CNN Exclusive

Here's another interview from the man, Robert Yell...

Robert Yell and Cslam VP LARS Magnasun

Hello CSlam. with me today is Cyberslam Vice President, and CCW Commish, Lars. Hiya, Lars.

Hello Yell, it's good to finally get a chance to talk with you. And thanks for having me here today.

No problem. First, what does the CSlam VP actually do?

Well, the Cyberslam V.P. is in charge of many, many things.

I am the one how does the dirty work so to speak. I check on inactive Commish's.

I help any Cslam Commish in any way possible. And I give my ideas on how Cslam could be better.

Thats just a few things.

Now, what is it like being the commish of CCW?

Yell, I must tell you, it's great! I really feel I have some
of the greatest slammers ever assembled in one fed, in the history on all of Cyberslam.

You ever considered returning to the ring yourself?

No, no, my days of being in the ring are over, Yell. I have managed many slammers since.

But getting back in the ring?

No way, I think I have proved what my place is in Cyberslam.

Well, you make a damn good Commish.....

How do you feel about New Ebola/Daos winning the Ultimate Finals?

Well, Daos/New Ebola, has really put in his time in Cyberslam.

It's nice to see the CCW get another Cyberslam title.

Any big plans for the CCW coming up?

I intend on getting a few more Hardcore Matches booked.

And I have some GREAT venues lined up for this month, soon to be named.

What's your opinion on Blitzes?

I feel Blitzkrieg's are a great idea, but if used over and over, they seem to get stale.

I will have a blitz about once every two months from now on.

A lot of slammers feel they are just a way to give more wins to the top guys.....

Yup, that's true.

But if you do it at the very begining of the month, it can be huge.

OK, fair have any words for BDC, who is retiring?

I truly hate to see him go. regardless of your inactiveness.

We all go through real Life battles that must be done. Cslam MUST be fun.

And when it stops getting fun, and you just don't have the time,
then it's time to walk.

I have truly enjoyed him as a slammer, (When he was active)
and hope someday he will return.

I wish him the best.

How do you like the CCW, so far Yell?

Oh, it's fine.....

but this interview is about you, Lars.

Ok, Ok, you're right :-)

Which of the rookies do you think will do well?

I really feel that Deathwish is a true heat machine when he is on.

Yell has already proved that he can tangle with the big boys.

And Rocky, if he gets on the boards more, Look out cause of
the record that he has. Nothing will stop him.

Now, going back to your other job.... what do you see in the future,
for CSlam as a whole?

I hope to see more interaction. Having your mic skills show
in your slamming strength. And better graphics and maybe even actual footage
from matches. And much , much more.

And no offence, but I do feel that Cslam has gotten too big,
too fast. We need less Feds.

How would you accomplish that?

Well, that all rests in the hand of The Slammer. Remy is truly a mastermind.

I hope the feds don't keep coming.

But on the business side of things I guess it's the bigger the better,
in some people's eyes.

The more Feds, the more cash flow.

And that might mean a huge descent in the quality of slammers and Commish's.

You don't receive a wage, do you?

Nope, never have.

So why do you give so much of your time to CSlam?

I truly love the game.

I like the idea of the interaction, and the roleplay, of the great sport of Wrestling.

I've made some great friends through Cyberslam.

Do you feel like doing word association?

Sure. That can be interesting.


Interaction, friends.


One of the best Feds, in a time frame of all time.


The mastermind.

The guy is why Cslam is still running after over 3 yrs.

Funky Nassau

The Ringleader.

One of the most creative Commish's to ever grace Cslam.


The top of the line.


The training grounds for the majors.

Just like the Minors for baseball.


The Limit, and Chevalier.


Well, at first I thought it was kinda corny, but it
brings new meaning to RP.


The absolute power in their feds. Head of Role plays.


A bit unpredictable. Simulated, but how else you gonna do it?


A lost art.

Something that Cyberslam needs to get back to at times.


Crucial to being a good slammer.

That and the ability to feud well.

The Finals

Where the best of the best go head to head.

In both slamming, and at each others throats on the boards.


Something that should be kept off the Cyberslam boards.

Cyberslam is a game. When you go OOC you take real life to the game.

I can understand the OOC's for the wellbeing of others.

But that needs to be put through ICQ, or e-mail.


Great Site! Very informative.

That's pretty much it....any final comments, Lars?

I would just like to thank all the slammers that have been under me as a Commish.

You are the ones that have made the Feds that I've been in fun for me.

Thanks again Yell.

No problem, Lars. Thanks for your time.

CSlam, this is Robert Yell, saying once again.....I'm out.

Funky Nassau