...my story...

In the beginning....
I've always felt disconnected from the 'human' race. It in my mind was always so limiting, and why couldn't there be something better? Confusing as thouse thoughts may be, I've always had them. Humanity never seemed to be a worthwhile path, it was always to honest, to boring. Thats probably why I turned my back on humanity as a whole, around age 16. These thoughts drove me to seek out.. alternative sources of living. Growing up on the streets was a difficult life, but I didn't want to be around.. human beings. I left home and tried to make the best of things. But, it was difficult, for a few years. Until I became more respected in the shadows that I walked in. I learned the neighborhood, the streets, I learned how to survive. Two skills never failed me. My obvious talent for driving, and getting into anyplace I desired. That was my life for awhile, I stole to survive. But that was all.. petty crime. When I turned 18 and I had a two years under my belt of being on my own things changed again.

Those intense feelings of hatrid towards humanity.. led me to a interesting job. Not exactly a legal one, but I had to survive. So... I ended up in a drug manufacturing plant. Yep, I was one of those people.. that stood there waiting for the rows upon rows of cooking heroin to purify before it's packaged, and sent out on the streets. I had no problem with this job. *chuckles* I was aiding.. in a way, to the destruction of humanity. You see, the drugs.. we processed.. had a interesting little twist. After so much consumption, it had a fatal reaction. Good riddence to the worthless humans. This was the job for me. As luck would have it, or a lack.. acutally, the authorities.. in New Orleans became aware.. of this operation. One, that I was.. just a simple worker in. There was a raid, perhaps some informant had gotten involved.. into the drug manifacturing, perhaps he.. sang his little song.. when the time was right..? *shrugs* I'll never know if that was how it went down. Being elsewhere when it happened, in a seperate room. I heard the gunfire.. and locked myself in. A stray bullet, from a high powered assult rifle.. penertated the door. I was stupid enough to be standing infront of it. A near... fatal mistake. But.. out of the shadows.. a man appeared. I was bleeding, near death. He found me in a pool of my own blood. He quite literally appeared, filtering in through the shadows themselves, and says, of all things "Don't you wonder, boy... what really is on the other side...?" Then I responded, "..Yes." Placing a few drops of his blood into my mouth... is all it took. I don't know how to describe the process, but.. I became a ghoul, Loth's ghoul.

The small taste of kindred life I was shown only fueled my desire to have more. I guess I can be a tad bit greedy at times, but its in my nature. I always strived to have.. more, to be on top of things. I wasn't.. exactly ready for the changes after my embrace. Almost instantly I became a target, from several people, for their own reasons. Sometimes I feel like I have a permanent target painted on my back. Even.. as I brought some of it on myself, its still a uneasy feeling. But what the hell do they know? I'm only doing what comes natural, now, what I enjoy doing. To bad for.. them, if I sacrificed a few souls along the way. Its all part of the game, as I see it. I survive, others perish, I gain things. Through and.. assoiciate I've obtained.. a bit of protection, a place where I can hang my hat... and worry not. Its a cosy little place, that is.. if you can stand the heat, and my twisted ideas of decor. But I like it, its home, well.. one of them. I actally, have a few places.. that I can live in, depending on my mood, and needs. Sometimes.. its just safer.. to move around. I hate staying in one spot for that long anyways. By a bargon.. of sorts, I stand to gain a few new.. and very useful skills. Of course, there is an exchange... but thats part of the deal. Soon, I think difficult times are gonna knock on my door. But, I'm sure.. somehow, and with the help of friends.. that I'll survive.

As time went on...
Noticed how I left out the names of others.. while telling you my story..? I may be young, and experienced in some ways. I'm not stupid, and I just might surprise you. Remember that. Read on, I have much more to say...

Ahhh, finally, I had my 'leash' removed, as Scarlette so affectionately called it. No more blood-bond, no more ordering this one around. Free will is a wonderful thing, don't you think? I can do as I please, in the presence of a former lover now. All I have to do... is not drink of her blood anymore. Which isn't a problem, because frankly, I don't care if she continues in her undead life... or reaches final death. I guess in her eyes that might make me dangerous, or a threat, but... I'm not out to murder her. Unless, of course.. it could be worked to my advantage. It could, obviously... but for now I don't see the need. We were going to do something.. so utterly rare.. for kindred, it was all so silly in my mind after the bond was broken. Thanks to my teacher, in part, and my desire to have a will of my own. I don't like being controled, and I never shall again.

Oy, all that other stuff that happened at Umbracy is such ancient history. I'm beyond all of that now. Willow and I have went our seperat ways, thanks to Geth.. who broke my blood bond to her. I can say without a doubt, I freaking hate.. Willow. Why? Because she used me. Thats enough to get me upset, I'm not a tool, I'm not a damn toy. What I am now, is free. Its insane to think back on things, she even asked me to marry her. How crazy is that? Vampires, getting married? Walking corpses.. getting hitched? *chuckles* Sure, maybe if you are one of those.. retarded vampires that wants to live out a kine life, and hide from your kind. But thats not for me, I have much more interesting plans.. rather than marrage. Vampires don't fall in love, they don't get married, and they don't lay around screwing each other all day! If you think thats the case, you have no idea what you are talking about. Now.. I think I'll let you know whats been happening as of late.

