Welcome to
Haar's Cyber Sciplace

A diversified site for science and democracy!

Hello there! Please come right in!
Our door to this place is wide open,
visitors are always welcome here.

In questions of science the authority of a thousand
is not worth the humble reasoning of an individual.

--- Galileo ---


Mars Room

Bernoulli Room

Richard Feynman Room

Democracy to China

General and Newsworthy

Personal Opinions

From Sprott's Fractal Gallery.

Sites Of general interest:

Black Hole and Beyond El Nino Hurricanes
An Online Exploration of the Heart


Issac Newton's Principia
The Galileo Project
Great Physicists
Great Mathematicians
View of the Solar System
Great Thinkers and Visionaries


Mathematics Quotation Collection

Comments are sincerely welcome!

Last updated July 10, 2006.
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