The New Pollution
Upon surfing the web i discovered page upon page of totally useless crap...and  thought to myself why not join the bandwagon?  I will try and regularly update the links, though some of the will stay on permanently.

Although there are other sites out there that will be much better at wasting space i shall endevour to do my best to fill the internet with even more sewerage.

Thank you for letting me waste your time and your bandwidth. If you know of any links etc dont hesitate to send them to me and i will try and get them on here as soon as possible.

No not really just thought id try and remember my i guess its time for some new links
Mystery Links
Adolecants Against Pokemon!!!
A Must Read
Send Your Abuse To....
An Unequalled Display of Foolishness
Simon Gibbs
Drink Yourself Stupid
If you think your lifes bad check out this guy!!
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some shit