Haay Town Police Department
You walk into a large air-conditioned building. In front of you lays a big long counter, and sitting behind it is a friendly looking Police Officer. The sound of hooves trotting outside, the sound of phones ringing, printers printing and people talking, is the sound of what a true Mounted Police Station should sound like. The Officer at the counter smiles at you, you smile back.
As you look at her badge you read Officer S. Star.
"Can I help you, Ma'am?"
You reply saying theres a problem in Haay Eaters
"Ahh yes, please go down the left corridoor and knock on room 12's door"

You do as they say and soon appear in front of a door with a glass window saying Sargent C. Lover, you then knock on the door.
A voice inside says "come in" You enter the room.

The Sargent looks at you "Can I help you?"
You nod and say yet again 'there is something wrong in Haay Eaters' she nods and hands you a form to fill out. "When your finished just place it at the counter where you came in" You nod then take the form..............
Site created by Haay Eaters
Once you finished the form you walk back to the sweet Officer at the counter. You then hand her the form:

You carelessly stroll out of the building and on the way you see a bulletin board hanging on the wall.

Bulletin Board