Omar Al-Sharif

Egyptian film actor with world-wide success.
His original name was Michel Shahoub, and he was educated at Victoria College in
Cairo. He was working in the lumber business when he was offered a lead role in
an Egyptian film in 1954. In this film Fatin Hamama played, whom he later married.
Sharif's rise to fame, came when he played in Lawrence of Arabia, and later got
the lead in Doctor Zhivago. Since then, his international star fell slightly, and
today he is little used in large productions.
1956: La Châtelaine du Liban, La (playing the role of Mokrir)
1959: Goha (playing the role of Goha)
1960: Bidaya wa Nihaya
1962: Lawrence of Arabia (playing the role of Sherif Ali)
1964: Behold a Pale Horse (playing the role of Francisco)
— The Fall of the Roman Empire (playing the role of Sohamus)
1965: Marco the Magnificent (playing the role of Emir Alaou)
— Moscow In Madrid
— Pasternak
— Doctor Zhivago (playing the role of Yuri Zhivago)
— Zhivago: Behind the Camera with David Lean (playing the role of Himself)
— Genghis Khan (playing the role of Genghis Khan)
— The Yellow Rolls-Royce (playing the role of Davich)
1966: Poppies Are Also Flowers (playing the role of Dr. Rad)
1967: C'era una volta (playing the role of Prince)
— The Night of the Generals (playing the role of Major Grau)
1968: Sophia: A Self-Portrait (playing the role of Guest)
— Mayerling (playing the role of Archduke Rudolph)
— Funny Girl (playing the role of Nick Arnstein)
1969: The Appointment (playing the role of Federico Fendi)
— Che! (playing the role of Che Guevara)
— Mackenna's Gold (playing the role of Colorado)
1970: The Festival Game
— The Last Valley (playing the role of Vogel)
1971: The Horsemen (playing the role of Uraz)
1972: Le Droit d'aimer (playing the role of Pierre)
— Le Casse (playing the role of Abel Zacharia)
1973: La Isla misteriosa y el capitán Nemo (playing the role of Captain Nemo)
1974: Juggernaut (playing the role of Captain Brunel)
— The Tamarind Seed (playing the role of Feodor Sverdlov)
1975: Ace Up My Sleeve (playing the role of Andre Ferren)
1976: The Pink Panther Strikes Again (playing the role of Egyptian Assassin)
1978: Mysteries of the Great Pyramid (playing the role of Host)
1979: Bloodline (playing the role of Ivo Palazzi)
— Ashanti (playing the role of Prince Hassan)
1980: Oh, Heavenly Dog! (playing the role of Bart)
— Pleasure Palace (playing the role of Louie Lefevre)
— The Baltimore Bullet (playing the role of The Deacon)
— S*H*E (playing the role of Baron Cesare Magnasco)
1981: Green Ice (playing the role of Meno Argenti)
1984: Top Secret! (playing the role of Cedric)
— The Far Pavilions (TV Series, playing the role of Koda Dad)
1986: Harem (playing the role of Sultan Hassan)
— Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (playing the role of Czar Nicholas II)
1987: Grand Larceny (playing the role of Rashid Saud)
— Martingale, La
— Paradise Calling (playing the role of Alex)
— Peter the Great (TV Series, playing the role of Prince Feodor Romodanovsky)
1988: Les Possédés (playing the role of Stepan)
1989: Il Principe del deserto, Il (TV Series)
1990: The Rainbow Thief (playing the role of Dima)
— Journey of Love (playing the role of Rico)
— Mountains of the Moon
1991: Mayrig (TV Series, playing the role of Hagop)
— al-Aragoz (playing the role of Mohamed Gad El Kareem)
— War in the Land of Egypt
—Sidney Sheldon's Memories of Midnight (TV Series, playing the role of Costa
1992: Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (playing the role of Marquis Hippolite)
— Tengoku no Taizai (playing the role of Tsai Mang Hua)
— 588 rue paradis (playing the role of Hagop)
1992: Beyond Justice (playing the role of the Emir)
1993: Dehk, wa leab wa gad wa hubb
1994: Lie Down with Lions (playing the role of Safar Khan)
1995: Catherine the Great (playing the role of Razumovsky)
1996: Lebanon... Imprisoned Splendour (playing himself)
— Umm Kulthum (narrator)
— Gulliver's Travels (playing the role of The Sorcerer)
1997: Heaven Before I Die (playing the role of Khalil Gibran)
1998: Mysteries of Egypt (playing the role of the Grandfather)
1999: The 13th Warrior (playing the role of Melchisidek)
2000: Shaka Zulu: The Citadel (TV Series)
2001: Return of the Thief of Baghdad



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