<BGSOUND SRC="titanicend.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

TITANIC survivor noted with an *
First Class  Passengers
*Allen, Miss Elizabeth  Walton
Allison, Mr. H. J.
Allison, Mrs. H. J. and *Maid
Allison, Miss  L
*Allison, Master T. and *Nurse
*Anderson, Mr. Harry
*Andrews, Miss  Cornelia I.
Andrews, Mr. Thomas
*Appleton, Mrs. E. D.
Artagaveytia, Mr.  Ramon
Astor, Colonel J. J. and Manservant
*Astor, Mrs. J. J and  *Maid
*Aubert, Mrs. N. and *Maid
*Barkworth, Mr. A. H.
Baumann, Mr.  J.
*Baxter, Mrs. James
Baxter, Mr. Quigg
Beattie, Mr. T.
*Beckwith,  Mr. R. L.
*Beckwith, Mrs. R. L.
*Behr, Mr. K. H.
*Bishop, Mr. D.  H.
*Bishop, Mrs. D. H.
Bjornstrom, Mr. H.
Blackwell, Mr. Stephen  Weart
*Blank, Mr. Henry
*Bonnell, Miss Caroline
*Bonnell, Miss  Lily
Borebank, Mr. J. J.
*Bowen, Miss
*Bowerman, Miss Elsie
Brady,  Mr. John B.
Brandeis, Mr. E.
*Brayton, Mr. George
Brewe, Dr Arthur  Jackson
*Brown, Mrs. J. J.
*Brown, Mrs. J. M.
*Bucknell, Mrs. W.  and
Butt, Major Archibald W.
*Calderhead, Mr. E. P.
*Candee,  Mrs. Churchill
*Cardoza, Mrs. J. W. M. and Maid
*Cardoza, Mr. T. D. M and  Manservant
Carlson, Mr. Frank
Carran, Mr. F. M.
Carran, Mr. J.  P.
*Carter, Mr. William E.
*Carter, Mrs. William E. and Maid
*Carter,  Miss Lucile
*Carter, Master William T. and Manservant
Case, Mr. Howard  B.
*Cassebeer, Mrs. H. A.
Cavendish, Mr. T.W.
*Cavendish, Mrs. T. W.  and *Maid
Chaffee, Mr. Herbert F.
*Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert F.
*Chambers,  Mr. N. C.
*Chambers, Mrs. N. C.
*Cherry, Miss Gladys
*Chevre, Mr.  Paul
*Chibnafl, Mrs. E. M. Bowerman
Chisholm, Mr. Robert
Clark, Mr.  Walter M.
*Clark, Mrs. Walter M.
Clifford, Mr. George Quincy
Colley,  Mr. E. P.
*Compton, Mrs. A. T.
*Compton, Miss S. P.
Compton, Mr. A. T.,  Jr.
*Cornell, Mrs. R. G.
Crafton, Mr. John B.
Crosby, Mr. Edward  G.
*Crosby, Mrs. Edward G.
*Crosby, Miss Harriet
Cummings, Mr. John  Bradley
*Cummings, Mrs. John Bradley
*Daly, Mr. P. D.
*Daniel, Mr.  Robert W.
Davidson, Mr. Thornton
*Davidson, Mrs. Thornton
*De Villiers,  Mrs. B.
*Dick, Mr. A. A.
*Dick, Mrs. A. A.
*Dodge, Dr.  Washington
*Dodge, Mrs. Washington
*Dodge, Master Washington
*Douglas,  Mrs. F. C.
Douglas, Mr. W. D.
*Douglas, Mrs. W. D. and Maid
Dulles, Mr.  William C.
*Earnshew, Mrs. Boulton
*Endres, Miss Caroline
*Eustis, Miss  E. M.
Evans, Miss E.
*Flegenheim, Mrs. A.
*Flynn, Mr. J. I.
Foreman,  Mr. B. L.
