Dorothy L. Sayers: Bibliography

  1. Whose Body? (1923)
  2. Clouds of Witness (1926)
  3. Unnatural Death (1927)
  4. The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (1928)
  5. Lord Peter Views the Body (1928)
  6. The Documents in the Case (1930)
  7. Strong Poison (1930)
  8. The Five Red Herrings (1931)
  9. Have His Carcase (1932)
  10. Murder Must Advertise (1933)
  11. Hangman's Holiday (1933)
  12. The Nine Tailors (1934)
  13. Gaudy Night (1935)
  14. Busman's Honeymoon (1936)
  15. In the Teeth of the Evidence (1939)

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