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MP#, MP3, lyrics, youth, young, kid, teen, chat, pop, music, lopez, lopex, enriqe, exam, school, boyband, student, grownup, intro, first
The Bush Youth is a group of young teens who meet after school to examine and chat about commie bias in boybands, pop music lyrics, and other media aimed at kids.

Read this first!

Planning a new movement: why we're conservative and what we can do

Shocking! Look how close Clinton came to takeing away our guns!

The best sites on the internet:


Battle map of Armageddon

Beat the IRS by living in a cave

Oceana- the land with the right to discriminate

Margaret Thatcher defending Pinochet


Proof that ecologists are Pagans.God will clean up any mess we make.

A rebuttal of elitist scientists (Excellent rebuttal of "global warming" as well)

Free Trade

Corporatize the world

Seattle and the WTO How the protestors were a poor, foolish, drunken mob that helped the New World Order.


Belgium - liberal media Fraud


It's time to have blacks resettled in the east

United Nations

Photos of secret UN base

Poised to take over America!

Must be seen to be believed!

Ready to crush liberty, paid for with YOUR tax dollars! Take a look around, the place is HUGE!

Government and world events - End-time prophecy network

New World Order Intelligence update

The cutting edge

UN Watch


Petition to secceed from the marxist yankee government

How to be a true American


Stockwell Day, future Prime Minister of Canada

Hard hitting columns


Isrealis and abortion


Proof that the Chinese eat children


Virtual HELL! Liberals, prepare yourselves....

Arts and culture

Jesus Hates Smut

Bible-sanctioned clothing

Proof that property rights are more important than "free speech"

A safe place- Child Friendly web-surfing for your children

Christians fight against public advertisements for Sodomism!

Exposing the ORIGIONAL Pokemon- a Jap satanist plot!

Libertarian bumper stickers


Free Speach for Christians

Difference between good and evil music

Conservative music A citizen in HELL

Proof that rock music kills

Self-reliant music - no whining failures allowed!


Conservative movie reviews - covering both the good and the evil!

Star Wars: more liberal media

Why Southern Baptists oppose Disney


Will And Grace - Servants of Satan

Proof that Smufs are communist propaganda

White culture

Rush Limbaugh Fans united

WAKE UP OR DIE! Are you a race traitor...


unbiased news

Second amendment news network

Family values update

Rapture index How close are we to Armagedon today?

God-lover's newswire

Picture gallery of those who do not pray enough

The Hal Turner Show

The Winds - uncensored news

Stormfront newsIncludes the best of Newsmax, drudge and more

Live webcams of abortion clinics!

Capitol Hill Uncensored news

media criticism

God Hates America - report on the Media

Business and economy

Corporate poetry

American Corrections Association

Corporate think tanks

Rutherford institute proves liberals are cannibals

Frazier Institute - Canadians are not all socialists.

The Whiter Group

Starks Baker foundation

- conservative companies

Product placement bible

Biotechnology corporations for Jesus

Supporters of Biotechnology corporations for Jesus

The Colonet:Recommended by Rush Limbaugh!

More fine Rush Limbaugh products!

libertarian companies


A conservative libertarian PR firm- we know all the dirty tricks


investment advice

Tenant eviction service

Mexico! If full employment is strangling your employees productivity...

Remote labor systems - Replace your high-cost employees with low-cost third world laborers

Family Wealth Transfer- a guide to rugged individualism

Send your investments to low-cost Mexico!

Cheap laborers in Mexico!

Corporate activismA beginners guide

How to create an grassroots movement for your corporation


The Jesus Dance


Guns: the basis of all liberty

Law and Order: 1 Diallo 0

NRA Chior

Frontsight dot com

Christian Guide to Small Arms



Lynching postcards (Warning - liberal site)


Sister Rossetta

Betty Bowers

Straight: A pro-heterosexual resource

Americans for Purity


How to be a good wife

Concerned Women for America

Wife beating for christians

Wife beaters unite!

Message boards

Landover baptist boards


Hilarious Conservative jokes!

SPCA and the homeless! LOL!

Conservative cartoons (Warning: you may laugh yourself to death. You have been warned.