Lets see, going back to Nyre... before I left that planet. I had quite a comfortable lifestyle. I lived in a place that most vampires could not get to, inside a volcano. I had mastered one certain aspect of my blood.. to allow my undead body to live in such an envoironment. I trained my ghouls, tought them things, and had.. them aquire goods that I needed. Everything went fine, until I decided to leave, mostly to get away from the one person that held any kind of power over me. Willow, to get away from the effects of the blood bond. Not to spite her, but I wanted to be on my own..and have the freedom to do what I wanted. I packed up my things, and left Nyre... going to a planet where I had not been before. As luck would have it, or maybe its the real reason I left. Asmodeus Yfel ended up at the same planet. I'm not sure of its name, but I'll find it out soon enough.

While there on that planet, I made a makeshift haven... that I kept for a few nights.. until I found another volcano. Which is now where I reside. Before, it was in the middle of a sea, now, its in a sea of sand. I like this better, water is dangerous... and if I became trapped in it.. I would go into torpor, perhaps never getting out of it and dying... for good. Things are going better than ever, my work with Asmodeus.. has now expanded. I'm a captain of sorts, a captain of creatures, that could be called leigons. I asked... and their numbers are unlimited. But, I can only bring in so many at a time.. into this world. If they were destoryed.. they would heal, in a way... to be at my command at a later date. A few others have joined our... movement, they shall remain nameless... as to not let their names slip out. Names are power, and spoken to the wrong people, or heard by the wrong ears.. can be a problem.

Everything for me, finally.. seems to be falling into place. I am nolonger a human outcast, living on the streets. I'm not a ghoul running errands for my sire. I'm not a vampire.. opressed by a blood bond. I'm my own.. man, I can do as I please, it is quite a change. But a welcome one. I do.. many things for Asmodeus, but in my free time I have found it fit to torture another of my kind, a vampire. Who's clan.. I'm not sure of. That matters little, the sport, the thrill of it all, the accomplishment.. in making her feel afraid is all that matters. Recently I broke dear Arianna's knee, I don't think she was ready for how fast I moved, or that I was carrying a katana as well. *smirks* Oh well, I don't have any plans to kill her, unless the fun runs out of the game. It is a game to me, yes... like cat and mouse. But, shes not a playtoy anymore, she didn't want to be treated as such... so... now she is an enemy. To be treated as such, might be her worse nightmare. To bad for her.

I placed a little curse.. around the Inn. Buried bags of bloody bones, cursed by spirits. It is supposed to raise the anger level, and make other kinds of horrible occurances happen. As of yet, I can't see anything thats happening. But I have all the time in the world, I shall wait to see how my experiment turns out. For now, I'll do as I will, help Asmodeus further his plans, continue with my studies, torture Arianna.... and soon, perhaps in a week or less, I plan to embrace one of my ghouls. Doing so.. on this planet, not earth. Those of Caine... will not have any say over her. They won't be able to say I needed permission to create another of my kind, another... Baali. It is mine to say, and mine alone. But, unlike my sire.. Lothlorien, I shall teach my ghoul what she needs to know, and stick around. I owe everything that I am today, to Lothlorien.. but his methods were different. He wasn't around as much as I needed. My childe.. shall be protected..and well tought, to carry on our clans name.

Sometimes, in those rare moments.. things of interest actually happen in the Inn. I was there, like any other day, and then I spotted a woman, but.. more than just a typical human female... no, she was a demoness. From what I remember, this.. being walked over to my table and sat down, or it might have been the other way around. Most of what I remember happens to be her warm skin, and the blood she let me drink. It was cut off quite quickly, at the enterance of some man. I suppose it was a husband, or a lover of hers or something. He seemed a bit upset that Mezhra was playing with me. *chuckles* Oh well, I'm sure I'll see her again...

Hmmm, a most interesting developement indeed. I have been called to europe, the exact location shall not be disclosed. I was to go there, to meet another of my clan... and I have. A woman, in fact, but.. with kindred that matters little. Man or woman, whats more important and noticable is the beast within rather than the gender. After a brief meeting I have been asked to meet, perhaps.. my uncle.. in a way? *shrugs* I also learned of my Sires death, Lothlorien became a demon.. and struggled to take control of another losing his existance in that desire of his. I really don't feel any loss, or regret from his passing. He tought me what I needed to know, and basically watched from the shadows as I learned how to survive. It looks like his chateau now, is mine... as is the drug manifacturing business. I'm well versed in such things, so.. its not a problem. I only have one worry in his passing, if others who knew of the position he held in the americas.. might seek me out, as the weakest ( as far as they know ) member of this line, for my destruction. I'm just glad I do not have to take the position of prince. I am not by any means experienced enough for such a position. Nor would I want to be on the top, when you can only be taken down.

Mother dearest.. Perhaps it was fate, perhaps just... a future that was bound to play itself out for me. I had a limited contact at first.. with Azara, when I wanted power, or gathering information for her. But now.. all of that has changed, seeing as the turncoat I am... a trator, yep.. I switched sides. Nolonger am I doing things for Agony, oh no. Now after I was recreated in mothers image I'm at her side, doing what she wills me to. I even got a new body out of the arrangement, so former sins and enemys will have a lesser chance of following me around. A fiend I am, meeting my siblings, life is good....

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