Black Panther

Shadows dripping in silver light cast from an illusive moon,
stir, then magically still,
leaving doubts adrift in the mind of the oberver . . .
wasa there movement of shadow within shadow,
or only the illusion of such,
like breath caught on a summer breeze?

Sister of Artemis, and Guardian of the Gateway
between the known and the Unknown,
you prowl the Night, bearing witness to the blackness
that exists before the dawning of morning Light
Blazing eyes pierce the veil of darkness of Forgotten Realms,
to bring Consciousness to the Unconscious.

To follow your sleek and silent form as it glides
as a spectral mist through the night,
is to face the deepest fears that prowl the jungles of the Human Mind.

When we learn to move as you move,
through those overgrown and tangled vines,
we come to understand that even in the darkest of journeys,
the Illuminating Rays of faith and acknowledgment
will provide us  with the Light to guide us safely
to the Other Side
Poem by Wolf's Moon
The term Black Panther is quite often used in connection iwth large balck cats - however there is no one distinct species of wild cat called a Black Panther. Over the years it has become used as a common name which can be applied to any large black coated cat. When you see a picture of a Black Panther it is most likely that you are looking at either a Leopard or possibly a Jaguar with Melanistic colaration.

The usual marking of the animal can generally be faintly seen through the dark fur, especially at certain angle in bright sunlight. The coloration occurs because of a mutation or abnormality of one of the cats genes which is associtated with coat coloration and markings. Not necessarily passed directly from one gerneration to the next. therefore its common to see mixed litters with one black among the normal of coloration

Black colration also occurs in other species of big cat ... caracal, Geoffrey's cat, margay, babcat, ocelot, jaguarundi, lion, tiger, and cougar.

Most common is the black leopard found in dense tropical rain forests of S.E. Asia. Where light is dim on the forest floor.