CGW FPV Rewrites

CGW took place last Friday. Only 3 rewrites were given.

Stungun (Scsastunner) vs. Mangoli

For Half The Tag Title.

Jar Jar: The next match is for 1/2 of the tag championship. It's one of the CGW's finest againest a man who never flashes and has a jobbed up record from the indies. Let's check this match out. Leisure Suit Larry is in the ring let's get this match started.

Leisure Suit Larry: Ladies and Gentlemen This Contest is a Special Handicap Match. In order for Mangoli to retain the championship he must beat Stungun 8 times in a row! Coming to the ring with no music since he never flashes and noone knows who the hell he is and I am not going to waste my time trying to guess how fat he is it's probably all blubber. Here is Mangoli!!!!!!!!!!

Mangoli makes his way to the ring and graps a microphone.

Muza: Oh my God, Mangoli is accually going to speak. I hope we can all understand him!

Mangoli: Ha ha ha! Listen my boy Da_man! Ok Ha Ha Ha Colon down I am no longer mad for it seems like Stuugun is no longer with us Ha Ha HA! May he Rest in Piece. So THAT MEANS MANGOLI COMES UP STILL CHAMP! STUNNUNG TURN OF EVENTS!

Mangoli is about to takes his bows but sees only the 50 million in the crowd falling off their seats in laughter. All of a sudden Suds makes his way down the ramp carrying his cooler. Mangoli stops talking as soon as the crowd continues laughing and turns to watch Suds. Suds walks around the side of the ring and waves, mockingly, at Mangoli in the ring. He pushes aside Muza and sits down next to JJ at the announcers table.

JJ: "What are you doing out here?"

Suds "Calm down Jar Jar. Its not like I am gonna break your arm or something. It seems the commish hasn't booked me on the FPV yet so I thought I would share some of my vast slamming knowledge with all the peons out there tonight. What is with this goofball in the ring right now? He has no idea what he is talking about. He better hope that Suds don't get up in that ring and introduce him to Coleman! Want a beer Jar Jar? Let's get to calling the match already!"

As Mangoli finishes and stares at Suds at then announcers table, Scsastunner runs down the ramp to start the match. He catches Mangoli by surprise and opens the can of whoop a$$ on him."

Suds "Now this is what I came to call. Mangoli shoots off his mouth when he doesn't even know who is opponent is. Now StunGun is kicking his tail. Maybe Mangoli should go back to the indy he came from."

JJ "You are right Suds, for once. StunGun is really taking it to him. It looks like he could get the other half of the tag belts tonight."

Suds "I like the way StunGun is going in that ring. I think he will end up winning. Maybe I will make sure he wins..."

Suds takes off the headset and steps up to the ring.

JJ "Hey! Where are you going Suds! You are supposed to be announcing."

Muza-StunGun is exchanging fists with Mangoli...lefts and rights...Suds is walking backstage...Didn't he say he was going to help StunGun? Mangoli with a DDT!!!!! StunGun's head bounces of the mat....1...2...kickout...StunGun still has more strength than that!!!!


Muza -MANGOLI DROPS STUNGUN!!!! Sud hit's him again!!! Mangoli falls to the mat!!! StunGun looks at Sud's with a confused look!!!!

JJ-StunGun picks him up...whips him into the ropes!!! Oh mangoli goes for a flying clothesline!!! MISSES!!! He bounces off the ropes and is in MIDAIR!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??? STUNGUN WITH A KICK TO HIS GUT!! HE JUMPS UP AND GRABS MANGOLI ON HIS WAY DOWN!!! HUGE STUNNER!!!! 1....2....3!!!! Thats it StunGun has won with the help of Suds!!!!!

JJ-StunGun is climbing out of the ring...He looks at suds and offers his hands...Sud's shakes it!!!! Have they formed some sort of alliance!!?!?!?!

Muza: Mangoli couldn't even beat him once. Man, he sucks!

Leisure Suit Larry: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner and NEW half tag champion Scsastunner!!

JJ: Well, Stunner and Darock are now 3 time CGW tag champs. As we go to the next match.