Fortune, Mr. Mark
Fortune, Mrs. Mark
*Fortune, Miss  Ethel
*Fortune, Miss Alice
*Fortune, Miss Mabel
Fortune, Mr.  Charles
Franklin, Mr. T. P.
*Frauenthal Mr. T. G.
*Frauenthal, Dr.  Henry W.
*Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry W.
*Frolicher, Miss  Marguerite
Futrelle, Mr. J.
*Futrelle, Mrs. J.
Gee, Mr.  Arthur
*Gibson, Mrs. L.
*Gibson, Miss D.
Giglio, Mr.  Victor
*Goldenberg, Mr. S. L.
*Goldenberg, Mrs. S. L
Goldschmidt, Mrs.  George B.
*Gordon, Sir Cosmo Duff
*Gordon, Lady Duff and *Maid
*Gracie,  Colonel Archibald
Graham, Mr.
*Graham, Mrs William G
*Graha, Miss  Margaret
*Greenfield, Mrs. L. D.
*Greenfield, Mrs. W. B.
Guggenheim, Mr  Benjamin
*Harder, Mr. George A.
*Harder, Mrs. George A.
*Harper, Mr.  Henry Sleeper and *Manservant
*Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper
Harris, Mr.  Henry B.
*Harris, Mrs. Henry B.
Harrison, Mr. W. H.
*Haven, Mr.  H.
*Hawksford, Mr. W. J.
Hays, Mr. Charles M.
*Hays, Mrs. Charles M.  and Maid
*Hays, Miss Margaret
Head, Mr. Christopher
Hilliard, Mr.  Herbert Henry
Hipkins, Mr. W. E.
*Hippach, Mrs. Ida S.
*Hippach, Miss  Jean
*Hogeboom, Mrs. John C.
Holverson, Mr. A. O.
*Holverson, Mrs. A.  O.
*Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M.
*Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M.
Holt, Mr. W.  F.
Isham, Mrs. A. E.
*Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce and Manservant
Jakob, Mr.  Birnbaum
Jones, Mr. C. C
Julian, Mr. H. F.
Kent, Mr. Edward  A.
Kenyon, Mr. F. R.
*Kenyon, Mrs. F. R.
*Kimball, Mr. E.  N.
*Kimball, Mrs. E. N.
Klaber, Mr. Herman
Lambert-Williams, Mr.  Fletcher Fellows
*Leader, Mrs. F. A.
Lewy, Mr. E. G.
*Lindstroem, Mrs.  J.
*Lines, Mrs. Ernest H.
*Lines, Miss Mary C.
Lingrey Mr  Edward
Long, Mr.. Milton C.
*Langley, Miss Gretchen F.
Loring, Mr. J.  H.
*Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra
Maguire, Mr. J. E.
*Marechal, Mr.  Pierre
Marvin, Mr. D. W.
*Marvin, Mrs. D. W.
McCaffry. Mr.  T.
McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J. Rohan
*McGough, Mr. J. R.
Meyer, Mr. Edgar  J.
*Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J.
Millet, Mr. Frank D.
Missahan, Dr. W.  E.
*Missahan, Mrs. W. B.
*Missahan, Miss Daisy
*Moch, Mr. Pkdtp  E.
Moch, Mr. Phillip E.
Molson, Mr. H. Markland
Moore, Mr. Clarence and  Manservant
Natsch, Mr. Charles
Newell, Mr. A. W.
*Newell, Miss  Alice
*Newell, Miss Madeline
*Newsom, Miss Helen
Nicholson, Mr. A.  S.
*Omont, Mr. F.
Ostby, Mr. E. C
*Ostby, Miss Helen R.
Ovies, Mr.  S.
Parr, Mr. M. H. W.
Partner, Mr. Austin
Payne, Mr. V.
Pears, Mr.  Thomas
*Pears, Mrs. Thomas
Penasco, Mr. Victor
*Penasco, Mrs. Victor  and Maid
*Peuchen, Major Arthur
Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain
*Potter,  Mrs. Thomas, Jr.
Reuchlin, Mr. Jonkheer, J. G.