Family friendly jokes Or on the other hand:

Christians against humor


A prophet's bible study

The glorious history of Eugenics

Photographs of God

Man versus the state: a libertarian classic

Creation superlibrary

John Gills guide to the Entire Bible (Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged not included for some reason).

Search the Bible



Son Of Man

A Patriotic deliverence from Demons

Answers in Genesis

A fundamentalist Paradign shift

Aggressive Christianity

Jesus is Lord


Baptist Church of True Truth

Landover Baptist Church

Friends of baby Jesus

Church of Smith and Wesson

A pro-heterosexual Church

The Ten Commandments online

Branch davidians

The Seven Seals(Not the ugly animal that deserves to be clubbed)

Koresh is still God


Assassination politics -A libertarian political system

Billionaires for Bush A bipartisan site, but still good


Nasa faked the moon landing to justify theft (Taxes)!!!!

Clinton's mind control

Strategy and advice

RIGHTeous political strategy

How to start your own smear campaign

A good conservative strategy:Ram the images of the babies being slaughtered into the minds of every citizen in this nation.



AntiChristian libertarians

Students for an UNdemocratic society

A libertarian FAQ


Young Republicans for American Godliness

politicians Vote for a true Christian in 2004

Mutant watch

Home page of Christ

Herbert Spencer, libertarian

Brother Jed, Americas number one Campus Evangelist

Sister Nancy

Simon Trent

The enemy

On Clinton supporters - an essay

The lesbian mafia

Parishiners org- exposing Satanist hatecrimes against Scientologists

The orgions of abortion

The Pope is the AntiChrist

Perlious times

The rage of abolitionists

An insider report on Gay revolutionaries

Liberal Watch

Causes of homosexuality

Welcome to the Bush Youth homepage! Our motto is "compassionate conservatism without compromise". While we may be just another conservative, Bush-supporting website, the difference is that we say exactly what we mean. Other conservative sites are boring because they wimp out and try to look "centrist". When you post to a conservative message board, moderators delete all of the good parts. Well we have no political correctness here, no word-mincing, no self-censorship. We saw what we mean and we mean what we say! (More information)

Your comments are always more than welcome:
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New section! Liberal bias pop music! See below!

Need help with history class homework? Check out: This day in conservative history:

Jan 1-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan 4-Jan 5

Sept 4-Sept 5-Sept 6-Sept 7

Nov 29-Nov 30

Dec 2-Dec 3-Dec 4-Dec 5- Dec 6-Dec 7-Dec 8- Dec 9-Dec 10-Dec 11- Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14- Dec 15-Dec 16-Dec 17- Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 20- Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec 23- Dec 24-Dec 25-Dec 26- Dec 27-Dec 28-Dec 29- Dec 30

Bush Youth news!

President George gets rave reviews! "During your passionate and truly great speech before Congress, you told us of the need to protect America against terrorism. True. You also eloquently told us of the greatness and the courage exhibited by many Americans during the crisis faced on September 11. As a former elected official who has heard thousands of speeches, I must say that yours was perhaps one of the best speeches I have heard in my lifetime." - David Duke National President European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)

Pop music - the axis of evil. Includes dozens of links!

New link! Jews for Bush!

Lord of the Rings reviewed, provide economic stimulus by smoking, and more!

Jennifer Lopez, Rikki Martin, and Enrique are probably illegal aliens!

My daughter was a teenaged anarchist - the horror of "pop" music!

Clinton admits to having AIDS!

Libertarianism: the freedom philosophy

Shocking! Look how close Clinton came to takeing away our guns!

Dr Pepper: agent of Satan!

Freedom America poll: should gays be allowed in the military?

Bush Youth rebutts commie propaganda!

Read our email!

Discussion: should America tolerate Muslims?

Discussion: whining and self-pity in New York City

Gay parade shocks innocent bystanders!

Republican of the year jailed for punishing children! What ever happened to freedom?

Chelsea Clinton is a sl*t!

Proof that blacks enjoyed slavery

Chelsea Clinton dresses like a wh*re! If she gets raped, it will be all her fault.

How to fight a war Christian-style. The Geneva convention is communism!