Paperbagman vs. Jay Crew vs. Stungun (Scsastunner)

For Galactic Championship


Leisure Suit Larry: Ladies and Gentlemen, the next contest is the special Triple Threat match.

Crowd Cheers , music plays, as Stungun walks out.

Leisure Suit Larry: Introducing first, weighing 252lbs, the slammer formerly known as Scsastunner.... Stungun

Stungun heads to the ring and rolls inside, waiting for his next opponent

LSL: Combatant number two, to be making his way to the ring shortly and accompanied by The Village People, Right Said Fred and A Flock Of Seaguls, The Galactic Champion... The Incredible Paperbagman!!!

A few seconds later, Baggie appears with his "fan club" He jogs down to the ring, leaps over the top rope and shakes the hand of Stungun

LSL: And finally, the most stylish man, not on earth.... Jaaaaaay Crewwwwww.

Jay appears and enters the ring, ready to do battle

Muza: And we are underway!!!

JJ: Jay sweeps the floor in an attempt to grab Baggie's leg, but Baggie easily dodged out of the way. Stungun stays back in his corner.

Muza: Collar and elbow tieup by Jay, he powers Baggie to the corner. Will there be a clean break?

Suds: Who cares? this is a triple threat match, no DQ.

JJ: Baggie holds his arms up for a clean break. Jay backs up, and charges back in with a shoulderblock to the midsection.

Muza: The Village People on the outside of the ring are not happy with that. Shortcut by Jay Crew.

Suds: Was it illegal? No. So shut your face.

Muza: Stungun comes out his corner and slaps a sleeper on Jay, who drops to the mat with a jawbreaker. Stungun went for that move waaaay too early.

JJ: Baggie leaps from the corner with a dropkick to the face of Jay, that will loosen a few teeth.

Muza: Stungun slaps a bodyscissors on Jay Crew as Baggie stomps away. Jay looks to be in trouble early on in the match.

Suds: It makes you sick doesn't it? all of this "scientific" stuff. I want to puke.

Muza: Why are you out here anyway?

Suds shrugs his shoulders and shuts up

JJ: Baggie stomps on Jay, and again, and again, and... now he stomps Stungun right between the eyes. Looks like there is no truce in this match.

Muza: Baggie slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. Happy Suds?

Suds: Has anyone been hit with the chair? Do you see blood? then why would i be happy?

JJ: Stungun and Jay are both back on their feet, exchanging right hands, neither man giving an inch to the other. Baggie slides in behind Stungun with the chair.

Muza: And Jay boots the chair back into Baggie, that one backfired.

JJ: Not that Stungun appreciated the favor, he just clotheslined Jay from behind, sending him out of the ring.

Muza: Stungun grabs the dazed Bagman and press slams him!!! Baggie hits the mat hard face first. Stungun with the cover 1-2- kickout, still too early.

JJ: Stungun drops an elbow, then a stomp. Picks Baggie up, Gutbuster!! Baggie is holding his midsection in agony.

Muza: Jay Crew is back on the apron. Stungun picks Baggie up again, WHAT A MOVE!!! Jay Crew leapt over the top rope and used Baggie's back for a springboard, to hit Stungun with a flying clothesline.

Suds: Phah.... i could do better.... if i felt like it.

JJ: Jay with a series of right hands to Stungun.

The camera shows a slow motion replay of Jay hitting the springboard clothesline on Stungun

JJ: There appears to be a disturbance.... the audience are looking towards the entranceway...

Fred: It's Puffy and Mangoli. They are arguing about something.

Puffy: I am telling you, my excuse for being inactive is better than yours.

Mangoli: Get out of here, my excuse is much better than yours, and at least i have not padded my record ever day this month.

Puffy: Oh i am sorry Mr "jobbed in the minors" did i break one of your rules?

JJ: That is the most i have heard those guys say in the entire month.

Suds: Hold on a sec, I will sort those inactive losers out.

Suds gets up from his seat as Puffy and Mangoli argue their way to the ring

Muza: Oh great, now all three guys are arguing outside the ring...

