40th Battery, CFA

40th Battery, CFA 1915-1916

compiled by Ken Scheffler

The 40th Battery, CFA was recruited in Hamilton, Ontario late in 1915, and consisted primarily of men from that city and Orillia, Ontario. The Battery was initially part of the 8th Brigade, CFA, but later transferred to the 10th Brigade, CFA and remained a part of this unit until the end of hostilities. This page, for the time being, is devoted to the period during which the Battery was recruited in Canada, and the men who originally joined it.

Roll of Honour

The following list was compiled from the Canadian Virtual War Memorial and consists of men who originally enlisted with the Battery and are known to have died during the course of the war.

Name Date Unit
William Brisbane September 13, 1918
John Robson Cameron July 2, 1916
Joseph Fletcher January 4, 1918 49th Battery, CFA
Norman John Harvie October 15, 1916 40th Battery, CFA
Lionel Gladstone Henderson September 3, 1918
William Hines June 10, 1918
Bertram Harry Hornsby July 1, 1919
Louis Hotrum November 13, 1917 10th Brigade, CFA
Arthur Langton October 20, 1917
William Maddocks January 18, 1920
Harvey Peter Moffat September 2, 1918 3rd Brigade, CFA
Jack Livesly Pethick November 11, 1916 40th Battery, CFA
Walter John Price July 4, 1918 10th Brigade, CFA
Frederick Gundy Scott April 20, 1917 8th Brigade, CFA
Roy Douglas Seaman November 10, 1917
John Simpson Smith October 30, 1916 3rd Brigade, CFA
George Manley Benson Smith February 9, 1916 8th Brigade, CFA
Gordon Hamilton Southam October 15, 1916 40th Battery, CFA
Percy Springate August 21, 1918

"Dinner at 'The Fox and Pelican'"

This photo, courtesy of the Orillia Public Library/Simcoe County Archives, was taken on February 19, 1916 at Bramshott Camp. Over half of the men in this photo are members of the 40th Battery, CFA.

back row: R. L. Jupp40th, G. C. MacDonald40th, A. R. Janes40th

back middle row: N. J. Harvie40th, T. B Mallace40th, Q. Butterfield40th, P. J. Oliver40th, E. B. Courbould40th, J. R. Jupp40th

front middle row: J. L. Palmer, W. R. Cooke, M. W. Plunkett, F. M. Carter, N. C. Cooke, A. W. Plunkett

front row: S. B. Carss40th, H. M. Jupp, K. L. MacNab40th

In the News

The following are contemporary newspaper accounts of the unit while it was organizing in Canada.

"Official authorization to recruit for the new 40th Sportsmen's battery was received by the chief recruiting officer this morning, and in connection with this unit the following officers, it was announced, will be attached to the 40th battery; Major G. H. Southam in command, Capt. W. D. Wilson, Lts. A. M. Boyd, T. Beasley, M. E. Wallace and F. G. Scott. These are Hamilton men, who have been in attendance at the provisional school of artillery at Kingston for some time, and will take up their positions when they complete their courses about the middle of September. The 40th batterymen will be taken into the depot strength just as all the other local units, and the examination of recruits will go on the same way and the same forms as the other units." [Hamilton Spectator; September 1, 1915]


"The recruiting for the artillery in the 4th and 40th batteries continues to keep up fairly steadily. Yesterday nine applications were dealt with and the parade state this morning rose to 136. A number of prominent athletes of this city have told of their intention to join the Sportsmen's battery and some of them will come up before the medical examiner today." [Hamilton Spectator; September 2, 1915]


"The battery units are quickly rounding into shape. The parade state is now over 165 and the recruits keep steadily coming in. In a short time the 4th and 40th batteries will be seperated and be taken over by the officers of the Sportsman's battery. If recruiting keeps up as it has been this will be done as soon as the local officers in training at Kingston." [Hamilton Spectator; September 9, 1915]


"Recruiting for the batteries is coming along fairly well. The 40th Sportsman's battery now has 149 recruits, which is over full strength for a battery, but it is understood that 190 men will be recruited by this unit in order to supply drafts to other units if necessary without, at the same time, breaking up the full strength of a battery. There are 54 men on the 4th Battery, and these will be added to according to orders to recruit generally for artillery men." [Hamilton Spectator; September 15, 1915]


"It has been practically decided that the 30th, 31st and 40th batteries, which local officials have made a strong bid to have quartered in the city over the winter, will spend the winter months at the Woodbine race track grounds, Toronto. The 40th, which is now recruiting in the old drill hall, will likely move off next Thursday morning for the camp at Niagara, and remain there until the long march for Toronto begins, when they will return to the Queen City." [Hamilton Spectator; September 17, 1915]


"The Sportsmen's Battery, known as the 40th, in command of Major Gordon H. Southam, sped off to Niagara camp from the T. H. & B. station at 11 o'clock this morning, after receiving a short but enthusiastic farewell before a large crowd. At the station speeches were made by Major Hatch, Dr. Nelson, W. H. Wardrope, K.C., and the mayor, in the presence of a large number of prominent Hamilton citizens who were present for the occasion.

"The battery left 187 strong, mostly uniformed, under the following officers: Major Southam, Capt. W. D. Wilson, Lieuts. A. M. Boyd, Thomas Beasley, F. G. Scott, Eric Wallace and Connie Smythe. Besides these, an advance party of 23 men left Wednesday morning to prepare for the arrival of the battery, which will take up its position on the main camping grounds, apart from the other batteries, which are about three miles out." [Hamilton Spectator; September 24, 1915]

The Death of Major Gordon Hamilton Southam

The following is an account of the death of Major G. H. Southam, O.C. of the 40th Battery, CFA, as recorded in the War Diary for the 8th Brigade, CFA:

"About 10 a.m. [on October 15, 1916] the enemy appeared to be registering the Bde. Position with 5.9" H.E. and continued bracketing until about 1 p.m. German observation balloons were up at that time. When these conditions were reported, the Brigade Commander [Lt. Col. V. Eaton] ordered "cease fire", until the situation became normal. About 1.45 p.m. the 40th Battery opened fire, and the Germans immediately commenced shelling this Battery, shelling with 5.9" and 8" shells, continuing until about 2 p.m. At that time the detachments were ordered into the trenches, which had been dug to a depth of 12 feet.