*Rheims, Mr.  George
*Robert, Mrs. Edward S. and *Maid
Roebling, Mr. Washington A.,  2nd
*Rolmane, Mr. C.
Rood, Mr. Hugh R.
*Rosenbaum, Miss
Ross, Mr. J.  Hugo
*Rothes, the Countess of and *Maid
Rothschild, Mr. M.
*Rothschild,  Mrs. M.
Rowe, Mr. Alfred
Ryerson, Mr. Arthur
*Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur and  *Maid
*Ryerson, Miss Emily
*Ryerson, Miss Susan
*Ryerson, Master  Jack
*Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe
*Schabert, Mrs. Paul
*Seward, Mr. Frederick  K.
*Shutes, Miss E. W.
*Silverthorne, Mr. S. V.
Silvey, Mr. William  B.
*Silvey, Mrs. William B.
*Simonius, Mr. Oberst Altons
*Sloper, Mr.  William T.
Smart, Mr. John M.
Smith, Mr. J. Clinch
Smith, Mr. R.  W.
Smith, Mr. L P.
*Smith, Mrs. L P.
*Snyder, Mr. John
*Snyder, Mrs.  John
*Soloman, Mr. A. L.
*Spedden, Mr. Frederick O.
*Spedden, Mrs.  Frederick O. and *Maid
*Spedden, Master R. Douglas and *Nurse
Spencer, Mr.  W. A.
*Spencer, Mrs. W. A. and Maid
*Stahelin, Dr. Max
Stead, Mr. W.  T.
*Steffanson, B. B.
*Steffanon, H. B.
*Stehli, Mr. Max  Frolicher
*Stehli, Mrs. Max Frolicher
*Stengel, Mr. C. E. H.
*Stengel,  Mrs. C. E. H.
Stewart, Mr. A. A.
*Stone, Mrs. George M. and  *Maid
Straus, Mr. Isidor and Manservant
Straus, Mrs. Isidor and  *Maid
Sutton, Mr. Frederick
*Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel
Taussig, Mr.  Emil
*Taussig, Mrs. Emil
*Taussig, Miss Ruth
*Taylor, Mr. E.  Z
*Taylor, Mrs. E. Z.
Thayer, Mr. J. B.
*Thayer, Mrs. J. B. and  *Maid
*Thayer, Mr. J. B., Jr.
Thorne, Mr. G.
*Thorne, Mrs.  G.
*Tucker, Mr. G. M., Jr.
Uruchurtu, Mr. M. R.
Van der Hoef, Mr.  Wyckoff
Walker, Mr. W. Anderson
Warren, Mr. F. M.
*Warren, Mrs. F.  M.
*Weir, Mr. J.
White, Mr. Percival W.
White, Mr. Richard  F.
*White, Mrs. J. Stuart and *Maid and Manservant
Wick, Mr. George  D.
*Wick, Mrs. George D.
*Wick, Miss Mary
Widener, Mr. George D. and  Manservant
*Widener, Mrs. George D. and *Maid
Widener, Mr..  Harry
*Willard, Miss Constance
Williams, Mr. Duane
*Williams, Mr. R.  N., Jr.
*Woolner, Mr. Hugh
Wright, Mr. George
*Young, Miss Marie 
Second Class  Passengers
Abelson, Mr. Samson
*Abelson,  Mrs. Hanna
Aldworth, Mr. C.
Andrew, Mr. Edgar
Andrew, Mr.  Frank
Angle, Mr. William
*Angle, Mrs.
Ashby, Mr. John
Baily, Mr.  Percy
Baimbridge, Mr. Chas. R.
*Balls, Mrs. Ada E.
Banfield, Mr.  Frederick J.
Bateman, Mr. Robert J.
*Beane, Mr. Edward
*Beane, Mrs.  Ethel
Beauchamp, Mr. H. J.
*Becker, Mrs. A. O. and *three  children
*Beesley, Mr. Lawrence
*Bentham, Miss Lilian W.