JJ: Back in the ring. Stungun whips Jay to the ropes, Stungun drops to his knees... Jay Crew LAUNCHES himself of Stungun, over the ropes and onto the three whiners outside the ring.

Suds: Hey, I aint a whiner, that is these guy...s... uh-oh.

Suds sees Jay Crew flying through the air about to him

Muza: Jay Crew takes all three men out at once...,. why couldn't he have done that on the first of the month.

JJ: Stungun off the ropes, back again, and OVER the ropes with a tope!!!

Muza: And everyone is down again on the outside... Baggie on the turnbuckle... Space Corkscrew Moonsault!!!

JJ: That move is a keeper... Here comes Bouncin' Bunny, Baggies Valet down to ringside... is she carrying duct tape?

Muza: Yes she is... and she is taping the mouths of Mangoli and Puffy shut!!!!

JJ: No more whining and complaining from them i guess.

Muza: I guess that means they wont post again for the rest of the month then....

JJ: .......

Muza: ........


Baggie grabs Stungun and rolls him into the ring, then follows himself

jj: Baggie sets Stungun up on the top turnbuckle, looks like a huracarana coming up.

Muza: Stungun is not that dazed, he is holding onto the top turnbuckle. Baggie leans back, But Stungun counters with a POWERBOMB off the TOP ROPE.

JJ: Baggie's head bounced off the canvas like a watermellon on concrete.

Muza: Stungun covers 1-2- Jay Crew with the save, He got into the ring at the last possible second. Baggie was out of it, Jay saved the match there.

Suds picks up Mangoli and Puffy who are duct Taped in various places and carries them off to the back

JJ: Bunny is at ringside, she is telling the "fan clubs" to leave ringside, and they do not look happy about that.

Muza: Bunny is the boss... would you argue with her?

JJ: Jay Crew with a scoopslam on Stungun, countered into a small package for only a one count.

Muza: Whip to the ropes by Jay, Stungun bounces back into a savate kick.

JJ: What the? I don't believe this, The Village People, Right Said Fred and A Flock of Seaguls are back again, and they are not alone.

Muza: It's Bad Spock, he is holding a peice of paper in one hand and a bottle of Ssip in the other.

JJ: Did you say Ssip? the warm and refreshing drink? when you are feeling low, and dont know what to do, drink a little Ssip and it will make you rule!!!

Muza: Spock got you too?

JJ: Hey, Spock pays good money, and a little advertising never hurt anyone.

Muza: Jay grabs Stungun and dumps him over the top rope, then looks at Baggie who is STILL out cold from that top rope powerbomb.

JJ: Jay looks at Stungun, then at Baggie... and covers Baggie... 1-2- Noooo!!! Bad Spock just grabbed Baggie's foot and pulled him out of the ring. Lets get a camera to ringside and see if we can pick up what is being said.

Spock: What are you playing at Baggie? You signed this contract here *holds up paper* which quite clearly says that you have to advertise Ssip at EVERY opportunity that presents itself.

Baggie: Whu?? But...

Spock: And further more, these three VERY talented pop groups from the 80's have to be at ringside at EVERY one of your matches.

Bunny: Hey, now wait a second buster.

Spock: Sorry sweetheart, this is buisness, not a girly thing, go paint your nails.

JJ: Uh-Oh... did he just insult Bunny?

Muza: From Bad Spock to DEAD Spock...

Spock: Now, as i was saying, you need to take this bottle of Ssip and *eep*

JJ: I just KNEW she would grab him there....

Bunny: Paint my nails? did you tell me to PAINT MY NAILS???

Spock: *eep* i....*ouch* ooooh... *pain*

Muza: Jay Crew is up on the turnbuckle, Baggie has no idea he is behind him.

Bunny: Baggie, pick that bottle of Ssip off the ground will you.

JJ: Missile dropkick to the floor by Jay Crew!!!

Muza: But Baggie inadvertantly ducked when he picked that bottle of Ssip up, Bad Spock just got leveled by Jay Crew.

JJ: And Bunny still had a hold of his... oh my... i think she still has them...

Bunny: Ewwwwww.

