The Little Treasure Box


"Duo! Come down now. Dinner is served." Quatre called out. The other pilots had gathered at the dining table. The dinner was a feast of simple home cook food but it looked sumptuous. Quatre had put in a lot of effort learning from his cook.

"The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach." his cook had teased knowingly, causing his young master to blush as red as a peony. Quatre smiled as he remembered how Trowa had became his guinea pig, sampling the food when he first learned cooking. Poor Trowa, but he never complained.

"Anything will taste good as long as it is from you." Trowa had said.

He enjoyed cooking for Trowa and the lanky pilot had appreciated his effort.

After ten minutes still no sign of Duo. The rest were getting impatient.

"Why don't you go get that idiot down here, Yuy? Wufei said at last.

Heero shot him a glare and pushed his chair back, stalking up the stairs.

Heero didn't bother to knock on the door of their shared room. He pushed the door opened and walked in.

"What are you still doing in the room?" his icy tone startled Duo.

Glancing up, Duo faced an annoyed looking Heero. He quickly closed the lid of his treasure box.

"Hey man, you just scared the wit out of me." Duo grinned idiotically at the Japanese boy.

"You want to skip dinner or what?"

"Skip dinner? No way! I'm famished!" Duo placed the treasure box under his bed and jumped up to Heero, clapping his back.

"Don't touch me." Heero growled, slapping his hand away and walked out.

"Whoa, ok, ok. No need to be so edgy."

"Baka." Heero muttered under his breath.




Immediately after dinner, Duo hid himself hiding in his room the whole night.

"I wonder what Duo is up to." Quatre remarked as he poured some coffee for Trowa.

"Usually he will hog the television but tonight he didn't even bother when I told him his favorite show is on. Is he sick or something?"

Trowa just shrugged, turning towards Heero as if expecting him to know what was wrong with that crazy American boy.

Heero ignored the look and went back to his room. Stepping into the room, he found Duo staring into his treasure box, smiling away dreamily.

"Whatever is in that box, it must be very fascinating for him." Heero thought. He remembered how the boy was beaming happily one afternoon after a trip to the town.


"I got myself a good bargain." he boasted, holding the little treasure box possessively.

"What are you going to put in there?" the blond boy asked curiously.

"My treasure of course, silly."

(end of flashback)

The American boy noticed Heero's presence and quickly put away the box. As Heero resumed his typing on his computer, he felt Duo staring at him and that made him felt queasy. He felt something pulling him towards Duo. After a while, Duo was back to his normal self, chattering and annoying Heero the whole night until Heero had to put a stop to it.




 Duo walked into the kitchen, still bleary eyed from the sleep. He stifled a yawn.

"Morning, Quatre." he mumbled.

"Good morning, Duo. Want some pan cakes?"

"Nah...cereal will do."

Quatre noticed a bruise on his cheek and frowned. "He did that to you?

"Huh?" Duo blinked at him.

"Heero hit you again?"

"Oh, you mean this?" Duo's hand went up to touch the blue black patch on his cheek. "It's nothing. I guess I overstepped the boundary of his patience last night." Duo was grinning sheepishly at Quatre.

Quatre frowned.

"Do you really love Heero that much to endure all these abusive treatments he has been giving you?" Quatre asked with concern in his eyes.

Quatre's question threw Duo completely off-guard.

Noting Duo's surprise, Quatre said, "I know how you feel about him, Duo. I can tell by the looks you pin on him. But does this worth it?"

Duo blushed, embarrassed to find out that Quatre had actually noticed his secret admiration for the stony Wing pilot.

"Well, you know Heero. This is the only way he can express himself. He is not a lovey-dovey person." Duo replied cheerfully.

Beneath that nonchalant attitude, Quatre knew that Duo was actually feeling very hurt by Heero's cold and harsh response towards him. Duo always tried to cover up his unhappiness with his cheery smiles and silly grins. But Quatre realized that behind that jester mask was a boy with a fragile heart. A heart that could be easily broken if not handled with care.

Quatre sighed. "I hope you know what you are getting yourself into."

"Don't worry about me." Duo said, munching his cereal.

"I am going to the town to replenish our food supplies. Want to come along?"



Duo and Quatre walked through the crowded market place, jostling with the crowd. Quatre was looking at some meat and Duo, carrying a grocery bag of fruits, was looking around the noisy market place excitedly.

"I think that's about it. We have enough to last us for another two weeks. And isn't it your turn to cook tonight?" Quatre said, eyeing him with a knowing look.

Duo made a face at him. "Ano…I hate cooking. The rest will complain it's either too salty or plain tasteless. You are the best cook here."

Quatre laughed. "That is no excuse. You will have to do it."

Duo pouted. Suddenly, a mischievous look crossed his face, a wicked gleam his eyes.