"Major G.H. Southam, O.C. of the 40th Bty. and Sergt. Major N.J. Harvie, of the same Battery, were killed by a shell, while superintending movement of the men to the trenches. Sgt. Wilson and Gnr. Vanfleet, of the 40th Battery [both later transfers] were wounded by shrapnel about the same time."


The Battery was assigned two blocks of regimental numbers: 302101-302350 and 305001-305500. Of the latter, it appears that only men up to 305047 enlisted with the Battery. Some of the men listed on this roll had there attestation papers signed by the O.C. of the 42nd Battery but have been left on this list until it can be determined that they had not initially joined the 40th Battery. This list does not include men who later transferred to the Battery.

Abel, Walter--302121--born: Liverpool, England on February 2, 1896; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

Adams, George Edwin--302122--born: Palmers, Ontario on September 11, 1881; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 22, 1915; notes: previously served with the 13th Royal Regiment.

Andrews, Fred--305001--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 19, 1885; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Ashburn, Thomas Richard--305002--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 15, 1882; occupation: Telephone Lineman; attested: March 11, 1915 [?]; notes: original attestation date crossed out; regimental number initially may have been 302319.

Ashby, Harry--305047--born: Watford, Herts., Engalnd on August 17, 1887; occupation: Bricklayer; attested: October 23, 1915 (in Brantford); notes: paper signed by O.C. of the 32nd Battery, but stamp on paper states that he was transferred from the 40th Battery to the 47th Battery on February 29, 1916.

Atkins, Ernest--302123--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 12, 1892; occupation: Electrician; attested: September 15, 1915.

Baker, Douglas--302126--born: Devonshire, England on April 16, 1893; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 15, 1915.

Baker, George--305003--born: Wiarton, Ontario on March 14, 1897; occupation: Barber; attested: September 29, 1915; notes: attestation date crossed out and Oct. 5/15 written in; regimental number initially may have been 302320.

Battersby, William David--302125--no information available.

Beasley, Thomas Alexander--302347--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 30, 1893; occupation: Student; attested: October 5, 1915; notes: Lieutenant; previously served with the 13th Royal Regiment.

Becker, John--302127--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 23, 1896; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Becker, William--302128--born: Hamilton, Ontario on October 20, 1890; occupation: Printer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Bell, Henry--302129--born: Wigtown, Scotland on October 8, 1885; occupation: Keeper; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: transferred to 86th (Machine Gun) Battalion.

Bishop, James John--305004--born: St. Joseph, Quebec; occupation: Bridge Fitter; attested:

Black, Alexander--302133--born: Tarbert Lochfyne, Scotland on June 5, 1888; occupation: Shipper; attested: September 2, 1915.

Black, Dugald--302134--born: Tarbert Lochfyne, Scotland on February 27, 1890; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15; transferred to 86th (Machine Gun) Battaion.

Boles, William--302130--no information available.

Bolingbroke, Herbert--302139--born: Brighton, England on April 7, 1897; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Boyd, Arthur McCallum--302348--born: Toronto, Ontario on February 3, 1886; occupation: Barrister at Law; attested: October 4, 1915; notes: Lieutenant.

Bradshaw, Duncan--305005--born: Barbados, West Indies on November 4, 1890; occupation: Steel Temperer; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 4/15; stanmp on paper states he was transferred from the 54th Battery to [unclear] Battery, authorized April 10, 1916.

Breen, Wesley--302135--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 31, 1895; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

Brisbane, William--302131--born: Scotland; occupation: Electrician; attested: September 15, 1915.

Broadhead, Percy--305006--born: Leeds, England on April 3, 1883; occupation: Clerk/Labourer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15; transferred to 120th (City of Hamilton) Battalion, authorized March 8, 1916.

Brock, Clifford--302136--born: Toronto, Ontario on June 19, 1896; occupation: Machinist; attested: August 31, 1915.

Brown, Clement Walter--302140--born: Wynandham, Norfolk, England on May 1, 1893; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 2, 1915.

Bruce, Douglas Alexander--305007--no information available.

Bryant, Frank--302132--born: Bristol, England on July 9, 1871; occupation: Wheeler; attested: September 15, 1915.

Burns, Wilfred--305008--born: Hamilton, Ontario on [unclear] 6, 1893; occupation: Tinsmith; attested: October 1915; note: attestation date crossed out and replaced with November 11, 1915.

Butterfield, Quinn--302137--born: Orillia, Ontario on April 18, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

Button, Leonard--302138--born: Burton, England on January 6, 1893; occupation: Car Conductor; attested: September 15, 1915.

Cameron, James Alexander--302143--born: Detroit, Michigan, USA on October 17, 1887; occupation: Cigarmaker; attested: September 25, 1915.

Cameron, John Robson--302142--born: Detroit, Michigan, USA on October 1, 1882; occupation: Yardmaster; attested: September 21, 1915.

Campbell, John Columbus--302320--born: Shotts Lanark, Scotland in July 1897; occupation: Machine Hand; attested: -----; notes: transferred to 173rd Battalion in March 1916, regimental number 690662.

Campbell, John Joseph--302144--born: Hamilton, Ontario on September 5, 1886; occupation: Trainer; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: served with the 4th Field Battery for seven years and the 77th Regiment for three years.

Carss, Sidney Brock--302145--born: Orillia, Ontario on November 16, 1891; occupation: Clothier; attested: September 15, 1915.