JJ: Stungun from behind, Baggie saw that one comming and SMASHED the bottle of Ssip into his face. What a shot Stungun just took.

Muza: Need to hit an enemy? then use Ssip, it comes in handy for all sorts of things.

JJ: Enough with the free plugs...

Muza: Sorry... What a match. Stungun is flat on his back blood pouring from his face, Jay Crew is punching on Bad Spock for getting involved in the match, Bunny has Bad Spock's.... uh.... in her hand, and Baggie is just standing around looking confused.

JJ: What else could happen?

Muza: I have no idea, this is Baggie part of the rewrite finished with.

JJ: Really? but he can fit a few more lines in? He only did this long post because Da Man deserved the effort.

Muza: Oh yeah, Da Man is a really good commish, but remember its the slammers who make this fed what it is, especially the guys who make the playoffs and slam guys who post 10 part rewrites....

JJ: Baggie made you say that didn't he... he is such a suck up.... almost out of space.

Muza: Wellll, since we have a short ammount of space left, why don't i tell all the viewers at home about the wonders of Ssip? It really is an amazing product.

JJ: How about we get on with the Match?

Muza: Sure, how about start with Stungun's continued version of the rewrite!

JJ-Baggie is just standing there looking around!!!

Muza-Oh and Jay's up...Spocks not...After with his...Oh my time for fred to take over!!!

JJ -Um..Sure...Jay is up...He spins baggie around...There delivering right after right....Both man look dazed....but neither are giving up!!!!

Muza -Whats this? StunGun is slowly rolling to the outside of the ring....He's STILL out of it!!!! He's laying there...Blood pouring everywhere!!!!

JJ -After a series of blows finally baggie falls back against the ropes...Oh and Crew with a closethline!!!!

Muza -WAIT!!! Baggie grabbed jay and they BOTH go sailing over the top rope....OH MY GOD Baggie's just went headfirst into the cement floor!!! And Jay landed on his back!!! Both are writhing in pain!!!!!

JJ-Whats this??? StunGun Is FINALLY back in the match!!!! He's slowly rolling in the ring....He sees Baggie and Jay and....

Muza -HE JUMPS OVER THE TOP ROPE!!!! Oh and they BOTH get a foot up right into StunGun's face!!! StunGun flies backwards and hits the turnbuckle!!!!!

JJ -Jay is up first...He's picking up baggie by the hair....DDT ON THE CEMENT!!!!!! Baggie is busted wide open!!!! Jay with the pin...1....2...3...NO!!!! Baggie somehow KICKED OUT!!!!!! WAIT Here comes Darock....StunGun's Tag Partner!!!

Muza-Whats he Doing??? He's got Crew....He's walking over to the spanish announce table....OH MAN!!! SAMOAN DROP TO CREW ON THE TABLE!!!! The table busted!!!! NOW CREW IS WIDE OPEN!!!!

JJ-All 3 men are laying on the ground!!!! StunGun is finally up...Lets hope he can do something here....StunGun is heading over to us!!!

Muza-HE'S GETTING A CHAIR!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING!?!?!? No..No...Darock is picking up Crew...he's holding him for StunGun!!!! Robo-StunGun swings!!! OH JAY DUCKED!!! HE DUCKED!!!! StunGun just laid out his tag partner Darock!!!!! He's asking darock is he's allright...Crew's up behind him...REVERSE DDT!!!!! StunGun is out of it AGAIN!!!!

JJ-Baggie is slowly getting to his feet....He's walking up behind Crew...CREW DOESN"T SEE HIM!!!! Baggie spins him around!!! He whips him....Jay Hits....NO HE LEAPED OVER THE STAIRS!!!!

Muza -WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??? Someone in the crowd has jumped out with A Wood Sign with a He is Coming Sign... And OH he hit jay right into it!!!!

JJ-Jay staggers backwards....Oh and into the stairs!!!!! He lands on his head with a sickening "Thud"....But who was the guy from the stands??? He's got a hood over his fa....