"Tell you want. Let's have a match. Whoever reaches the safehouse last will have to do the cooking tonight. How about that?" Duo suggested.

Quatre thought for a moment.

"Unless you want to admit you can't beat me?" Duo challenged.

Quatre lifted his chin defiantly. "Of course not! You are on."

"All right!" Duo sped off immediately. Quatre smiled and went off the opposite way.

Unknown to both of them, someone was watching them from the top of the opposite building.

Smiling sinisterly as he observed the two boys through the binoculars, he gave his orders.

"Bring that one back to me."


Carrying the grocery bag in one arm, Duo raced down the busy market, pushing his way through the crowds.

"There is no way Quatre is going to beat me on this one. I know my ways around here." Duo grinned as he ran into a small quiet alley.

He thought he heard some footsteps close behind. Quickening his pace, he ran towards another lane. Suddenly, he was seized from behind. Before he could react, a piece of cloth was clamped to his mouth and nostril.

"Chloroform!" Duo realized before blackness swallowed him.


Quatre opened the door quietly and peeked into the house. No sign of the braided boy. Quatre straightened up and walked into the house, looking triumphed.

"Duo, this time I won."

By six in the evening, there is still no sign of Duo. Quatre was getting worried. He pacing around at the front porch of the house.

"What's wrong, Duo? Where are you?" Don't tell me you lost your way?"

Nearing midnight, Duo was still missing. Quatre was frantic, Trowa and Wufei were discussing the possible disappearance of Duo. Heero just kept quiet but occasionally he will turn his attention towards the main door, expecting that braided maniac to walk in any moment. Though he found the American boy extremely annoying, he couldn't help as worry and concern crept silently into his heart.

"Where are you, baka?"



Duo woke up to find himself lying on a bed in a prison cell.

"You are awake, my little sleeping beauty?"

Duo pushed himself up from the bed and looked around him, recognizing the OZ uniformed men.

"What do you want with me?" Duo snarled angrily at the commanding officer.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you. You are my bait. Now that I have captured you, your fellow teammates will come and rescue you in no time. Then, I shall have all of them in my clutches." the officer pronounced his plan to an infuriated Duo.

"Don't hope on that. They will never jeopardize the mission for me. You are just wasting your time." Duo snapped, looking for any opportunity to make his escape.

"Oh, really?" the officer laughed at Duo's retort. "If they don't come, I will get to keep you then." The officer grabbed Duo's chin and looked at him lustfully. "What a pretty boy you are."

Duo slapped his hand away. "Get your dirty hands off me!"

The officer shook his head in amusement. "What a temper. But you look even more tempting when you are angry. Let me try how good you are. Flip him over and hold him down."

From behind, two soldiers appeared and grabbed Duo. In a sudden maneuver, Duo found himself lying on his stomach; his body pinned down to the bed by the soldiers. Horror realizations flashed through his mind as he felt eager hands tore at his pants, stripping him waist down. Rough hands kneading his buttocks, spreading his legs apart. Something was jabbing at his anus, forcing its way into him.

"NO!" Duo screamed in his mind.

Duo clenched his teeth and shut his eyes tightly. The pain was excruciating. He could feel his skin tearing as the man behind him thrust in and out of him brutally. His hands gripped tightly at the sides of the bed. Tears were forming in his eyes but he held them back and refused to cry. His thoughts went to the Japanese pilot. Heero! Help me please, Heero!

When the man finally pulled out of him, a satisfied smile formed at his lips.

"Ah...didn't know you are so tight. Still a virgin, huh? Maybe I should loosen you up more often." the man laughed sarcastically.

Anger and humiliation blinded Duo. He broke free from the soldiers and lunged at the man, clawing at him like a savage animal. He managed to land a punch on his face before the two soldiers rushed forward to hold him back.

"Bastard!" the officer slapped Duo hard across the cheek. Duo tasted blood at the corner of his mouth. He continued to kick and buck as the two soldiers held him tightly by the arms.

"Shot him with the tranquilizer. That should hold him down." the officer barked at his men.

Duo struggled fiercely as the offensive needle sank into his arm. Soon, he began to feel weak and was slowly losing consciousness.

The OZ soldiers dumped his slumped body onto the bed.

"Keep him sedated with the drugs if he gets violent. I don't want him to have any opportunity to escape."



The pilots watched the broadcast on the television in a grim silence. OZ official had announced the arrest of a gundam pilot, assuring the public that they will do their best to track down the rest of these 'resistance fighters' to ensure the public's safety and to maintain world peace. To the pilots, that was an under laying message prompting a challenge at them.

"We got to get Duo out of there." Quatre implored. "They might kill him."

"They won't kill him yet. OZ is expecting us." Wufei remarked angrily. "Injustice! Using an underhand method to get us."

