Defines "fan fiction" and explores the phenomenon on the internet.
This section is for people unfamiliar with fan fiction.

In Practice
Interviews with fan fiction writers/readers.
This section is for people who are curious about the practice and consumption of fan fiction.

The Law
Defines U.S. copyright and fair use laws and how both apply to fan fiction.
This section is for people terrified that they might be sued.

Examines Roland Barthes' idea of Works v. Text and how that applies to Fan Fiction.
This section is an attempt to make fan fiction relevant to my class and therefore my grade.

Just what it sounds like
Darn those technical terms.

My sources

This site was created as a final project for a grad course.

While practically every fandom has its fan fiction, this site uses Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and their fan fiction as its primary examples. Also, fan art, which is just as integral to fandom as fan fiction, is not covered here.


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© 2004 F.B. Pendergast

Last updated 12/19/2004  

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