Bear, Proudly Standing, full of grace and stregth, you appear before us, your face alight with the wisdom of one who has journeyed far and witnessed much of man's inhumanity to man.

Your gentle eyes weep for the pain you have borne witness to, your soul afire with the knowledge that there is so much more to the Walk around the Sacred Hoop.

Your mind blazes with the desire to communicate to we, the two-legged, that all life is infinitely precious, and be held sacred and revered.

There comes a gentle stirring from Withink like autumn leaves blown by a restless wind, it harkens us back to a time when All walked as One.

When the force of Great Mystery moved across the face of the waters in the veil of silver moonlight, and rode freely upon the Seven Winds.

Wise Sister, who reminds us that Destiny's Beginning and End resides not Without . . . but Within.

I thank you for your Selfless Love, and pray we will all hear your call to Awaken to the glowing embers of the Soul's Memory.

poem by Wolf's Moon
Bear stories
The legend of the Bear Family

How Bear Lost His Tail

Mooin, the Bear's Child

Bear Legend (cherokee)

Puma and the Bear

Chipmunk and Bear

The White Faced Bear

The Hunting of the Great Bear

Turtle's Race With Bear

Bear's Lodge

Invention /inventtor
Awakening to the Voice Within
Inner knowing
Keeper of Lunar Magic
Communication with Spirit
Death and rebirth
Astral travel
Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
Defense and revenge ~ Warrior Spirit
Family and Mothering

Below ~
This is your spirit of the inner Earth, and will teach you the ways of keeping yourself grounded, and your moccasins on the path.

the strenth of this is ones connection to the teachings of mother earth
Awakening power of the unconscious
Constellation "Ursa Major"
Bear is an omnivorous creature; will eat plants, fruit and meat
Bears DO not actually hbernate, but they do survive off stroed fat. Their body temperature will drop and their breathing rate will be cut in half. Bear can teach you to look inward for survival
In Native American lore, bear chief of all animals when it comes to berbal knowledge. Bear is connected with healing and the underground earth energy of roots and herbs.

Bear is the keeper of the dreamtime, and stores the teachings of dreams until the dreamer wakes up to them. If you need a lot of sleep, it may be Bear working

Bear is not one to make snap decisions, and is not an addictive, or obsessive/compulsive person, nor one to ramrod or force into any position. Bear takes in all available information, takes it into his quiet place, studies that information carefully, gives it careful thougth for a while, and then reaches descisions based on the facts at hand. Bear is the one who says, "I have to think about this. I'll be in touch later.' Bear people often give the impression of being plodding and slow, but they are really being studious and cautious. You can rely on opinions coming from a Bear person as being well thought out and thorough, and based on the facts given.

Bear is a fierce warrior, especially when protecting their young. They appear to be lumbering and slow, but can have lightening speed when threatened. They love fish when they can get it, but they also eat berries, honey, etc. Bear people like home and shelter, and like to be warm cozy.

A highly desired ally and spirit helper because of its fearless power. It is believed that the power of Great spirit lives through this animal. Because of this a constellation was named for it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear. Some tribes prayed for medicine dreams that would show bear to be their guide. Others felt the bear was too powerful a medicine and would only hunt them if it meant not starving

In some traditions bear is the spirit keeper of the West. The place of maturity and good harvest.

Unlike other animals who are active during a specific time of day, the bear is active both day night. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. It enhances and teaches those with this totem how to develop both within themselves.

Bear can sometimes be too quick to anger and too sure of it own power. While they have little to frear they can forget caution, which is an important trait to have. If bear is your totem be careful that you don't throw your caution to the wind. Being unaware of your limits in certain settings can be disastrous

Bears create an illusion of being bigger than they are by standing on their hind legs .. an outward presentation of inner strength

Sleeping in winter months living off stored fat teaches how to go within and find the resources necessare for our personal survival

The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to you think, act and interact. Use discernment in all that you do and discriminate with care. Bear teaches you how to make choices from a position of power.

teaches us to gather our experiences, to go within (hibernate) and digest all we have gathered, to learn grow and be renewed by it. The bear knows its boundaries and defends them fiercely. Warriors called upon bear spirit for vigor, strength and power. Hebernation of bear is dream time. A bear may be asking you to enter the inner void, the silence within to the place where answers and intuition dwell inside you - to digest your experience - to seek answers in dream time. Bear may be asking you to find your rite of passage, the place of inner silence where knowing / answers dwell. Bear may be telling you to puit listening to the incessant chatter of advice - that it is time to redefine you boundaries - to reclaim your authority.

Black Bear: Black bear will take you into yourself. This crystal is the one of meditation. It holds the key to altered states of consciousness, and can act as the door to Gd within you (Diamond shapes face)

Brown Bear: This is the stone that brings to you intensified healing energies. Thes energies serve as the foundation for other totem energies (Smoky Quartz)