Chelsea Clinton is very ugly!

Book-burning is all-American! Lots of republicans engage in book burnings. "None of us had any idea of the media frenzy that would develop. How could we? Other churches have done the exact same thing."

Did I mention Chelsea Clinton is ugly?

How to use newspeak

Chelsea Clinton got pregnant, what a sl*t!

Tough-on-crime concentration camp guard being persecuted

Oil Corporations help with international co-operation

Gun-grabbers discriminate against the insane

Proof: there is no economic downturn - the liberal media invented "homelessness" (my dad said so)! In the good old days, being homeless was a crime.

Fact: Playboy Magazine causes homosexuality! Masterbation kills!

(You can use this image to link to us. Please do. Thank you)

Freedom America's Site of Capitalist Institutes, Societies, and Think Tanks

100% free of bias! Balanced and fair! Viewpoints from across the spectrum - from republican to libertartian!

All quotes are anonamous to save quotees from the omnipotent state

Unlike some "conservative" news sites, we have no Reuters or Associated Press liberal brainwashing! It means the content is less quantity, but more quality. We have no censorship here, no political correctness! We say EXACTLY what we mean!

August 10th

News roundup More...

July 10th

News roundup More...

June 15th

News roundup More...

June 1st

News roundup More...

May 6th

News roundup More...

April 15th

News roundup More...

Feburary 31st

News roundup More...

New libertarian anti-statist initiative More...

Trent Lott a traitor and homo More...

Feburary 18th

News roundup More...

Proof that Democrats are pro-tyranny More...

Febuary 17

News roundup More...

National Review agrees: Chelsea Clinton is a bitch More...

Janurary 31st

News roundup More...

Janurary 30th

Black conservative agrees: blacks are beasts, ghettos are zoos


Janurary 20th

News roundup More...

December 27

SHOCKING! Proof that Mor(m)ons are followers of lucifer! More...

December 25

News roundup More...

In defence of Scrooge More...

December 5

Criminals guilty of the sin of GLUTTONY More...

Info-revolution exploited by affermative action extremists More...

November 30

The Free Republic On Family values and Patriotism

Freedom America article published by liberal LA times without our consent! More...

November 28th

Time magazine calls for privatization of elections More...

November 22

Republican possessed by devil, forced to rob bank More...

November 20th

November 16th

Clinton Diddles as democracy burns! More...

November 12th

Lesbian wins senate seat More...

November 5th

Bush set to fight electoral college loss More...

November 1st

ACLU worshipping satan as usual More...

Drudge report: Hot clinton photo on the way! Hot hot hot! Don't miss it! More...

October 29

Dangerous changes in Southern Baptist communities More...

Hollywood continues war on America More...

Drudge report: Bush enterprising and innovating to gain funds More...

October 17

Nelson Mandela supports Stalinist NWO! More..

October 13

Hallmark producing excecution cards More...

A guide to moving your investments to Mexico

If full employment is strangling your worker's productivity More...

October 10

Hispanics aren't THAT stupid More...

October 5

News roundup

Protestors sued for copywrite infringement More...

Study proves Smufs are communist propaganda More...

Liberal media achieves new lows More...


October 3

News roundup

Marylin Manson not so bad More...

Sept 21

Stategy corner: We need a depression More..

Sign the Petition to secceed from the marxist government

Sept 17

Report advocates free market polices for Olympic steroids


Rush Limbaugh's greatest moments: part one (MP3) More...

Or, as a RAM file More...

As Gore's lead grows, moderates turn to treason More...

Ranting teens don't understand that there ought to be limits to freedom. More...

Sept 16

Interview: Satanism not all bad More...

Battle map of armageddon produced More...

Liberal media bia watch

Warning: any articles in this section are here to expose the depravity of the liberal media. Do not believe anything you read here!

On Moral sanctions an ill-informed attack on libertarians

Goofy may be a libertarian From the red front organization "The Boston Herald"

Knee-Jerk Libertarianism: Of course, the libertarian party is trying to get elected, thus becomeing part of the omnipotent state. Collectivist scum.

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Second Amendment news thanks to Frontsight dot com and the Christian Guide to Small Arms

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