Chambers, William Samuel--302146--born: Mount Mellick, Ireland on September 19, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 2, 1915.

Chapman, Albert Roy--302321--born: Hannan, Ontario on September 20, 1897; occupation: Farmer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15; attestation paper stamped "Depot Regiment, Canadian Mounted Rifles".

Chapman, Joseph Allan--302322--born: Glanford, Ontario on March 11, 1893; occupation: Gardner; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15.

Charles, William Hugh--302311--born: Londonderry, Ireland on June 27, 1892; occupation: Oiler; attested: November 17, 1915.

Cherriere, Joseph P.--302147--born: Hamilton, Ontario on September 16, 1890; occupation: Glassworker; attested: September 15, 1915.

Clark, William John--302149--born: Hamilton, Ontario on December 21, 1890; occupation: Post Office Clerk; attested: September 22, 1915.

Clarke, George--302148--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 9, 1893; occupation: Checker; attested: September 15, 1915.

Clarkson, Ernest Percival--302323--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 29, 1894; occupation: Merchant; attested: n/s; notes: Lieutenant; served with the 40th Battery for a period of three months; previously served with the 33rd Howitzer Battery, CFA; enlisted with the Depot Regiment, CMR on August 5, 1916.

Clarkson, Frank--302150--born: Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, England on January 16, 1890; occupation: Bench Hand; attested: September 22, 1915.

Clayton, Mark--302151--born: Shouttiowl Mid [?] on July 19, 1872; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Cochrane, John--302152--born: Stratford, Essex, England on February 27, 1890; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: served six years with 91st Highlanders.

Colbey, Alex--302153--born: Glasgow, Scotland on March 23, 1893; occupation: Metal Pattern Maker; attested: September 15, 1915.

Cole, Francis Drake--302155--born: Amesburg, Wiltshire, England on September 9, 1886; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

Connor, William Herbert--302141--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 17, 1895; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 25, 1915.

Corbould, Edward B.--302161--born: Orillia, Ontario on August 12 [no year stated]; occupation: Civil Engineer; attested: September 17, 1915.

Corlett, Frank--302154--born: St. George, Ontario on May 13, 1894; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 15, 1915.

Crew, Alfred--302158--born: Birmingham, England on March 6, 1894; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Crook, John Charles--302156--born: Southall, Middlesex, England on March 3, 1890; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 25, 1915; notes: paper stamped "54th Depot Battery" at top.

Crooks, Ernest--302113--born: Bolton, England on May 1, 1896; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 25, 1915.

Cross, George Stanley--302157--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 10, 1890; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 22, 1915.

Crysler, Clarence--302325--born: Aldershot, Ontario on August 15, 1895; occupation: Farmer; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15.

Culm, Benjamin--302159--born: Hamilton, Ontario on January 15, 1883; occupation: Labourer/Letter Carrier; attested: September 22, 1916; notes: transferred to Depot Regiment, CMR on February 24, 1916.

Cumpson, Clarence--302114--born: Niagara on the Lake, Ontario on March 30, 1892; occupation: Electrician; attested: September 15, 1915.

Cuppage, Alexander Thomas--302160--born: Orillia, Ontario on March 19, 1894; occupation: Farmer; attested: September 23, 1915; notes: paper signed by Lt. W. A. Lewis.

Davis, Charles Russell--302102--born: Schomberg, Ontario on April 26, 1890; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 25, 1915.

Dawson, Richard--302162--born: Treales, Lacashire, England on September 19, 1890; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

Dawson, Walter Edward--302163--born: Stoke on Trent, England on September 14, 1889; occupation: Servant; attested: September 17, 1915.

Dean, Frank--302164--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 5, 1889; occupation: Engineer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Dickson, Neil B.--302165--born: Edinborough, Scotland on July 7, 1889; occupation: Accountant; attested: September 15, 1915.

Draper, Robert Henry--302326--born: Bartonville, Ontario on April 20, 1895; occupation: Presser; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15.

Dunford, Harvey--302327--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 29, 1896; occupation: Machinist; attested: October 1, 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15.

Dunnett, Edwin Charles--302166--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 4, 1883; occupation: Bench Hand; attested: September 15, 1915.

Dunnett, William--302167--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 24, 1888; occupation: Printer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Duns, Joseph Gilchrist--302328--born: Berwick on Tweed, England on November 19, 1871; occupation: Blacksmith; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11/15; stamp on paper states that he was transferred from the 48th Battery to the "12th Brig. Am. Col." on April 1, 1916.

Elliott, Erasmus George--302111--born: Belfast, Ireland on July 11, 1875; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Elliott, Harry--302168--born: London, England on September 18, 1891; occupation: Steam Fitter; attested: September 2, 1915.

Fevez, Louis E.-- 302170--born: London, England on December 25, 1874; occupation: Real Estate Agent; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: Staff Sergeant.

Filgiano, Gordon Edward--302171--born: Hamilton, Ontario on December 27, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

Fletcher, Joseph--302172--born: Hamilton, Ontario on October 2, 1888; occupation: Brakeman; attested: September 15, 1915.

Flewitt, Arthur--302173--born: Liverpool, England on December 31, 1891; occupation: Traveler; attested: September 15, 1915.

Flynn, James--302332--born: St. Marys, Ontario on December 25, 189[?]; occupation: Labourer/Lineman; attested: September 22, 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 11/15, but paper signed by Southam.

Fonger, Gordon Dee--302174--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 27, 1886; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Gardner, Robert--302177--born: Hamilton, Ontario on September 22, 1884; occupation: Printer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Gardner, William--302178--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 13, 1871; occupation: Manufacturer; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: paper has "Dis. Sept. 30/17 Physically Unfit" written along bottom.

Garrow, Henry--302335--born: Tulham, England on January 24, 1897; occupation: Butcher; attested: November 11, 1915.

