New York Herald, August 21, 1916

The Holland Donated to the Museum
P. J. Gibbons

The submarine Holland, mother of all submarine craft, which was purchased by Dr. P.J. Gibbons amd his son, Austin Flint Gibbons, of No. 20 Madison avenue, just as it was about to be broken up for scrap iron, is expected to reach New York next Saturday or Sunday, and on its ar- rival the submarine will become the prop- erty of the Museum of Peaceful Arts, of which Dr, George F. Kunz, of No. 406 Fifth avenue, is the president. Dr. Kunz has accepted the submarine as a gift to the Museum from Dr. Gibbons, and it will eventually be housed in a new building to be erected by the museum at a cost of $500,000.

Dr. Gibbons said yesterday that he had instructed the Baldwin Locomotive Works, in Philadelphia, to take charge of the shipment of the Holland from that city to New York and that the trip probably will be made by water. The submarine weighs eighty-nine tons, is sixty-one feet long and has a diameter of eleven feet. Because of its size, Dr. Gibbons said, trouble might be experienced in shipping it by raillroad from Philadelphia. On the arrival of the Holland it will be temporarily housed in the Bronx, where it will be exhibited at the ter- centenary exhibition of the Bronx next summer.

"It is the intention of the Museum of Peaceful Arts to provide a permanent home for the Holland in the new building that is being erected", said Dr. Gibbons to a Herald reporter. "I have been in-< formed that Jacob H. Schiff is one of the four capitalists who gave $100,000 to defray the cost of the new building." The Holland was constructed in 1896 at a cost of more than $200,000, which sum was appropriated by the government for the purposes.