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THE GREAT SOCIAL SECURITY ROBBERYThanks to amazingly successful propaganda about the state of the Social Security trust fund, members of the media, politicians and millions of Americans have become convinced that the fund is soon to go broke. instant free people search Evanescence-missing-mp3. As we have tried to point out from time to time, according to the actuarial figures, this just isn't so -- unless we have depression level economic growth in coming decades. So you don't believe us? Okay, but will you take a former trustee of the fund and ex-labor secretary? In the recent issue of American Prospect Robert Reich states flatly, "Social Security is not endangered. " Says Reich the actuarial prediction is "based on the wildly pessimistic assumption that the economy will grow only 1. instant free people search File menu missing in internet explorer. 8 % annually over the next three decades. Crank the economy up just a bit, to a more realistic 2. 4% a year (what the actuary gloomily termed the "high option: projection) and the fund is flush for the next 75 years. instant free people search California missing persons. " Incidentally, 2. 4% growth is exactly what the White House budget predicts for the next five years. Here are some other healthy, handy things to do to take your mind off the Great Social Security Scam:Switch from a wage based tax to an income based tax. And make it progressive while you're at it. That way Tim Russert and Cokie Roberts and Pete Peterson will be contributing more to social security and talking less about it. Social Security was a radical idea in New Deal days and a regressive wage tax was one way to make it more palatable to the high rollers of the time. Hire the head of a health insurance company to run the Social Security program. The New York Times reports that health insurance companies are planning to increase premiums up to five times the rate of inflation. Maybe they could show the Social Security how to find a little more money as well. Put the defense budget in a trust fund and let the Pentagon go bust, too. No one but a bunch of politicians said you had to fund Social Security out of a trust fund. And you can tell them that they're wrong. Worry about things that we really can't replace -- like oil -- or that we can't abuse indefinitely -- like the environment. Bear in mind that, according to the GAO, even if you threw 70% of trust fund assets into the stock market, you'd only buy yourself another eleven years or so. In the end, whether there is enough money for Americans in their old age is a matter of political choice, not economic destiny. If we demand that the money be there (rather than spent on missiles or corporate welfare) it can be there; if we allow ourselves to be scared by those who want us to accept a lower standard of living, it won't be. Ask your favorite media why they never tell you things like this. The bottom twenty percent of American senior citizens get roughly 80% of their income from Social Security. Without Social Security, nearly 70% of black elderly and 60% of latino elderly households would be in poverty. DECEMBER 1996Our national policy of punishing the victims of our economic system takes one more step early in 1997 with a million letters going out to legal immigrants telling them that they are no longer entitled to supplementary social security insurance benefits. Also in the new year some 200,000 SSI recipients will be cut off because their disabilities are said to be substance abuse related.

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