Garston, Walter--302179--born: Poubblyddyn [?], North Wales, England on July 22, 1889; occupation: "Chaff."; attested: September 15, 1915.

Gaunt, John Henry--302180--born: Manchester, England on March 17, 1883; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 15, 1915.

Gibbs, James--302181--born: Caledonia, Ontario on March 6, 1895; occupation: Farmer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Gilmore, Mason Palmer--302182--born: Whitechurch, Ontario on November 16, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 13, 1915; notes: signed by Lt. Dawson for O.C. of the 54th Battery; stamped "3rd Div. Am Train" along top.

Gilpin, Elmer--302183--born: Brockville, Ontario on June 19, 1894; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 14, 1915.

Gilpin, Harold Edgar--302184--born: Brockville, Ontario on August 15, 1896; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 22, 1915.

Glennie, Gordon Murray--302169--born: Carberry, Manitoba on August 10, 1883; occupation: Loco. Engineer; attested: September 24, 1915.

Glover, Alfred--302336--born: Burlington, Ontario on August 26, 1896; occupation: Labourer; attested: November 11, 1915; notes: paper not signed by an O.C.

Goodenough, Charles--302185--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 9, 1894; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 24, 1915.

Grant, Walter G.**--302316--born: Hamilton, Ontario on June 23, 1893; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 20, 1915; notes: regimental number the same as that for Jupp.

Greene, John--302176--born: London, England on May 2, 1891; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 24, 1915; notes: served six months with the 13th Royal Regiment.

Gregson, Harry--302186--born: Preston, England on September 18, 1897; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 17, 1915.

Grey, Charles--302187--born: Walthampton, Essex, England on October 15, 1891; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915; notes: served two years with 4th Field Battery.

Griffiths, Joshua--302188--born: Smithwick, Staff., England on November 15, 1886; occupation: Labourer/Machinist; attested: September 14, 1915.

Grout, Harold Lynn--302189--born: Grimsby, Ontario on January 5, 1895; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 14, 1915.

Haddow, George--302338--born: Hamilton, Ontario; occupation: Stationary Engineer; attested: [unclear].

Halstead, Richard (aka Edward Green)--302339--no information available.

Hammond, Robert George--305010--born: Rochester, New York, USA on March 6, 1891; occupation: Driver; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: served three years with the A. M. C. (Hamilton).

Haney, John Richard--302191--born: Hamilton, Ontario on December 22, 1885; occupation: Labourer/Letter Carrier; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: transferred to the 120th (City of Hamilton) Battalion on January 21, 1916.

Harvie, Norman John--302115--born: Orillia, Ontario on October 24, 1889; occupation: Civil Engineer; attested: September 17, 1915; notes: Sergeant Major; killed in action on October 15, 1916 along with Major Southam.

Hayward, Charles--302192--born: Bristol, England on March 4, 1893; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Henderson, Lionel Gladstone--302193--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 24, 1895; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 14, 1915.

Hesketh, Sanford E.--302194--no information available.

Hetherington, Joseph--302195--born: Carlisle, England on July 19, 1882; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 14, 1915.

Hicks, John--302196--born: Heathfield, Sussex, England on August 22, 1877; occupation: Labourer/Bricklayer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Higgins, Bert--302197--born: Hamilton, Ontario on June 6, 1897; occupation: Lathe Hand; attested: September 14, 1915.

Hill, Harry Henry--305013--no information available.

Hill, Joseph Kenneth--302198--born: Orillia, Ontario on January 9, 1892; occupation: Clerk; attested: October 14, 1915.

Hilton, John Thomas-- 302199--born: Bolton, Lanc., England on October 13, 1880; occupation: ; attested: September 22, 1915 [?].

Hines, William--302200--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 4, 1892; occupation: Driver; attested: September 14, 1915.

Holmes, Alexander Brown--302103--born: Scotland on May 24, 1879; occupation: Farrier; attested: September 25, 1915.

Hornsby, Bertram Harry--302201--born: Leicester, England on May 31, 1894; occupation: Farm Hand; attested: after September 17, 1915.

Hotrum, Louis E.--302202--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 11, 1893; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 14, 1915; notes: died on November 13, 1917 and is buried at the Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery, Belgium.

Hotrum, Robert--302203--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 20, 1896; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 17, 1915.

Hughes, Matthew--302204--born: Dundee, Scotland on August 17, 1895; occupation: Labourer/Grocer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Hughson, Fred Walker--302205--born: Georgetown, Ontario on December 15, 1889; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 17, 1915.

Hulek, Edward--302116--born: Hamilton, Ontario on October 13, 1894; occupation: Student; attested: September 25, 1915.

Iles, Peter--305015--born: Wimbletton, Surrey, England on May 1, 1881; occupation: ; attested: November 12, 1915; notes: served five years with R.H.A. and seven years in Reserve.

Jackson, William--302206--born: Grange, Lancashire, England on December 19, 1888; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Jaggard, Percy--302207--born: Hamilton, Ontario on February 19, 1892; occupation: Shipper; attested: September 15, 1915.

Janes, Albert Roy--302208--born: Emsdale [Ontario?] on August 27, 1890; occupation: Manufacturer; attested: September 23, 1915; notes: served with 95th Saskatchewan Rifles.

Johnson, Albert--302117--born: Burselm, Staffordshire, England on September 1, 1893; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Jupp, James Roy--302118--born: Orillia, Ontario on January 8, 1890; occupation: Watch Maker; attested: September 15, 1915.

Jupp, Robert Lovery**--302316--born: Orillia, Ontario on November 7, 1895; occupation: Banker; attested: November 17, 1915.

Kay, Joseph--302209--born: Rauley, England on October 5, 1896; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Kennedy, Joseph--302210--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 9, 1897; occupation: Grocer; attested: September 17, 1915.

