Theirs three divisions, the Atlantic ocean,Indian ocean , and the pacific ocean. The temperature of the surface of the water 26° C (79° F) in tropical waters to -1.4° C (29.5° F),. At one point all the continents were together but for some reason they seperated this is called plate tectonics, plate tectonics has to do with some geological events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as mountain building and the formation of the oceans and continents. Oceanography has to do with all the things surrounding us like our ecosystem like when the water evaporates and then it rains,. Oceanography deals with all the aspects of sience like ecology,biology ....... When the ocean is polluted many of the oraganisims that live in the water may die even us humans, the way that water could be polluted is by
chemicals that are thrown by us humans that without noticing we'r polluting the water and killing the organisms that live in  their.