Anna's week in chains (Part II)

She slept soundly despite her bonds and in the morning, she was awakened by the sound of the sheriff's vehicle stopping in front of her house.

"Good morning, miss" he said as he walked in, without knocking. "It's seven o'clock and time for you to get up." Anna heard the sound of clinking as he again dumped a canvas sack on the bed. He undid her chains and left the room to allow her to dress.

"I have been ordered by the judge to make some changes to your chains this morning, " he said. "It will be as well for you to get breakfast before I do that. I have to handcuff you first, though."  He took her hands in his and applied a pair of standard handcuffs.
"I've not had my own breakfast yet.Perhaps you would share your coffee with me. Here are a few things that might help."  

From another bag, he brought out sausages, eggs, bacon, a carton of milk and a new loaf of freshly baked bread.  

Anna said, "I hope you will not get into trouble for being too familiar with a prisoner."

"Oh. no. The judge ordered me to make sure that your imprisonment would not cause any health problems. He reminded me that the state must provide food for prisoners. Now, would you please hurry and cook our breakfast. I'm hungry!"

Anna, although hampered by the handcuffs, was able to make a good meal for them both, after which the sheriff said, "Now we must get down to business.  I have a new set of restraints for you this morning. Perhaps you should use the bathroom first. You will have difficulty later on, otherwise." She complied and when she returned, wearing a loose, long-sleeved white blouse and black, pleated  skirt, the sheriff said "My! you look very good now.  Did you sleep well, then?"
Anna replied, "After you went, it took a little while to get comfortable, but when I did, I had no problems at all. The first thing I knew after falling asleep, was you coming in."

"Stand there!" the sheriff ordered, becoming more official in his manner.
He undid her handcuffs and refastened her hands at the back, using much lighter cuffs than the previous ones, with a chain attached to matching leg-irons, linked together with chain of only a few inches in length. He said, "I'm sorry to have to do this, but my orders are quite specific."  He produced a lenght of rope, tied one end to the cuffs and looped the other end around her elbows.He made an elaborate rope harness which, whilst not bringing her arms completely together so that they touched, nevertheless, held them back a little more than was comfortable and made her figure more striking than before.   
The rest of the rope was tied both over and under her breasts and when he had fastened the last knot she thought he had done it more tightly than it needed to be
The thin blouse did not hide much and the soft bra that she had chosen pushed it out appealingly.
"There!" he said, very businesslike, as he turned her round to check everything was in order, "That will serve until lunch-time. "I'll see you again at about two o'clock." He left in a hurry, slamming her door  behind him, leaving  Anna to wonder how she was going to spend the morning  in today's bondage. She thought that the sheriff was a bit abrupt  in the way he had left her.

The judge, watching the recorded events on the surveillance cameras a couple of hours later, over his own breakfast, smiled. "Things are going well, exactly to plan!" he thought to himself as he buttered his toast.

It was fortunate for Anna that her friend Bella lived nearby. Anna's phone rang not long after the sheriff had left, giving Anna a puzzle to answer it.

She was able to lift the receiver from its hook and by placing it on the table and bending  over it could just hear Bella calling her.

"Belle," she said," I wonder if you could get over here. I'm in a bit of difficulty here and I could use a little help."

She heard Bella's voice faintly, "Sure. I'll be with you in half an hour!",
then the click as the phone was put down.

Anna was in two minds whether to put the phone back or to leave it on the table. If there were anything urgent, she thought, a caller would just have to come round in person. Answering it like she had just done was too awkward to do.

Anyone else would have to wait until she was released. She left it where it was.
Sitting down in an easy chair was not practical. The rope harness held her arms very straight down her back, so that the only way she could be comfortable was to sit on a bar-stool or to lie on her bed. After a while on the stool, she went to lie down and in spite of the discomfort, fell into a doze.

She was awakened by a hammering on her front door. She hated the thought that someone she knew might see her like this. She got up and went slowly and reluctantly to the door. She knew it was not locked and that a salesman would be very difficult to get rid of. She called out,"Who is it?" and was mightily relieved to hear Bella's voice.

"Open up, Anna!"

She had to say,"I can't. Come in, the door's not locked."

Bella replied," It is! Can't you open it?"

"No,"Anna answered,"I can't reach the lock. Try the other door!"

It was locked too. The sheriff had made sure that a casual caller would not find it easy to get at her.  Neither of them knew what to do, until Anna had an idea. "Put a stone through one of the small window panels and I'll pass you the key." she said.
Bella broke the window, but Anna had not said which one. It was far too high! Anna shouted through the hole,"Not that one! Do a lower one!" She threw another stone. This time the lower window broke. Anna looked in her bag, but of course, the key that was in there had been taken by the sheriff.

There was another hanging on the board in the kitchen; again it was too high for Anna to reach with her pinioned hands, but she found a broom and poked at the key until it fell to the floor. Bella was able to see Anna through the hole, kneeling, then lying down, trying to pick it up. After a few tries, she managed it and stood up, putting the key on the table. She picked it up with her mouth and took it to where Bella could reach it.


 Story sequel copyright  by Igor.

All pictures copyright by Felix Dartmouth
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