Berriman, Mr.  William
Botsford, Mr. W. Hull
Bowenur, Mr. Solomon
Bracken, Mr. Jas.  H.
Brito, Mr. Jose de
*Brown, Miss Mildred
Brown, Mr. S.
Brown,  Mrs.
*Brown, Miss E.
Bryhl, Mr. Curt
*Bryhl, Miss Dagmar
*Buss, Miss  Kate
Butler, Mr. Reginald
Byles, Rev.nomas R. D.
*Bystrom, Miss  Karolina
*Caldwell, Mr. Albert F.
*Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia
*Caldwell,  Master Alden G.
*Cameron, Miss Clear
Carbines, Mr. William
Carter, Rev.  Ernest C.
Carter, Mrs. Lillian
Chapman, Mr. John H.
Chapman, Mrs.  Elizabeth
Chapman, Mr. Charles
*Christy, Mrs. Alice
*Christy, Miss  Juli
Clarke, Mr. Charles V.
*Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria
Coleridge, Mr. R.  C.
Collander, Mr. Erik
*Collett, Mr. Stuart
Collyer, Mr.  Harvey
*Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte
*Collyer, Miss Marjorie
Corbett, Mrs.  Irene
Corey, Mrs. C. P.
Cotterill, Mr. Harry
Davies, Mr.  Charles
*Davis, Mrs. Agnes
*Davis, Master John M.
*Davis, Miss  Mary
Deacon, Mr. Percy
del Carlo, Mr. Sebastian
del Carlo,  Mrs.
Denbou, Mr. Herbert
Dibden, Mr. William
*Doling, Mrs.  Ada
*Doling, Miss Elsie
Downton, Mr. William J.
*Drachstedt, Baron  von
Drew, Mr. James V.
*Drew, Mrs. Lulu
*Drew, Master  Marshall
*Duran, Miss Florentina
*Duran, Miss Asimcion
Eitemiller, Mr.  G. F.
Enander, Mr. Ingvar
Fahlstrom Mr. Arne J.
Faunthorpe, Mr.  Harry
*Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie
Fillbrook, Mr. Charles
Fox, Mr. Stanley  H.
Funk, Miss Annie
Fynney, Mr. Jos.
Gale, Mr. Harry
Gale, Mr.  Shadrach
*Garside, Miss Ethel
Gaskell, Mr. Alfred
Gavey, Mr.  Lawrence
Gilbert, Mr. William
Giles, Mr. Edgar
Giles, Mr.  Fred
Giles, Mr. Ralph
Gill, Mr. John
Gillespie, Mr. William
Givard,  Mr. Hans K.
Greenberg, Mr. Samuel
Hale, Mr. Reginald
*Hamalainer, Mrs.  Anna *and Infant
Harbeck, Mr. Wm. H.
Harper, Mr. John
*Harper, Miss  Nina
*Harris, Mr. George
Harris, Mr. Walter
Hart, Mr. Benjamin
Hart,  Mrs. Esther
*Hart, Miss Eva
*Herman, Miss Alice
*Herman, Mrs.  Jane
*Herman, Miss Kate
Herman, Mr. Samuel
*Hewlett, Mrs. Mary  D.
Hickman, Mr. Leonard
Hickman, Mr. Lewis
Hickman, Mr.  Stanley
Hiltunen, Miss Martha
Hocking, Mr. George
*Hocking, Mrs.  Elizabeth
*Hocking, Miss Nellie
Hocking, Mr. Samuel J.
Hodges, Mr.  Henry P.
Hoffman, Mr. and
*two children (Loto and Louis)
*Hold, Mrs.  Annie
Hold, Mr. Stephen
Hood, Mr. Ambrose
*Hosono, Mr.  Masabumi
Howard, Mr. Benjamin
Howard, Mrs. Ellen T.
Hunt, Mr. George 
*Ilett, Miss Bertha
*Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy P.
Jacobsohn Mr. Sidney  S.
Jarvis, Mr. John D.