Muza-What is this??? He's unmasking....ITS TALTOS!!!! What the hell is happening!?!?!? Wait Darock's up and coming up to taltos...the 2 are exchanging words....OH There exchanging fists!!! There slowly battling to backstage...I think there gone....

JJ- All 3 men are slowly stumbling to thier feet....They all seem to have the same idea....They all roll into the ring....They slowly look up....they all have looks of determination and blood in thier eyes...How can they keep going???

Muza-Baggie and Crew are duking it out...Baggie whips Crew into the ropes...What the hell is this??? A beercan thrown by a fanactic fan wearing a "Jay's Crew" Shirt just hit the wrong person!!!!

Immeditaly the crowd beats the hell out of this person.....

JJ-Jay is out of it...He slowly turns around and stumbles towards Baggie...Baggie just moves out of the way....

Muza-WAIT WHATS THIS???? KICK TO THE GUT...STUNNER!!!! STUNNER TO CREW!!!! Crew just got hammered by StunGun's finsiher!!! He's out of it!!!!

JJ-Whats This???? Baggie is looking at StunGun...Baggie just went for a Clothseline...Misses!!! He turns around...NOT AGAIN!!! KICK TO THE GUT OF BAGGIE!!!!! STUNNER!!! STUNNER TO BAGGIE!!!!! BOTH MEN ARE LAYING ON THE FLOOR!!! THIS IS CARNAGE!!!!

Muza-What will happen NEXT????

JJ-CARNAGE I TELL YOU!! StunGun is climbing the turnbuckle and giving the double birds to the fans!! THEY LOVE IT!!!! he's going to cover Baggie....This is it...


JJ-Baggie is up....StunGun is laying on his back...he can't belive it....Crew and Baggie are laughing!!! Baggie goes to give crew a pat on the back...baggie with a kick to the gut...POWERBOMB!!!! POWERBOMB TO CREW!!!! 1....2....KICKOUT!!! WOW what a match!!! These people have such determination!!!!! Wait It's the ROTS!!! ITS JEDI And TALTOS!!! There running down to the ring....

Muza-Wai....There beating on the 3 men in the ring!!! Jay,StunGun and Baggie are to tired to fight!!!

JJ-ITS Suds!!!! SUDS!!!! With a chair!!! OH HE HIT TALTOS!!! NOW JEDI!!! Both are laying in the ring!!!! Suds is smiling and throws the chair to StunGun....Who looks at it...And goes to hit Crew!!! No Crew kicks it back in his face!!!!!

Muza: What's going on the lights are fading?

Lights go out... As Blind By Korn starts to play in the arena as a big man walks through the entrance way.

JJ- Who the hell is that?

Muza- It's Bigdaddymike!!! Our newest member of CGW! He coming to the ring with a bat. OH NO HE JUST KNOCKED Suds in the head with a baseball bat! Wait he throws Suds over the ropes. Wait Da_man is on the entrance way! Da_man has the mic!

Da_man: GET HIM BOYS!!!!!!!!

JJ- Oh, no! After Da_man said that Bigdaddymike, Jay Crew, and Stungun started to beat down on Paperbagman!

Muza: Da_man is smart!! He has a match with Paperbagman next! He wants to win it!

JJ: Bigdaddymike has the baseball bat! *WHAM* He just hit Baggie with it. He's out cold! Crew goes for the cover. 1!!!! 2!!! NO! Stungun just pulled him off. This is the end of Stunner's rewrite now onto Da_man's finish.

Muza: Stungun and Jay Crew are yelling at each other now! They are pushing each other with vulgaur language we apoligize for this folks.

JJ: Bigdaddymike is continueing to work on Paperbagman. Wait! It's Zipoworshipr from the crowd he level Bigdaddymike from behind. Zipoworshipr throws BDM over the top ropes! Both men are fighting.

Muza: Da_man is yelling at Crew and Stungun! Wait Da_man is coming up in the ring. He's got Paperbagman! Piledriver!!!!!!!!!!!!

JJ: Da_man pushes Paperbagman under the ropes! Da_man kicks Paperbagman! He picks Paperbagman up by the hair! Oh no! Paperbagman just leveled Da_man in the jaw! Da_man went nearly flying through the aileway! Paperbagman runs after Da_man as Da_man runs away back stage! I guess their match has started early.