Kenney, Egbert--302211--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 2, 1889; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Kenyon, Ernest Alfred--302313--born: Devon, England on April 24, 1891; occupation: Plumber; attested: November 17, 1915.

Kinsella, William--302212--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 10, 1897; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 24, 1915.

Langton, Arthur--302119--born: Hamilton, Ontario on February 4, 1888; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Lanouette, Eugene--302112--born: Montreal, Quebec on October 13, 1887; occupation: Cook; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: previous enlisted (#451880) but was struck off on August 4, 1915 due to "innificiency"; on this attestation paper he claimed to have been born in Hamilton, Ontario on October 13, 1878.

Laughlin, Everett James--302213--born: Toronto, Ontario on October 24, 1896; occupation: Artist; attested: September 24, 1915.

Lavery, Ernest Anderson--302214--born: Hamilton, Ontario on June 9, 1895; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 14, 1915.

Lavigne, Ernest Frederick--305043--born: Midland, Ontario on November 1, 1887; occupation: Salesman; attested: October 12, 1915.

Leslie, Herbert--302215--born: Puslinch, Ontario on May 11, 1894; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 14, 1915.

Lewis, Harry--302216--born: St. George, Bristol, England on January 1, 1882; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 14, 1915.

Linsbury, Allan--302217--born: Toronto, Ontario on February 13, 1894; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Logan, John--302218--born: Glasgow, Scotland on December 11, 1872; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Lucas, William--302219--born: Hamilton, Ontario [no date given]; occupation: Lathe hand; attested: September 14, 1915.

MacDonald, Gordon Campbell--302241--born: Chatsworth, Ontario on October 14, 1894; occupation: Bank Clerk; attested: October 19, 1915.

MacKenzie, John Malcolm--302110--born: Toronto, Ontario on October 15, 1893; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 13, 1915.

MacLeod, Malcolm--302226--born: Inverness, Scotland on October 8, 1889; occupation: Keeper; attested: September 15, 1915.

MacNab, Kenneth Leroy--302239--born: Orillia, Ontario on April 9, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

MacPhail, Alexander--302299--born: Morayshire, Scotland on July 9, 1872; occupation: Tailor; attested: October 25, 1915.

Madden, Edward--302120--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 14, 1897; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 15, 1915.

Maddocks, William--302221--born: Wolverhampton, England on March 17, 1880; occupation: Blacksmith; attested: September 22, 1915; notes: served five years with A.S. Corps Woolwich, England.

Makinson, Leo James--302308--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 17, 1892; occupation: Motor Driver; attested: September 27, 1915; notes: served five years with 4th Field Battery.

Mallace, Thomas Bishop--302312--born: Edinborough, Scotland on November 15, 1885; occupation: Banker; attested: November 17, 1915.

Marshall, John--302222--born: Staffordshire, England on December 29, 1886; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Mason, Laurie--305019--born: Leeds, England on August 25, 1895; occupation: Surveyor; attested: October 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov 11.; served three years with Corp of Guard C. Section.

Matthews, Victor--302223--born: Horley, Oxfordshire, England on February 6, 1895; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 17, 1915.

Maxted, Fred--302224--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 18, 1886; occupation: Printer; attested: September 22, 1915; notes: served seven years with 13th Royal Regiment.

Maxwell, William--302225--born: Dumfies, Scotland on October 6, 1893; occupation: Blacksmith; attested: September 10, 1915.

May, James H.--302318--born: USA on September 18, 1875; occupation: Clothing; attested: November 17, 1915; notes: served eight years with Royal Horse Artillery in Woolwich, England.

McCauley, Cecil--302232--born: Hamilton, Ontario on November 13, 1896; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 15, 1915.

McDonald, William--302233--born: Aberdeen, Scotland on September 21, 1875; occupation: Granite Cutter; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: served four years with Volunteer Aberdeen Garrison.

McGhee, James--302234--born: Paisley, Scotland on July 13, 1896; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

McInally, James--302235--born: Glasgow, Scotland on June 26, 1897; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 15, 1915.

McKenzie, Archibald Hugh--302104--born: Hamilton, Ontario on October 15, 1893; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 13, 1915; notes: served six months with the 13th Royal Regiment.

McKinney, William--302237--born: Glasgow, Scotland on June 13, 1877; occupation: Cabinet Maker; attested: September 22, 1915; notes: paper stamped "54th Depot Battery".

McMillan, George--302236--born: Edinborough, Scotland on March 1, 1890; occupation: Plumber; attested: September 15, 1915.

McMillan, Peter Henry--302220--born: Hamilton, Ontario on October 9, 1885; occupation: Ry. Mail Clerk; attested: September 17, 1915.

McNab, John--302238--born: Grimsby, Ontario on June 13, 1877; occupation: Teamster/Carpenter; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: served 18 months with R.C.H.A. in South Africa.

McNair, William--302240--born: Falkirk, Scotland on February 1, 1880; occupation: Insurance Agent; attested: September 22, 1915; notes: served three years with 91st Regiment; transferred to 86th (Machine Gun) Battalion, CEF.

Merritt, Roland Lee--302227--born: Grassie's Corner [Ontario?] on September 16, 1892; occupation: Farmer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Minnes, William--302228--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 3, 1897; occupation: Plasterer [?]; attested: September 22, 1895.

Moffat, Harvey Peter--302105--born: Carluke, Ontario on March 30, 1893; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 13, 1915; notes: Lieutenant; served three years with 91st Regiment.

Moncur, George A.--302229--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 18, 1888; occupation: Labourer/Tireman; attested: September 22, 1915.

Moore, Herbert Alexander--302230--no information available.

Morgan, Albert--305021--born: Isling, England on September 12, 1893; occupation: Gardner; attested: September 17, 1915.

Morrison, William--302231--born: Aberdeen, Scotland on September 7, 1888; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Nash, John--302242--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 4, 1887; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: paper stamped 86th Machine Gun Battalion at top.