Jefferys, Mr. Clifford
Jefferys, Mr.  Ernest
Jenkin, Mr. Stephen
*Jervan, Mrs. A. T.
*Kantor, Mrs.  Miriam
Kantor, Mr. Sehua
Karnes, Mrs. J. F.
Keane, Mr.  Daniel
*Keane, Miss Nora A.
*Kelly, Mrs. F.
Kirkland, Rev. Charles  L
Kvillner, Mr. John Henrik
*Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna
Lahtinen, Mr.  William
Lamb, Mr. J. J.
*Lamore, Mrs. Ameliar
Laroche, Mr.  Joseph
*Laroche, Mrs. Juliet
*Laroche, Miss Louise
*Laroche, Miss  Simonne
*Lehman, Miss Bertha
*Leitch, Miss Jessie
Levy, Mr. R.  J.
Leyson, Mr. Robert W. N.
Lingan, Mr. John
Louch, Mr.  Charles
*Louch, Mrs. Alice Adela
Mack, Mrs. Mary
Malachard, Mr.  Noel
Mallet, Mr. A.
*Mallet, Mrs.
*Mallet, Master A.
Mangiavacchi,  Mr. Emilio
Mantvila, Mr. Joseph
Marshall, Mr.
*Marshall, Mrs.  Kate
Matthews, Mr. W. J.
Maybery, Mr. Frank H.
McCrae, Mr. Arthur  G.
McCrie, Mr. James
McKane, Mr. Peter D.
*Mellers, Mr.  William
*Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth and *Child
Meyer, Mr.  August
Milling, Mr. Jacob C.
Mitchell, Mr. Henry
Morawick, Dr.  Ernest
Mudd, Mr. Thomas C.
Myles, Mr. Thomas F.
Nasser, Mr.  Nicolas
*Nasser, Mrs.
Nesson, Mr. Israel
Nicholls, Mr. Joseph  C.
Norman, Mr. Robert D.
*Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth
Otter, Mr.  Richard
*Oxenham, Mr. P. Thomas
*Padro, Mr. Julian
Pain, Dr.  Alfred
*Pallas, Mr. Emilio
Parker, Mr. Clifford R.
*Parrish, Mrs. L  Davis
Pengelly, Mr. Frederick
Pernot, Mr. Rene
Peruschitz, Rev. Jos.  M.
Phillips, Mr. Robert
*Phillips, Miss Alice
*Pinsky, Miss  Rosa
Ponesell, Mr. Martin
*Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio
Pulbaun, Mr.  Frank
*Quick, Mrs. Jane
*Quick, Miss Vera W.
*Quick, Miss  Phyllis
Reeves, Mr. David
Renouf, Mr. Peter H.
*Renouf, Miss  Lillie
*Reynolds, Miss E.
Richard, Mr. Emile
*Richards, Mrs.  Emily
*Richards, Master William
*Richards, Master George
*Ridsdale,  Miss Lucy
Rogers, Mr. Harry
*Rogers, Miss Selina
*Rugg, Miss  Emily
Sedgwick, Mr. C. F. W.
Sharp, Mr. Percival
*Shelley, Mrs.  Imanita
*Silven, Miss Lyyli
*Sincock, Miss Maude
*Sinkkenen, Miss  Anna
Sjostedt, Mr. Ernest A.
*Slayter, Miss H. M.
Slemen, Mr. Richard  J.
Smith, Mr. Augustus
*Smith, Miss Marion
Sobey, Mr.  Hayden
Stanton, Mr. S. Ward
Stokes, Mr. Phillip J.
Swane, Mr.  George
Sweet, Mr. George
*Toomey, Miss Ellen
*Trant, Miss  Jessie
Tronpiansky, Mr. Moses A.
*Troutt, Miss E. Celia
Tupin, M.  Dorothy
Turpin, Mr. William J.
Veale, Mr. James
*Walcroft, Miss  Nellie
*Ware, Mrs. Florence L
Ware, Mr. John James
Ware, Mr. William  J.