Muza: Stungun and Jay Crew are having an evenly fought match! Crew throws Stunner to the ropes! Back Body Drop! Man these guys have a lot in them. Both are cut open majorly!

JJ: Crew has Stungun set up!!! Major Powerbomb! Stungun is out!!!

Muza: Crew just went on the outside! He's got a chair! He's got back in! Stungun's getting slowly up! *WHAM* Crew just hit Stunner with a chair! Wait Stunner just got back up! *Wham* Crew just hits him again he picks him up. He has him set up! It's all over folks!

JJ: What the hell is happening? What's all this yellow liquid stuff falling down... EWWWWW! What the hell a big mouse just came from under the ring.

Muza: That's another one of our new slammers! And he ain't a mouse!

JJ: What the hell Muza? You hired a mouse? I understand we are having trouble but do you didn't have to hire a mouse!

Muza: That's no mouse! That's Pikachu! He currently is the iUWA Universal, KOTR and...

JJ: You mean the Pokemon Pikachu?

Muza: No the slammer Pikachu!

JJ: Since when does a pokemon wrestle?

Muza: I don't know! Pikachu is on the top ropes. He just caught Crews' attention. Pikachu jumps! Oh No! Pikachu has an electirc thunder barrier around him and just shoot down at about 100 miles an hour!

JJ: Holy shit! That's a mighty mouse!

Muza: He's not a mouse!

JJ: Holy crap Pikachu just lifted Stungun what power he throws him on Crew! THe ref goes for the count! 1!!!! 2!!! 3!!! Stungun just won the Galactic Title with help from a little mouse!

Muza: He is not a mouse Damnit!!!!!!!!!!!

Scsastunner slowly gets helped up by the referee as he is handed the Galactic Championship When he sees Pikachu wait in the ring he goes over and shakes his hands

Muza: There's some support from two former stables mates.

JJ: Stungun used to be in a stable with a mouse?!

Muza: THe next time I hear you mention a mouse I will go over there and take those big ears of yours and shove them down your ass you will have to open your mouth to listen!!!

JJ: Fine Jar Jar be nice!

LSL: Ladies and Gentlemen the winner of the match and The NEW CGW GALACTIC CHAMPION OF THE INTERGALACTIC UNIVERSE STUNGUN!!!!!

Crew slowly gets up and now is going face to face with Pikachu. I mean ah.. Angle to face. Ah... Wait a second Stunner is pleading with Crew. Wait a second Crew is getting into his brief case! OH my goodness Crew just handed Pikachu a suit! I think he wants the naked Pikachu to put some clothes on let's here what he has to say.

Jay Crew: Pikachu, Stungun and I welcome you to the Elite Empire!

Pikachu: Thanks but no thanks! I don't need to change my image right now. Plus I don't need clothes. I am comfortable with what I am wearing! Thanks!

Scsastunner: Pika, you don't need to wear clothes. Just as long as you promise you won't jump on us or anything.

Pikachu: What the hell are you guys saying? I'm an it! Plus, those wrestlers in iUWA who I got pregeant was from a mixup in blood transfers. Plus, I don't jump on people in that kinda way. Unless of course it's a cute chick.

Jay Crew: Then welcome aboard!!!

JJ: Pikachu, has just joined Elite Empire. But, what the hell was with that?

Muza: Well, orginally Pikachu, was caught by Quint and....

JJ: Ok ok ok! You told me enough!

Muza: Let's find Da_man and Paperbagman and see what's going on! ********************************************************************************************************

Da_man vs. Paperbagman Hardcore Falls Count Anywhere Rewrite Match

Muza: Has the cameras found them. Wait there's Paperbagman in the ladies....Opps. Cameraman get that out of there! That's not Paperbagman YUCK!!!!!!!!

JJ: I think another Cameraman has them yes there they are fighting in a bar! Oh, my Da_man is cut pretty badly! So is Paperbagman! Da_man has the advantage. Bunny is there yelling at Da_man!

