This is Hardcore here with the first of many articles that I will be writing for CNN. My main focus in reporting has been on the action and the slammers in the CEW. However I have been known to deviate and conduct stories and interviews in other feds and even with some indy slammers if I deem that the story is news worthy or that readers who follow my articles will find them interesting. And that leads me to the subject of this article

"When Was The Last Time You Read An Interesting Story"

That's right. An "Interesting Story" whether posted by a slammer or a reporter. When was the last time that you read something on one of the boards and said to yourself now that was a good post. I know that many people will look at their own work and claim that it is well written but when was the last time that you thoroughly enjoyed someone else's work and I don't mean one of your stable mates, I mean some one your feuding with or someone new to your fed.

We all know slammers or reporters that can put up a post that makes us smile or gives us a good chuckle or captures our interest but it seems to me that these posts are indeed becoming a rarity rather than the norm. A fellow reporter and I were chatting on ICQ the other day and we were discussing the ins and outs of what makes an interesting post. Though we disagreed on some points there were others that we completely agreed on. I have come up with a list of 5 things that make a post interesting to me. I am sure that some of you will agree and just as many will disagree, however that is not important. What I hope to do by creating this list is to help someone in some small way improve on their flashing abilities. If anyone is helped at all please drop me a line.

Is your post new and unique or is it something you copied from the latest taping of RAW or Nitro? If I had a nickle for every Stone_cold or Rock wannabe in CSLAM today, I would be rich.

Does your post tell a story or is it just bashing? You can create heat in a story but let's get beyond the "You Suck" style of posting. If you must post a "You Suck" message than my advice is to do it with STYLE.

Is any part of your post funny? Will it make people laugh when they read it? Some slammers are famous for the humor that they inject into some of their stories.

4-Character Development
Is your slammer a developed character? Does your slammer have traits, habits or characteristics that make him stand out? Does your slammer have a past that somehow adds to feuds or that comes back to haunt him?

Does your post title grab people's attention? I once saw a post titled "SEX AND MORE SEX" and naturally I immediately had to read it. The story had absolutely nothing to do with the title but my attention was certainly drawn to that particular post.

There you have it, just a sampling of things that make a post interesting to me. This is Hardcore for CNN saying thank you and good night.