*Watt, Miss Bertha
*Watt, Mrs. Bessie
*Webber, Miss Susiev
Weisz,  Mr. Leopold
*Weisz, Mrs. Matilda
*Wells, Mrs. Addie
*Wells, Miss  J.
*Wells, Master Ralph
West, Mr. E. Arthur
*West, Mrs. Ada
*West,  Miss Barbara
*West, Miss Constance
Wheadon, Mr. Edward
Wheeler, Mr.  Edwin
Third Class
British embarked at  Southampton
Abbott, Eugene
*Abbott, Rosa
Abbott,  Rossmore
Abbing, Anthony
Adams. J.
*Aks, Filly
*Aks,  Leah
Alexander, William
Allen, William
Allum, Owen G.
*Badman,  Emily
Barton David
Beavan, W. T.
Billiard, A. van
Billiard, James  (child)
Billiard, Walter (child)
*Bing, Lee
Bowen, David
Braund,  Lewis
Braund, Owen
Brocklebank, William
Cann, Erenst
Carver,  A.
Celotti, Francesco
*Chip, Chang
Christmann, Emil
*Cohen,  Gurshon
Cook, Jacob
Corn, Harry
*Coutts, Winnie
*Coutts, William  (child)
*Coutts, Leslie (child)
Coxon, Daniel
Crease, Ernest  James
Cribb, John Hatfield
*Cribb, Alice
*Dahl, Charles
Davies,  Evan
Davies, Alfred
Davies, John
Davies, Joseph
Davison, Thomas  H.
*Davison, Mary
Dean, Mr. Bertram F.
*Dean, Mrs. Hetty
*Dean,  Bertran (child)
*Dean, Vera (infant)
Dennis, Samuel
Dennis,  William
*Derkings, Edward
*Dowdell, Elizabeth
*Drapkin,  Jenie
*Dugemin, Joseph
Elsbury, James
*Emanuel, Ethet  (child)
Everett, Thomas J.
*Foo, Choong
Ford, Arthur
Ford,  Margaret
Ford, Mrs. D. M.
Ford, Mr. E. W.
Ford, M. W. T. N.
Ford,  Maggie (child)
Franklin, Charles
Garthfirth, John
Gilinski,  Leslie
*Godwin, Frederick
Goldsmith, Frank J.
*Goldsmith, Emily  A.
*Goldsmith, Frank J. W.
Goodwin, Augusta
Goodwin, Lillian  A.
Goodwin, Charles E.
Goodwin, William F. (child)
Goodwin, Jessie  (child)
Goodwin, Harold (child)
Goodwin, Sidney (child)
Green,  George
Guest, Robert
Harknett, Alice
Harmer, Abraham
*Hee,  Ling
*Howard, May
*Hyman, Abraham
Johnston, A. G.
Johnston,  Mrs.
Johnston, William (child)
Johnston, Mrs. C. H. (child)
Johnson,  Mr. A.
Johnson, Mr. W.
Keefe, Arthur
Kelly, James
*Lam, Ali
Lam,  Len
*Lang, Fang
Leonard, Mr. L
Lester, J.
Ling, Lee
Lithman,  Simon
Lobb, Cordelia
Lobb, William A.
Lockyer, Edward
Lovell,  John
MacKay, George W.
Maisner, Simon
McNamee, Eileen
McNamee,  Neal
Meanwell, Marian O.
Meek, Annie L.
Meo, Alfonso
Miles,  Frank
*Moor, Beile
*Moor, Meier
Moore, Leonard C.
Morley,  William
Moutal, Rahamin
Murdlin, Joseph
Nancarrow, W. H.
Niklasen,  Sander
Nosworthy, Richard C.
Peacock, Alfred
Peacodc.,  Treasteall
Peacock, Treasteall (child)
Pearce, Ernest
Peduzzi,  Joseph
Perkin, John Henry
Peterson, Marius
Potchett, George
*Rath,  Sarah
Reed, James George
Reynolds, Harold
Risien, Emma
Risien,  Samuel
Robins, Alexander
Robins, Charity
Rogers, William John
Rouse,  Richard H.