New, Lawrence--302243--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 15, 1897; occupation: Chauffer; attested: September 22, 1915.

O'Connor, James--302244--born: Bay City, Michigan, USA on April 25, 1889; occupation: Lineman; attested: September 15, 1915.

Oliver, Pascoe Joseph--302245--born: Orillia, Ontario on February 9, 1882; occupation: Com. Traveller; attested: September 22, 1915.

Olliver, Goring--302246--born: Hamilton, Ontario on October 24, 1894; occupation: Butcher; attested: September 22, 1915.

O'Neil, James--302247--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 11, 1889; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

O'Neil, Joseph--302248--born: Hamilton, Ontario on June 29, 1895; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

O'Neil, Sidney--302307--born: Hamilton, Ontario on February 18, 1894; occupation: Salesman; attested: October 4, 1915.

O'Neil, Thomas--302306--born: Hamilton, Ontario on June 6, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: October 4, 1915

Page, Frederick William Arthur--305026--born: England on February 4, 1897; occupation: Farmer [?]; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date changed to November 1915, but paper signed by Southam.

Passmore, Albert Cunard--302249--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 28, 1896; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Patterson, Frank--302250--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 28, 1897; occupation: Checker; attested: September 15, 1915.

Patterson, Fyson Donald--305024--born: Hamilton, Ontario on July 13, 1896; occupation: None; attested: September 17, 1915; notes: paper stamped "92nd O.S. Battalion" along top.

Peart, Albert Henry--302251--born: Leads, Yorkshire, England on February 5, 1880; occupation: Agent; attested: September 15, 1915.

Pennal, Leonard Frederick--302252--born: Dover, England on December 3, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 23, 1915; notes: previously served three years with the Queen's Own.

Percival, Arthur--302253--born: Antrobus [?], Cheshire, England on May 23, 1887; occupation: Lithographer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Pethick, Jack Livesly--305044--born: London, Ontario on March 24, 1891; occupation: Clerk; attested: December 6, 1915; notes: he was evidently the last man to join the Battery while it was in Canada; a resident of Winnipeg, Manitoba, he attested in Toronto; Pethick was killed in action during the night of November 11/12, 1916.

Phillips, James Thompson--305028--born: Perth, Scotland on June 30, 1895; occupation: Student; attested: November 4 or 11, 1915.

Plenderleith, William--302254--born: Camelow, Sterlingshire, Scotland on September 24, 1888; occupation: Enamler; attested: September 14, 1915.

Preece, Thomas--302255--born: Old Mill, Stad., England on March 25, 1876; occupation: Sadler; attested: September 14, 1915.

Price, Walter John--302256--born: Bristol, England on December 20, 1887; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Proulx, Wilfred--302257--born: Montreal, Quebec on September 4, 1897; occupation: Cigar Maker; attested: September 14, 1915.

Radford, Frank James--302258--born: Bristol, England on February 11, 1883; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 14, 1915.

Reid, James R.--302259--born: Ashtibule [?], Ohio, USA on September 4, 1897; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 14, 1915.

Robarts, Stanley--302260--born: [unclear], Essex, England on May 25, 1883; occupation: Farmer/Tinsmith; attested: September 14, 1915.

Robertson, George--302261--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 22, 1889; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 24, 1915.

Robertson, John Alexander--302262--born: Pillochry, Scotland on February 5, 1891; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 14, 1915.

Robinson, James--302263--born: Carlisle, England on July 1, 1894; occupation: Labourer/Carpet Weaver; attested: September 20, 1915.

Scott, Fred Grundy--302346--born: Toronto, Ontario on November 9, 1895; occupation: Student; attested: October 4, 1915; notes: Lieutenant.

Scott, Robert--302264--born: Upper Mills, Lancashire, England on August 26, 1887; occupation: Iron Worker; attested: [unclear--possibly September 2, 1915].

Seaman, Roy Douglas--302265--born: Murree [?], India on August 20, 1894; occupation: Labourer/Carpenter; attested: September 15, 1915.

Sharp, Russell--302266--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 2, 1895; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Shaver, Roy--305029--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 12, 1895; occupation: Teamster; attested: November 11, 1915; notes: paper stamped "54th Depot Battery" along top.

Shaw, John--305030--born: Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England on May 22, 1875; occupation: Engineer; attested: November 11, 1915.

Shaw, Richard--302267--born: Riffleside, Essex, England on July 15, 1884; occupation: Attendant; attested: September 14, 1915.

Shingler, Harold Wesley--305031--born: St. George, Ontario on September 6, 1897; occupation: Labourer; attested: November 11, 1915.

Shorter, Arthur--302305--born: London, England on November 9, 1891; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 22, 1915.

Silverthorn, Leslie Henry--305032--born: Owen Sound, Ontario on April 30, 1897; occupation: Teamster; attested: November 11, 1915; notes: paper signed by Lt. Olmstead "for O.C. 8th Bde. Amn. Col."

Simons, Errol--302268--born: Progresstown, Ontario on May 21, 1897; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Sinclair, William Rolland--302269--born: Kirkwall, Scotland on September 19, 1888; occupation: Book-keeper; attested: September 14, 1915.

Smith, Arthur--302274--born: Birmingham, England on December 5, 1891; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Smith, Clifford--302270--born: Blackburn, England on April 21, 1893; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 22, 1915.

Smith, George--302271--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 15, 1889; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 14, 1915.

Smith, John Simpson--302272--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 16, 1896; occupation: None; attested: September 14, 1915.

Smith, Matthew L.--302273--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 15, 1890; occupation: Electrician; attested: September 14, 1915.

Smythe, Conn--302344--born: Toronto, Ontario on February 1, 1895; occupation: Student; attested: October 19, 1915 (at Camp Niagara); notes: Lieutenant; previously served four months with the 25th Battery, CFA; this is the Conn Smythe of Maple Leafs fame.

