The FK Font


The FK4 logo seen on the outer pages of this site can only be seen properly if you have the FK font (immajer-FK) installed on your computer.   It is available from:


The FK font was designed by JamieMR to copy the appearance of the lettering used in the logo and opening credits of Forever Knight.   It is a True-Text Font, which means that it contains within its file the information needed to tell your printer how to form the letters.

Having said this, it does need to be used sparingly.   Fine for a logo, and readable for titles, but it's pretty hard to read straight text written in it.   Not impossible, I'll grant you that.   But definitely inadvisable if you want anyone other than a True Fan to take the time to decipher it.

It's nice to have it available, though.   If you don't already have it, then click on the link above, download the zip file, open it, and copy the font onto your system in the appropriate location (depending on what kind of computer you have).

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Forever Knight and all characters and images from the original series are the property of Sony/Tristar. No copyright infringement is intended.

The horizontal line comes from

All original material on this webpage copyright © Greer Watson 2004.