Rush, Alfred George J.
Sadowitz, Harry
Sage, John
Sage,  Annie
Sage, Stella
Sage, George
Sage, Douglas
Sage,  Frederick
Sage, Dorothy
Sage, William (child)
Sage, Ada  (child)
Sage, Constance (child)
Sage, Thomas (child)
Sather,  Sinon
Saundercock, W. H.
Sawyer, Frederick
Scrota, Maurice
Shellard,  Frederick
Shorney, Charles
Simmons, John
Slocovski, Selman
Somerton,  Francis W.
Spector, Woolf
Spinner, Henry
*Stanley, Amy
Stanley, E.  R. Mr.
Storey, T. Mr.
*Sunderland, Victor
Sutehall, Henry
Theobald,  Thomas
Thomas, Alex
*Thorneycrolt, Florence
Thorneycroft,  Percival
Tomlin, Ernest P.
Torber, Ernest
*Trembisky,  Berk
*Tunquist, W.
Ware, Frederick
Warren, Charles W.
Webber,  James
*Wilkes, Ellen
Willey, Edward
Williams, Harry
Williams,  Leslie
Windelov, Einar
Wiseman, Philip

Non-British embarked at  Southampton

*Abelseth, Karen
*Abelseth, Olaus
*Abramson,  August
Adahl, Mauritz
*Adolf, Humblin
Ahlin, Johanna
Ahmed,  Ali
Alhomaki, Ilmari
Ali, William
Anderson, Alfreda
*Anderson,  Erna
Anderson, Albert
Anderson, Anders
Anderson, Samuel
Anderson,  Sigrid (child)
Anderson, Thor
*Anderson, Carla
Anderson, Ingeborg  (child)
Anderson, Ebba (child)
Anderson, Sigvard (child)
Anderson,  Ellis
Anderson, Ida Augusta
Anderson, Paul Edvin
Angheloff,  Minko
Asplund, Carl (child)
Asplund, Charles
*Aspland, Felix  (child)
Asplund, Gustaf (child)
*Asplund, Johan
*Asplund, Lillian  (child)
Asplund, Oscar (child)
*Asplund, Selma
Arnold,  Joseph
Arnold, Josephine
Aronsson, Ernest Axel A.
Asim, Adola
Assam,  Ali
Augustsan, Albert
Backstrom, Karl
*Backstrom, Marie
Balkic,  Cerin
Benson, John Viktor
Berglund. Ivar
Berkeland, Hans
Bjorklund,  Ernst
Bostandyeff, Guentcho
Braf, Elin Ester
Brobek, Carl R.
Cacic,  Grego
Cacic, Luka
Cacic, Maria
Cacic, Manda
Calie, Peter
Carlson,  Carl R.
Carlsson, Julius
Carlsson, August Sigfrid
Coelho, Domingos  Fernardeo
Coleff, Fotio
Coleff, Peyo
Cor, Bartol
Cor, Ivan
Cor,  Ludovik
*Dahl, Mauritz
Dahlberg, Gerda
Dakic, Branko
Danbom,  Ernest
Danbom, Gillber (infant)
Danoff, Sigrid
Danoff,  Yoto
Dantchoff, Khristo
Delalic, Regyo
Denkoff, Mito
Dimic,  Jovan
Dintcheff, Valtcho
Dyker, Adoff
*Dyker, Elizabeth
Ecimovic,  Joso
Edwardsson, Gustaf
Eklunz, Hans
Ekstrom, Johan
*Finote,  Luigi
Fischer, Eberhard
Goldsmith, Nathan
Goncalves, Manoel  E.
Gronnestad, Daniel D.
Gustafson, Alfred
Gustafson,  Anders
Gustafson, Johan
Gustafsson, Gideon
Haas, Aloisia
*Hadman,  Oscar
Hagland, Ingvald O.
Hagland, Konrad R.