Heero stared at the television with looks that could burn the thing up. His fists were clenched tightly at his sides. He was enraged. He went back to his room and began tracking the location of Duo's imprisonment on his laptop.

"Whatever made them entrust this mission to that idiot." Heero fumed.

Pausing from the search, he looked over to the empty bed across the room and noticed a little box stashed away under the bed. Duo's treasure box. Crossing over to the bed, he removed the box from under the bed. Heero eyed it with curiosity in his mind. Opening the lid slowly, Heero looked into the box. He was stared at the contents speechlessly.

Lying side by side in the box was two photographs, one of Duo's and another of him.

"When did that baka took this picture?" Heero wondered, holding up the photograph. Flipping over, Heero was shocked beyond words. Written at the back of the photograph was a simply confession of love.

"Heero, I love you with all of my heart."

Holding the photograph with shaky hand, Heero looked down at the other photograph, at Duo's grinning face.

"Is that how you feel for me all this while? Is that why you keep trying to catch my attention? Oh God...Duo.... Why didn't you let me know earlier? Why?"



The thought of being held captive, raped and used as bait to lure his teammates to danger had pushed Duo to the verge of pure rage and madness. He attacked everyone that came into his cell, desperate to make his way out of there. He turned so violent that they had to sedate him with drugs to keep him down.

For the next few days, Duo was so heavily sedated that he was slipping in and out of consciousness most of the time. In his semi-conscious state however, Duo was aware that the officer came in frequently to rape him, abusing his body, tormenting his broken mind and soul.

Totally helpless over his predicament, Duo only wanted to die. He didn't want the others to find him. He couldn't possibly face them now, especially not Heero. He felt dirty, so dirty. He had marred the name of gundam pilots.

"Oh god, let me die. Please let me die." Duo begged before he succumbed into the deep slumber.



"This is the cell where they held Duo. I will get him out while the rest of you cover me." Heero said, studying the blueprints of OZ's northeastern base carefully.

Trowa frowned. "Are you sure this is a good plan, to go in there alone?"

Heero lit up the lighter and burnt the blueprints away before turning to Trowa with a firm look on his face.

"This is the best plan. Can't afford to have all of us captured. I will get him out." he insisted.

Heero was determined to get Duo out of there. Ever since he came across that photograph, the message at the back of it kept appearing in his mind. Duo loved him, he always has. Heero was the one who has been pushing him away. Realizing his folly now, Heero vowed to cherish Duo with all his heart.

He sneaked into the OZ compound and ran towards the building while the others stood guard, readied to fight off the enemies.

Heero sneaked passed the soldiers at the first floor and quickly made his way to Duo's cell. Using a silencer on his gun, he shot dead the soldiers guarding at the door.

Eyeing the wrought-iron door latch, Heero bend it barehanded and gave the door a push. Creeping into the cell, he found Duo lying unconscious on the bed.

"Duo! Duo, wake up!" Heero shook the boy but he was unmoving.

Heero's brows creased in concern. He quickly picked Duo up in his arms and made a dash out of the cell, eyes darting around, readied to gun down anyone, any obstacle that was getting in his way. He was about to make it to the compound when the patrolling soldiers discovered him with their prisoner.

"Intruder! Intruder!" Sirens and gunshots rang out, startling the silence of the night. Heero dodged the flying bullets, holding Duo tightly, closed to his body. Trowa, Quatre and Wufei came to the rescue, firing back at the approaching soldiers. Backing away, Wufei threw a hand grenade at the OZ soldiers and ran towards the waiting jeep. Trowa gunned the engine and zoomed his way out of the base as the grenade exploded, accompanied by cries of frantic.



Sally checked the examination reports with a disturbed look on her face.

"Is Duo going to be all right?" Quatre asked anxiously. "Why hasn't he wake up yet?"

Sally looked at the worried-stricken faces before her.

"I believe Duo has put up a fierce fight with his captors, judging from the wounds on his body. So they drugged him to keep him down. But he has been so heavily sedated that I'm not sure if he will wake up again. The drugs might have affected the functions of his brain." Sally explained in a grave voice. "And I hate to tell you this but there are signs of him being brutally raped."

The pilots digested the heart wrenching news in pure shock. Quatre started sobbing, turning to Trowa for support. Wufei clenched his fists angrily. And Heero…..Heero just stared at the unconscious boy in silence, an unseen anger raging up a storm in his heart.

A week had passed with Duo still in a comatose state. Heero remained in the hospital every night, hoping and hoping for the boy to wake up. The others had given up trying to persuade him to rest.

"Duo, you will wake up. I know you will. Remember, you are the god of death. You will not be defeated so easily."

A month later, a nurse came rushing into Sally's office where Sally and the pilots were discussing about Duo's condition.

