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Laissé mangez mon ami
Cajun Cooking as learned Through the years by hook or crook
These are recipes I learned from my mom Vella and brother Emment "Sue" cooking, and experincing on my own.   Unfortunately Cajun cooking don't use or need measuring cups or spoons  just a little bit of dis and a little bit of dat., Although I usually do use some at times.
Dat be good yeaa!!
May yeaa mo cher dat be my first recipe Oyster and Mushroom soup
Some stuff you need for soup
                 1 small can of tomatoe sauce
                 1 medium-sized onion
                 salt and pepper to taste
                 One quart of fresh Oysters
                 3 cups of hold mushroom
                 Small amount garlic
                 Half a cup of elbow noodles
                 half cup of olive oil
                 1 cup of white cooking wine
                 1 cup of salt pork "desalted" like
                 preboil same for 15 minutes
First add olive oil to medium size cooking pot, add onions and sauté to a golden brown then add the tomato and saute till all most burn to a very greeted look.  At this point add 1 cup of water salt meat and mushroom cook for 15 minutes.  Add Oysters cook for 15 minutes add wine and rest of the stuff don't forget the noodles, Let cook till noodles or done.  Will serve 4 normal people are one hungry Cajun, What ever, Red wine goes good with this now you hear dat ahh !!.  Harris J. Danos
Harris rum flambay speckle Trout
Stuff needed for cooking this deserving fist
1 cup of butter, or make believe that it be
                 butter ??
         4 slice of filleted speckle trout
         ½ cup of finely chopped onion
         3 Table spoon of mince garlic
         3 Table spoon of grated lemon peeling
         and two table spoon of lemon juice
         1 Cup of rum "high octane"
         Salt and pepper to taste
Now the fun begins add butter to a large skillet, then  add onions, Lemon, Garlic let cook on low heat for 10 minutes, Now add Fish filet let cook for 10 minutes, Now add the cup of rum let the alcohol burn it self out make sure that it does catch on fire "PS Don't burn the house down now", Salt and pepper to taste.  Very important do not use spoon to stir after the fish is added but keep working the skillet to wear out the alcohol the rum will leave a very good flavor to the fish.  Serve over rice or toast bread or  pasta, What ever you drink with your meal is OK by me.
Harris J. Danos
When you boil Crawfish you all ways have a little bit left over on account you and your brother in-law had a fight and you throw him out of the house and now you got his share.
What ever you have left over you peel and clean the fat off of them then you put in the icebox for Tomorrow, Tomorrow you cook for lunch mo-cher
Stuff that you will need for the etouffee, Plenty yeaa!!

      1 large onion, dice in ¼" sq.
      ½ cup green bell pepper, dice ¼" sq.
      1/2 cup red bell pepper, dice ¼" sq.
      ½ cup celery dice ¼" sq.
      4 gloves of garlic slice thin
      ¼ cup green onion ¼" long
      1/2 cup parsley chopped up fine
      Four table spoon olive oil
      1 cup red wine
      4 tbl spoon Kikkoman
      2 tbl spoon Worcestershire sauce
      1 tbl spoon white flour
      2 small cans of slice mushroom
      1 small can of dice tomatoes
      6 small slices of lemon peels
Will need medium size skillet, Place olive oil and sauté onions till clear color not brown, Then put flour in let cook for 5 minutes, Then place of ingredients let cook for ten minutes, Then add Crawfish and let cook for 5 more minutes, making sure to cook down the sauce, season to taste, Tabasco pepper is my favorite, Salt to taste but beware of Kikkoman it be salty too yea.

Serve with brown rice or bread if bread be the case then use wheat bread, and a red glass of wine. Oh  we mo-cher ami sa say bon we.
Complements of
Harris Danos
                                Dat not be my recipe
But I like so I keep Pork, Chicken, and Sausage in Red Sauce.
                                                   Stuff Needed 
                                                 2 boneless pork chops, cut into cubes
                                                 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into one-inch pieces
                                                 2 hot Italian sausages, cut into one-inch pieces
                                                 ½ pound white mushrooms, sliced
                                                 ½ red pepper, chopped
                                                 1 can whole Italian tomatoes, put through a sieve
                                                 1 large clove garlic, halved
                                                 ½ medium-sized onion
                                                 2 tablespoons olive oil
When you don't have all day to cook the Sunday sauce above.  Put your sauce pot on medium heat.  Warm the olive oil, then add the garlic and onion. Before they turn brown, remove the garlic and onion from the pot and discard. Add the pork, chicken, and sausage, and brown on medium-high heat.  Add the mushrooms and red pepper and stir.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Add the tomatoes and stir. Simmer on low heat until meat is cooked through.  Serve over white rice or pasta, topped with fresh grated Parmesan.
I don't remember where I got this recipe but its a good one all most Cajun ahh!!
                      OK Red Beans and rice the good old Cajun way

            Now you can start with dry beans or can beans thery my best and a lot easier and much faster.
            Ok now the Stuff that is needed for this job at hand, Very cheap meal but also a very good one.
                          1*   1 large onion dice in 3/4" cuts
                          2*   1 Clove of garlic slice into 1/4" cuts
                          3*   4 Table spoon of Olive oil
                          4*   1 link of smoke sausage
                          5*   Salt and pepper to taste
                          6*   Two Cans 15.5 oz. of red kidney beans
First boil smoke sausage for decreasing purpose, Add Olive oil to cooking pan, then the onions and sauté till clear "Not Brown" .After onions are done add the Sausage let sauté for five minutes, Then add the two cans of beans, Add water to the consistent of your taste personally I like them a little on the soupe side, Add Garlic when the fire is turned off  add salt and pepper to taste.
Serve over rice, will serve two Cajun no more, I guess a diet coke will do just fine with this meal.
The fun thing with this meal is that it will only take a few minutes to cook and is a great meal, All the Cajuns on the Bayou's know how wipe up this meal and it is pretty famous in New Orleans now then guys cook theres a little diffrence then we do on the Bayou..
Harris J. Danos