Bunny: You bastard! You didn't have to hit my man with a low blow with a baseball bat! And then Cut him open with a...

Da_man: Shut up you bitch!!!!!!!

Muza: Umm.... I don't think he should have said that!!!

JJ: Just as I thought Bunny is going for Da_man's... Wait Da_man caught Bunny's hand. Wait he pushes her hand to a man sitting on a bence beside the them. Da_man moves out of the way! The man turns.. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Alien: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, Hubba!!!!!!!!

Muza: It's a six eyed zombie wolf. I think he thinks that Bunny made a pass at him. YES HE DID! The Wolf is kissing Bunny on the lips. Oh no she just fainted!!!!

JJ: The Wolf is carrying Bunny away. Possibly to the suite!

Muza: I feel deeply sorry for her. She deserves better! She is great in bed!

JJ: Um.. Muza don't tell me you..

Muza: Hey, thats no fair I paid 5 million he's gonna get it for free!!!!!!

JJ: Oh, that explains it!

Muza: That big distraction however gave time for Paperbagman to recover he has a bottle of mreps yeknom and he hits Da_man over the head with it! Da_man is out! Wait Paperbagman sits down at the bar.

Paperbagman: Bartender give me some of your best stuff!

Bartender: !!aehrraid tar dellac tcudorp tsewen ruo evah kcus uoy dna ti nioj uoy neht dna eltit a go WGC eht wercs uoy tsrif

The Bartender hands Baggie a drink

Paperbagman: Man this stuff smells bad. Well, he it goes!!

Paperbagman drinks the drink.

Paperbagman: This stuff is the worse stuff I have ever tasted what's in it? *WHAM*

Muza: Wow, did you see that, Da_man just recovered and knocked Paperbagman over the head with one of the queer space hats that those green aliens wear. Da_man has Paperbagman set up POWERBOMB ON THE BAR TABLE! HE BROKE THE BAR TABLE! Da_man with the pin! 1!!!! 2!!! Oh Two Count!

JJ: Close one. THe commish almost got a big upset there. Da_man what's he doing he has Bagman up! He hits his head on a bar buckle.

Crowd: 1! 3! 5! 7! 9! 11!

Muza: I just hated it when they cut even numbers out of our number system!

JJ: You mean all these $2 I saved are useless?

Muza: Yeah, we now only accept $1 $3 $5 $15 25$ and any other odd number bills. Sucks. Of course I still have to pay Da_man's full salary damn why did I have to give every slammer a $2,005 bonus this summer! Sigh!

JJ: Da_man and Paperbagman are in the Aliens Bathroom. Da_man throws Paperbagman inside the urinal. Da_man takes Paperbagman inside a stall. THen he walks out of it. And enters a new one.

Da_man: I hate it when they don't flush!

Muza: Da_man is in the new stall. He opens the tiolet. He has Paperbagman set up! PILEDRIVER INTO THE TIOLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO THE TIOLET EXPLODED!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS A FLOOD IN HERE! Da_man goes for the... Wait...What's Da_man doing.... He's ripping off Paperbagman's bag off. Who is it! It's Paperbagman!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean he has another mask underneath it!

JJ: Damn it! I wanted to know who he was.

Muza: He is, *Whisper*

JJ: WHAT!!!!!! HE SUCKS!!!

JJ: Da_man goes for the pin! 1!!!! 2!!! Kickout! Da_man is puking! Man it must be a bad smell in there now that the whole bathroom is flooded! Oh no! Da_man just threw Paperbagman threw the bathroom window Thank.... Umm.. What floor was that bathroom on?

Muza: Well, it's on the first floor not to worry.

JJ: Da_man climbs out of the window but falls over! He falls on his head!!! Da_man is slowly getting up! Paperbagman is slowly getting up! What can happen now!

Muza: Da_man is taking Paperbagman to a ladder. Da_man is climbing the ladder! He is going to the roof!!!!

JJ: Wait he comes Paperbagman after him!!!!!

Muza: Da_man is on the top. He pushes the ladder down! Paperbagman just feel about 6 stories down onto cement. But, how is Da_man going to get down?