"The….the patient, he….he has woken up." the nurse gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Everyone scrambled onto their feet and ran towards the ward.

"Duo?" Quatre called out gently as they gathered around the bed.

Duo was staring at the ceiling with a lifeless look in his empty eyes. There was not a flicker of reaction in them.

Everyone turned to Sally. "What's wrong with him?"

Sally bit her lips. "My worst fear has come true."

"Explain yourself, Sally. What is wrong with Duo? Why is he like this?" Wufei demanded.

"Remembered I mentioned that the drugs might have affected the functions of his brain? I'm afraid I am right. He has become insensate, no longer able to respond to anyone or anything." Sally broke the news reluctantly.

"You mean he is like a ...a vegetable." Quatre asked, his lips quivering in fear.

"Yes, mindless and fatuous. Like a living dead or a zombie."

The news stabbed through their hearts like sharp daggers.

To Heero, the truth was simply too harsh. He had not expected this. His mind was in total disarray. The icy walls around his stone cold heart had collapsed, allowing floods of emotions to rush out like a waterfall. Emotions that he had never felt before. Anguish, distress, agony. He ran out of the ward.

"Heero!" Quatre yelled and was about to run after him when Trowa pulled him back gently and shook his head.

"Let him go. He needs to be alone now to sort out his feelings. I never know he feels so strongly for Duo."

"He didn't realize that earlier and now it is too late." Quatre lamented regrettably.




After the rest were gone, Heero dragged himself into Duo's ward, holding the treasure box in his arm. Taking out the photographs, Heero showed them to the boy who was staring straight ahead with a blank, haunted look that made him feel uneasy.

"Duo, do you remember these?"


"See the message you wrote here?"


"You said you love me. Is that true?"


Heero was getting emotionally upset and desperate.

"Duo, please. Say something, anything," he lifted the boy from the bed and shook him. But Duo remained unresponsive. Heero embraced him tightly, his face hidden in Duo's hair, tears streaking down his cheeks.

"Please Duo, don't do this to me. Please." Heero cried out in an anguish voice. "I want you to smile at me again. I want to hear you crack those silly jokes of yours again. I want you to love me again."

Lifting his head, he looked at the face of the once cheerful boy whose life was ruined by the enemies. His face slowly turned grim with anger, there was a white line around his mouth and his eyes were as hard as agates.

"I will avenge for you. I swear I will." he whispered into Duo's ear.



"Trowa! Trowa!"

Trowa glanced up to see Quatre rushing over to him.

"Trowa, Sally just called. Duo is missing from the hospital."

"And Heero is gone too." Wufei walked into the kitchen.

Quatre stared at Wufei. "Heero?"

Trowa turned his attention to the news broadcast on the radio when suddenly a piece of news caught his ears.

"Listen to this." he turned on the radio louder.

"This morning at pre-dawn hours, OZ's northeastern base was blown up. The whole base was razed to the ground. OZ officials are still investigating. They suspected this as the works of resistance fighters. The number of casualties is not available at press time. But it is confirmed that among the dead are OZ's commanding officer of the base and…. " Trowa turned off the radio and looked at Quatre and Wufei in silence.

Quatre licked his lips nervously. "Do you think he…."


At a faraway secluded land, in a small cottage overlooking the open sea, a Japanese boy was seen brushing and braiding the long, silky hair of a quiet American boy. Sitting on the desk next to the little treasure box was a photo frame with the photograph of a grinning American boy on one side and a frowning Japanese boy on the other.

Heero lifted Duo from the bed and placed him in a wheelchair. He pushed him out of the cottage towards the edge of the cliff.

Dark clouds rolled across the horizon as sunset brought a silvery sheen to the sea. Soft breeze whispered past their cheeks, soothing and calming. Below the cliff, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks was harmonious. The scenery around was picturesque.

Heero sat down under a big oak tree and placed Duo onto his lap, wrapping his arms protectively around the silent boy.

"Duo, look. Isn't the sunset beautiful? You like sunsets, don't you?" Heero whispered to the boy.

Duo just stared blankly out at the horizon with no acknowledgement or response to whatever the Japanese boy said.

Heero looked at Duo, feeling a great wrenching pain in his heart. Once a talkative and cheerful boy, now he was quiet and unresponsive, totally mindless.

Heero embraced his beloved tightly.

"You will be safe here. You will never be hurt again. I will protect you for the rest of my life." Heero vowed.

They sat there until the sun disappeared from the horizon and the full moon cast a shimmering reflection in the sea with stars twinkling brightly in the sky.

Heero kissed Duo softly on the lips.

"Duo, let's go home now. Tomorrow morning, we will come and see the sunrise."


~~~The End~~~  

Copyright © 1999 Minky