Snider, George Manley--302275--born: Hamilton, Ontario on November 6, 1875; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 17, 1915.

Somerville, Robert--302304--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 23, 1884; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 1915.

Southam, Gordon Hamilton--302350--born: Hamilton, Ontario on February 7, 1886; occupation: Publisher; attested: October 19, 1915; notes: Major and unit commander; killed (along with Sgt. Maj. N. J. Harvie) during the afternoon of October 15, 1916 "by a [German] shell, while superintending movement of the men to the trenches."

Spelman, William Stanley--302317--born: Liverpool, England on March 20, 1888; occupation: Chauffer; attested: November 17, 1915.

Springate, Piercy--302276--born: Rainham, Kent, England on March 10, 1884; occupation: Wheelwright; attested: September 14, 1915.

Stables, Thomas North--302277--born: Bolton, England on September 29, 1874; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Stacey, Earl Stinson--302278--born: Seaforth, Ontario on July 23, 1896; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915; notes: served four months with Battery before transfering to the Depot Rgt., CMR (#226296) on June 12, 1916.

Stevens, Thomas--305033--born: Trent, Sussex, England on June 4, 1897; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 25, 1915.

Stewart, James--302279--born: Sheffield, England on September 29, 1895; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 11 and paper signed by Lt. Olmsted (for O.C. 8th Bde. Amn. Col.).

Stewart, Joseph--305034--born: Bolton, Lancashire, England on November 8, 1894; occupation: Bridge Fitter; attested:

Stewart, William--302284--born: Campbeltown, Ontario on November 22, 1870; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915; stamp on paper states he was transferred to the 49th Battery on February 29, 1916.

Stewart, William James--302280--born: Kilmacrennan [?], Ireland on November 3, 1889; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 14, 1915.

Strath, Edward--302281--born: Aberdeen, Scotland on July 19, 1885; occupation: Keeper; attested: September 14, 1915.

Stroud, Alfred James--302282--born: Hamilton, Ontario on October 24, 1897; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 24, 1915; notes: served with the Battery for "three years"; on May 15, 1918 he was drafted (#13100285) and gave his birthdate as October 24, 1896 and occupation "Clerk (Office) & Chauffer".

Sutcliffe, Oliver--302314--born: Leeds, Yorkshire, England on November 17, 1889; occupation: Club Steward; attested: November 17, 1915.

Sweet, Robert--302283--no information available.

Thompson, Harold--302285--born: [unclear], Staffordshire, England on [no date]; occupation: None; attested: September 14, 1915.

Thomson, Edward--302286--born: Toronto, Ontario on July 12, 1893; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 12, 1915.

Thomson, Raymond Freed--302106--born: Hamilton, Ontario on March 10, 1891; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 13, 1915; notes: served five years with the 13th Royal Regiment.

Truesdale, Thomas--302287--born: Barton Township, Ontario on September 18, 1893; occupation: Farmer; attested: October 1, 1915.

Turner, Donald Eric--305035--born: Gananoque, Ontario on November 2, 1894; occupation: Labourer/Student; attested: November 11, 1915; notes: paper signed by Lt. Olmsted [8th Bde., CFA Amn Train]

Turpin, Stephen Walter--305042--no information available.

Visheau, Charles--302288--born: Dundas, Ontario on March 30, 1887; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 14, 1915.

Voelker, Harold George--302289--born: Hamilton, Ontario on November 11, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 14, 1915.

Wainman, Oakley Emanuel--302290--born: Orillia, Ontario on June 27, 1895; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 22, 1915.

Wainman, Stanley Holmes--302291--born: Orillia, Ontario on March 11, 1894; occupation: Accountant; attested: September 17, 1915.

Wakeford, Walter John--302295--born: Turnbridge Wells [?], Kent, England on August 3, 1883; occupation: Printer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Wallace, Norman Eric--302345--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 22, 1895; occupation: Student; attested: October 4, 1915; notes: Lieutenant.

Walmsley, Samuel Alex.-- 302292--born: Belfast, Ireland on June 3, 1896; occupation: Printer; attested: September 15, 1915.

Ward, Cecil John--302293--born: Hamilton, Ontario on February 2, 1887; occupation: Plumber; attested: September 21, 1915.

Warren, William--305036--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 5, 1883; occupation: Labourer; attested: November 11, 1915; notes: stamp on paper states that he was transferred from the 40th Battery to the 54th Battery on April 11, 1916.

Warriner, Herbert--302294--born: Wakefield, Yorkshire, England on February 4, 1878; occupation: Barber; attested: September 24, 1915.

Waters, Ernest Frank--302319--born: London, England on November 22, 1883; occupation: Musician; attested: October 23, 1915 (in Brantford); notes: served 12 years with the 1st Royal Dragoons; stamp on paper states that he was transferred from the 48th Battery to the 12th Div. Am. Col. on 1/4/16; "68th O.S. Batt. [unclear]" is written across top of paper.

Watmough, Harry--302107--born: Baildon, Yorkshire, England on December 20, 1880; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 22, 1915.

Waugh, Fred Lorne--302296--born: Woodstock, Ontario on January 12, 1880; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Weeks, George--302297--born: Henley-on-Thames, England on May 27, 1889; occupation: Carpenter; attested: September 14, 1915.

West, Roy Norman--305037--born: Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA on October 3, 1895; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 25, 1915; notes: served two years with the 4th Field Battery.

Weston, Thomas--302298--born: Darlington, Durham, England on January 25, 1880; occupation: Labourer/Boiler Maker; attested: September 14, 1915.

Whiteman, William Lorn--305038--born: Wimmipeg, Manitoba on October 16, 1895; occupation: Cook; attested: n/a; notes: served with Battery for seven months before joining 173rd Battalion, CEF on March 30, 1916 (#690663).

