Mission Statement


The purpose of this web site is to vent our frustrations over what has been
2 painful basketball seasons and attribute the failure of these seasons to
the head coach, Bill Guthridge. While we do recognize his unwavering loyalty
and commitment to the Carolina program, we feel that a change in leadership
is necessary as to realize our glorious past. It is unfathomable to
knowledgeable basketball fans that UNC is the only team in America which
starts 5 McDonald's All-Americans yet was mired in mediocrity in a year they
were picked by many as a Final Four team. Clearly the talent is embedded on
this team as illustrated by the media, fans, coaches and pollsters who all
had Carolina pencilled in as Pre-Season Top 5 team. He did not just fail to
meet the expectations of the authors on this web site - he failed to meet
the expectations of almost everyone associated with college basketball.
Undoubtedly, defenders of Coach Guthridge will point to the injuries,
defections, and off the court distractions which have contributed to an
off-year. However, one can argue that every team faces adversity and it is
the coach's job to overcome such impediments.
Beyond our porous record and the fear of not making the tournament for the
first time in 26 years, the authors of this site are dismayed with the
apparent lack of intensity, heart, and fundamentals this team possesses -
arguably all of these traits should be instilled by the coach. What were the
team's problems after the Michigan State debacle - rebounding, turnovers,
guarding the perimeter, and getting after loose balls (emotion, intensity,
etc). What are the team's problems heading into the NCAA tournament - we
give up too many offensive rebounds, turn the ball over at a miraculous
rate, allow opposing shooters to get hot and have career games against us,
little defensive pressure, and a seeming lack of emotion. One could argue,
as we have concluded, that this team has not improved at all - in fact we
have lost 4 of 6 heading into the tournament - clearly we are not peaking as
we should be! Regardless of where the blame deserves to be placed, a team
with such talent deserves better and as fans of the greatest program and
school in America - we deserve better too. While Coach Guthridge (see
Torbush) was a great assistant, he has failed as the leader and before we
continue to become a second rate team, it is time we find a replacement.
Please note that the authors of this site are all Carolina graduates and
continue to support the team and the players, but are ardent supporters of a change in direction.

Coach Gut is furious after a blown call in the Dook game!!

This site is brought to you by concerned Carolina fans who are committed to preserving the heritage of  UNC basketball.  We feel this heritage is jeopardized with  Coach Guthridge as the head basketball coach.  View our Mission Statement for further details.  Please send us your input, we would love to post your comments. GutMustGo@yahoo.com