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QSL details
  • Click here to look me up on QRZ.COM
    My amateur radio contact confirmation (QSL) card

  • Click here to see the topography of my location
  • Service sheets for the FDK750eFDK750e Service and alignment
    Small Transmitting (Magentic) Loop AntennasMagnetic Loop and Crossed Field antennas
    PocketPC and mobile APRSAPRS,the TINY2 TNC, Kenwood THD7, TMD700, Null Modem and Weather data
    Pocket PC and mobile APRS
    Solar X-rays:

    Geomagnetic Field:
    The Radio Society of Great Britain

  • (Cycling and Amateur Radio links)
  • IRLP

    IRLP is a way of linking amateur radio repeaters over the internet. You bring the repeater up, enter a DTMF tone, and connect to another repeater and (leaving longish gaps) talk to the world on your hand portable
    A list of all IRLP nodes (with their DTMF numbers)
    IRLP status


    Carl's homepage (Look around where I live in North Wales, Check local and other weather and traffic webcams, also Blackpool, Shell Island, Mobile Computing, WAP and Electroconvulsive therapy?

    Talking of mobile computing...Cybikos and amateur radio?