Willson, Norman Keller*--302101--born: St. Catharines, Ontario on September 30, 1884; occupation: Civil Servant; attested: October 19, 1915; notes: previously served with the R.C.H.A. (6 years), 23rd Battery (7 years), and the 25th Battery, CFA (6 months--#89001).

Wilson, John--302300--born: Manchester, England on December 19, 1892; occupation: Printer; attested: September 14, 1915.

Wilson, Robert Cochrane--302301--born: Glasgow, Scotland on October 28, 1891; occupation: Machinist; attested: September 14, 1915.

Wilson, William Douglad--302349--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 17, 1882; occupation: Mining Engineer; attested: October 5, 1915; notes: Captain.

Wingrove, Howard--302302--born: Walshingham Centre, Ontario on October 1, 1894; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 24, 1915.

Wood, William Henry--302309--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 13, 1883; occupation: Farmer; attested: October 18, 1915.

Yates, George--302315--born: Montreal, Quebec on October 3, 1895; occupation: Pattern Maker; attested: October 20, 1915.

Young, James Andrew--302108--born: Hamilton, Ontario on September 17, 1891; occupation: Clerk; attested: September 1915; notes: Lieutenant.

Youngson, Peter--302303--born: Aberdeen, Scotland on December 29, 1882; occupation: Granite Cutter; attested: September 15, 1915.

Men Whose Papers Were Signed by the O.C. of the 42nd Battery

Cleghorn, John--302324--born: Berwickshire, Scotland on July 21, 1882; occupation: Farmer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Duns, Robert--302329--born: Coldstream, Scotland on July 11, 1895; occupation: Druggist; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Eacott, Samuel--302330--born: Beddington, Surrey, England on April 4, 1892; occupation: Labourer; attested: October 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Faulknor, Chester--302331--born: Hamilton, Ontario on May 25, 1888; occupation: ; attested: October 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Freeman, Roger--302333--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 8, 1897; occupation: Foreman; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 11, paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Fryer, Stuart Stanley--302334--born: Snodland, Kent, England on July 23, 1884; occupation: "Sandford & Co."; attested: October 1915; attestation date changed to Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Grant, William Earl--302337--born: Caistorville, Ontario on November 5, 1893; occupation: Farmer; attested: October 5, 1915; notes: paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Hambleton, Clarence--305009--born: Hamilton, Ontario on February 16, 1896; occupation: Grocer; attested: September 17, 1915; notes: paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Hardman, Nelson--305011--born: Hamilton, Ontario on April 31, 1895; occupation: Plater; attested: September 15, 1915; notes: paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Harwood, Henry Percy--305012--born: Guernsey, Channel Islands on October 24, 1890; occupation: Labourer/Carpenter; attested: November 11, 1915; paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Holmes, William Harold--305014--born: Blackstock, Ontario on April 4, 1894; occupation: Labourer; attested: November 11, 1915; notes: paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Jenkins, Alfred Hunter--305016--born: Beamsville, Ontario on February 4, 1884; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery; served five years with the 5th Batt. R. B.

Jones, Thomas Evans--305017--born: Wrexham, Wales on May 4, 1897; occupation: Machinist; attested: August 21, 1915; notes: paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Kettlewell, Sam--305018--born: Bradford, Yorkshire, England on October 30, 1880; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 12, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

McEntee, Norman--305023--born: Hamilton, Ontario on August 31, 1897; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov 11., and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Milne, Edward--305020--born: Port Hope, Ontario on May 4, 1893; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replace with Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of 42nd Battery.

Mulcahey, Owen--305022--born: Durham, England on March 22, 1877; occupation: Labourer; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery; served twelve years with the East Lancashires.

Oliver, William--305024--born: Toronto, Ontario on April 12, 1890; occupation: Butcher; attested: September 1915; notes: attestation dated replaced with Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Osgood, Cecil--305025--born: London, England on October 22, 1893; occupation: Teamster; attested: September 30, 1915; notes: attestation date changed to Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Williams, Maurice--305039--born: Farworth, Lancashire, England on October 31, 1889; occupation: Lumber Jack; attested: October 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11, and paper signed by O.C. of the 42nd Battery.

Wilson, William James--305040--born: Port Hope, Ontario on April 13, 1890; occupation: Farmer; attested: September 17, 1915; notes: paper signed by O.C. of 42nd Battery.

Wright, George Robert--305041--born: Bradford, Yorkshire England on October 14, 1886; occupation: Labourer; attested: October 1915; notes: attestation date replaced with Nov. 11; paper signed by O.C. 42nd Battery.

Further Information

The onlt full-length account of the 40th Battery was authored by A. L. S. Nash, and was published in 1972 as The Story of the 40th Battery, CFA, CEF: 1915-1919. It is now quite scarce, but there are copies owned by the Toronto Public Library and Trent University. Albert H. Peart also penned a brief (24 pages) account of his service with the Battery: In France and Belgium with the Late Major G. H. Southam, 40th Battery, CEF. A copy is owned by the Toronto Public Library. As both of these sources are difficult to gain access to, the best source of information on the 40th Battery are the War Diaries for the 8th and 10th Brigades, CFA, which the National Archives now have them available on-line via ArchiviaNet. Also of interest is I Want One Volunteer by Ernest Garside Black. Born in Hamilton, Ontario, Black was attending law school in Toronto when he enlisted with the 41st Battery, CFA. He later transferred to the 30th Battery, CFA, and served with this unit through to the end of the war. Written some fifty years following the war, I Want One Volunteer tells the story of the war from the perspective of the ordinary gunner. The book (undeservedly) seems to have been largely forgotten, and is also not all that common; the last I checked (December 6, 2004), there are only sixteen copied available on Abebooks.


Currently I am working on another website devoted to the 19th Canadian Machine Gun Company; many of it's officers were former members of the 86th (Machine Gun) Battalion, which was also recruited in Hamilton.