system repair,
           system recovery, mounting /usr, or other essential functions should be placed in 
           /sbin instead. 
           Typically, /usr/sbin contains networking daemons, any non-essential administration 
           tools, and binaries for non-critical server programs
           Locally installed system administration programs should be placed in /usr/local/sbin
share   Architecture-independent data
src     Source code

The /usr/share hierarchy: Architecture-independent data
dict      Word lists
doc       Miscellaneous documentation
games     Static data files for /usr/games
info      GNU Info system's primary directory
locale    Locale information
man       Online manuals
nls       Native language support
misc      Miscellaneous architecture-independent data
terminfo  Directories for terminfo database
tmac      troff macros not distributed with groff
zoneinfo  Timezone information and configuration

The /var hierarchy: Variable data
account  Process accounting logs (if supported)
cache    Application cache data
crash    System crash dumps (if supported)
games    Variable game data
lock     Lock files
log      Log files and directories
mail     User mailbox files
opt      Variable data for /opt
run      Files relevant to running processes
            This directory contains system information files describing the system since it 
            was booted. Files in this directory should be cleared (removed or truncated as 
            appropriate) at the beginning of the boot process.  Process ID files live here.
spool    Application spool data
            contains data which is awaiting some kind of later processing. Data in /var/spool 
            represents work to be done in the future (by a program, user, or administrator); 
            often data is deleted after it has been processed
state    Variable state information
            This hierarchy holds state information pertaining to an application or the system. 
            State information is data that programs modify while they run, and that pertains 
            to one specific host. Users should never need to modify files in /var/state to 
            configure a package's operation. 
            State information is generally used to preserve the condition of an application 
            (or a group of inter-related applications) between invocations and between different
            instances of the same application. State information should generally remain valid  
            after a reboot, should not be logging output, and should not be spooled data. 
tmp      Temporary files preserved between system reboots
            The /var/tmp directory is made available for programs that require temporary files 
            or directories that are preserved between system reboots. Therefore, data stored in
            /var/tmp is more persistent than data in /tmp. 
yp       Network Information Service (NIS) database files

The /var/spool hierarchy: Spool Directories
lpd       Printer spool directory
mqueue    Outgoing mail queue
news      News spool directory
rwho      Rwhod files
smail     Spool directories for smail
uucp      Spool directory for UUCP

The /var/state hierarchy: Variable state information
   Editor backup files and state
misc       Miscellaneous state data
xdm        X display manager variable data
  Packaging support files
  State data for packages and subsystems

The /usr/local hierarchy: Local Software and other
bin       Local binaries
games     Local game binaries
include   Local C header files
lib       Local libraries
sbin      Local system binaries
share     Local architecture-independent hierarchy
src       Local source code

Filename characters allowed:     ~!@$^&*()_+-=`{}[]|\:;"'<>?, a-z A-Z ...
Filename characters not allowed: # % . / .. // /// etc.

C Shell Special Symbols: | < > >> & |& >& #
>& |& Std Error and Out
cmd& run command in background

Variable characters allowed:     _ a-z A-Z

set var=string      # assigns a string to a variable

echo -n "Enter Value: "
set var=$<          # prompts user for a single word to store in a variable value

echo $var           # displays a variable's value
@var = expression   # assigns a numeric value to a variable

set var = (one two three)
set var = ("one", "two", "three")  # create an array variable
echo $var                          # displays one, two, three
echo $var[1]                       # displays one
echo $#var                         # displays 3 - number of entries in array
echo ${var}text                    # append some text to a variable with no separator space

set var = a/long/path/to/a/
echo $var:gt #               (gt=get tail)
echo $var:ge # name                    (ge=get extension)
echo $var:gr # a/long/path/to/a/file   (gr=get root filename)
echo $var:gh # a/long/path/to/a        (gh=get head)
echo ${var:gr}.ext # changes the file's extension

set var = `date` # sets variable to the result of a unix command - here we use the date command

set echo  # turns on echo of script before execution - debugging

parameters to a script
$#argv    # the number of parameters passed in
$argv     # the entire argument array
$argv[1]  # the first argument

; separates commands on a single line
() group commands together to operate before other commands 
   i.e. (ls ; pwd) > file

alias name command
   \!:1  the first argument to an alias
   \!:^  the first argument to an alias
   \!:$  the last argument to an alias
   \!:*  all the arguments to an alias 
   there are others see man help

foreach var ($vararray)

while (condition)

if (condition) then
else if (condition) then

switch (string)
   case pattern1:
   case pattern2:

   0: false
   1: true
   && and
   || or
   !  not
   <  less than
   <= less than or equal to
   >  greater than
   >= greater than or equal to
   == equals
   != not equal to
   -e filename  the file or directory named exists
   -f filename  filename is a file and exists
   -d filename  filename is a directory and not a file
   -r filename  user has read permission for filename
   -w filename  user has write permission for filename
   -x filename  user has execute permission for filename

BASH string manipulations: 
for i in *.tar.gz ; do
  cd ${i%.tar.gz}
    strip off .tar.gz from end of file name


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