Reginald Hill Bibliography

Novels and story collections
  1. A Clubbable Woman (1970)
  2. Fell of Dark (1971)
  3. An Advancement of Learning (1971)
  4. A Fairly Dangerous Thing (1972)
  5. Ruling Passion (1973)
  6. A Very Good Hater (1974)
  7. An April Shroud (1975)
  8. Another Death in Venice (1976)
  9. A Pinch of Snuff (1978)
  10. Pascoe's Ghost (1979; 7 stories)
  11. The Spy's Wife (1980)
  12. A Killing Kindness (1980)
  13. Who Guards a Prince? (1982; in America, Who Guards the Prince?)
  14. Traitor's Blood (1983)
  15. Deadheads (1983)
  16. Exit Lines (1984)
  17. Child's Play (1987)
  18. There Are No Ghosts in the Soviet Union (1987; 6 stories)
  19. Under World (1988)
  20. Bones and Silence (1990)
  21. One Small Step (1990)
  22. Recalled to Life (1992)
  23. Brother's Keeper (1992; 4 stories)
  24. Blood Sympathy (1993)
  25. Asking for the Moon (1994; 2 stories)
  26. Pictures of Perfection (1994)
  27. Born Guilty (1995)
  28. The Wood Beyond (1996)
  29. Killing the Lawyers (1997)
  30. The Four Clubs (1997)
  31. On Beulah Height (1998)
  32. Singing the Sadness (1999)
  33. Arms and the Women (2000)
  34. Dialogues of the Dead (2001)
  35. Death's Jest-book (2002)
  36. Good Morning, Midnight (2004)

Novels by Patrick Ruell
  1. The Castle of the Demon (1971)
  2. Red Christmas (1972)
  3. Death Takes the Low Road (1974)
  4. Urn Burial (1975)
  5. The Long Kill (1986)
  6. Death of a Dormouse (1987)
  7. Dream of Darkness (1989)
  8. The Only Game (1991)

Uncollected stories
  1. The Thaw (1973)
  2. Urban Legend (1989)
  3. A Shameful Eating (1990)
  4. Proxime Accessit (1990)
  5. The Running of the Deer (1991)
  6. Realpolitik (1992)
  7. The Man Who Defenestrated His Sister (1992)
  8. Stonestar (1992)
  9. Strangers on a Bus (1992)
  10. Market Forces (1992)
  11. True Thomas (1993)

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