JJ: What's he doing? He's dancing on the roof! Wait no! No! No! It's not.. Ah!!!! Da_man turns his back. He's going for a moonsault!!!!!!! He jumped!

Muza: Ah........

JJ: Ah...........

Muza: Well folks this is weird. Paperbagman didn't get hit. And Da_man didn't miss. Da_man just landed on a branch. On a tree. That's gotta hurt!!!!!

JJ: Paperbagman what's he doing. He has a laser gun. He chopping the tree down! Oh no! Da_man just jumped away!!!! But the tree is falling his way! NO DON'T!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! The tree just landed on Da_man he is going to need some medical attention!!!! Paperbagman starts to taunt Da_man.

Muza: Well folks this match is over Da_man didn't stand a chance! 1!!! 2!!!! WHAT!!!! Da_man lkicked out!! What type of an idiot is he?

JJ: Look, at Paperbagman, he looks surprised. Man, these two are having a great match!

Muza: Paperbagman slide Da_man's face across the ground to get the tree of him. He picks him up! And throws him into the electric wire fence.

JJ: Look, at Da_man shake. Paperbagman charges for Da_man. Wait Da_man moves out of the way! Paperbagman gets shocked by the fence. Wait Da_man has Paperbagman. ROCK BOTTOM!!!!!!!! Well, where the hell did that come from?

Muza: Da_man is knocked out also it must have took a lot from him who will be the first to their feet... Da_man is slowly getting up now! Da_man just coughed up some blood! Sick!

JJ: Well, Da_man refuses to give up! Da_man ordered the fence to be opened! No don't tell me! Da_man is going to go to the lauching station and refeuling station!

Muza: Wasn't Tashta 7 blown up?

JJ: No that was Tashta Seven.

Muza: Oh.

JJ: Da_man is going to the refeuling station. He has Paperbagman. He has a gas nozzle. He is spreayng Paperbagman with the gas!!!!!!

Muza: That's not safe. That's stuff with burn your skin!

JJ: Da_man takes Baggie to the lauching station. He lifts Paper... LOW BLOW! That gotta stop Da_man!

Muza: Both men are slowly getting up. There both up! Da_man attempts to punch Paperbagman block! Paperbagman graps Da_man. He hits him Bagged & Tagged. It's all over.

JJ: Da_man just stood right up. Damn Hogan rip off!

Muza: Paperbagman punches Da_man! No effect.

JJ: Oh no a ship is coming there way!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ship just hit both men!!! They are both out cold! What do we do now?! The ref is counting. 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!!

Muza: A draw? A freaking draw after all this? Well, I guess neither of them deserved to lose.

JJ: Here comes some CGW officals. Here comes Crew, Stunner, Pikachu, Bigdaddymike and Darock. They are helping Da_man up! The officals are helping Paperbagman up! Both men are walking! My goodness. Da_man is walking to Paperbagman! Paperbagman stares at Da_man please don't tell me these two will go at it again!

Muza: Da_man is... putting his hand out! Paperbagman shakes it! These two are showing respect for each other after all this?

JJ: Can we get audio here they are talking.

Da_man: Paperbagman, you will be missed. We have the ship waiting for you. It has been fun having you enjoy your retirement!

Paperbagman: Da_man, you fight a good match. I will miss the CGW a lot. I will remember this match.

Paperbagman enters the ship as count down begins at T Minus 1 minute. Da_man approches The Elite Empire and begins to speak to them.

Da_man: You guys suck! I could have beat Paperbagman but no you guys have to stop and push each other. Well, as you being my bodyguards. I got two words for all of you... YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Moment Da_man yelled that the Elite Empire attacks Da_man.

JJ: No! The Elite Empire are beating up on the commish! Da_man has been hurt enough. Darock has some rope. He is tieing Da_Man together with it.

Muza: Oh, no they are bringing Da_man to the lauch shuttle where Paperbagman is about to go! They are tying Da_man under the engine! This is sick!

T Minus 10 seconds!




JJ: Stop the damn engines! Stop the damn engine!





*Camera Fades*