Hakkurainen,  Pekko
*Hakkurainen, Elin
Hampe, Leon
*Hankonen, Eluna
Hansen,  Claus
*Hansen, Janny
Hansen, Henry Damgavd
Heininen,  Wendla
Hendekevoic, Ignaz
Henriksson, Jenny
*Hervonen,  Helga
*Hervonen, Hildwe (child)
*Hickkinen, Laina
*Hillstrom,  Hilda
Holm, John F. A.
Holten, Johan
Humblin, Adolf
Ilieff,  Ylio
Ilmakangas, Ida
Ilmakangas, Pista
Ivanoff, Konio
*Jansen,  Carl
Jardin, Jose Netto
*Jensen, Carl
Jensen, Hans Peter
Jensen,  Svenst L.
Jensen, Nilho R.
*Johannessen, Bernt
*Johannessen,  Elias
Johansen, Nils
*Johanson, Oscar
*Johanson, Oscal L.
Johansson,  Erik
Johansson, Gustaf
Johnson, Jakob A.
*Johnson, Alice
*Johnson,  Harold
*Johnson, Eleanora (infant)
Johnsson, Carl
Johnsson,  Malkolm
Jonkoff, Lazor
Jonsson, Nielo H.
Jusila, Katrina
Jusila,  Mari
*Jusila, Erik
Jutel, Henrik Hansen
Kallio, Nikolai
Kalvig  Johannes H.
Karajic, Milan
*Karlson, Einar
Karlson, Nils  August
Kekic, Tido
*Kink, Anton
*Kink, Louise
*Kink, Louise  (child)
Kink, Maria
Kink, Vincenz
Klasen, Klas A.Mona, Mae  A.
Klasen, Hilda
Klasen, Gertrud (child)
Laitinen, Sofia
Laleff,  Kristo
*Landegren, Aurora
Larson, Viktor
Larsson, Bengt  Edvin
Larsson, Edvard
Lefebre, Frances
Lefebre, Henry  (child)
Lefebre, Ida (child)
Lefebre, Ida (child)
Lefebre,Mathilde  (child)
Leinonen, Antti
Lindablom, August
Lindell, Edvard  B.
Lindell, Elin
Lindahl, Agda
*Lindqvist, Einar
*Lulic,  Nicola
Lundahl, John
*Lundin, Olga
*Lundstripm, Jan
*Madsen,  Fridjof
Maenpaa, Matti
Makinen, Kalle
*Mampe, Leon
Marinko,  Dmitri
Markoff, Marin
Melkebuk, Philemon
*Messemacker,  Guillaume
*Messemacker, Emma
*Midtsjo, Carl
*Mikanen, John
Misseff,  Ivan
Minkoff, Lazar
Mirko, Dika
Mitkoff, Mito
Moen, Sigurd  H.
*Moss, Albert
*Mulder, Theo
Myhrman, Oliver
Naidenoff,  Penko
Nankoff, Minko
Nedeco, Petroff
Nenkoff, Christo
Nieminen,  Manta
Nilsson, August F.
*Nilson, Berta
*Nilson, Helmina
Nirva,  Isak
*Nyoven, Johan
*Nyston, Anna
*Odahl, Martin
*Orman,  Velin
*Olsen, Arthur
Olsen, Carl
Olsen, Henry
Olsen, Ole  M.
Olson, Elon
Olsson, John
Olsson, Elida
Oreskovic,  Luka
Oreskovic, Maria
Oreskovic, Jeko
*Osman, Mara
Pacruic,  Mate
Pacruic, Tome
Panula, Eino
Panula, Ernesti
Panula,  Juho
Panula, Maria
Panula, Sanni
Panula, Urhu (child)
Panula,  William (infant)
Pasic, Jakob
Pentcho, Petroff
Paulsson, Alma  C
Paulsson, Gosta (child)
Paulsson, Paul (child)
Paulsson,  Stina(child)
Paulsson, Torborg (child)
Pavlovic, Stefo
*Pekonemi,  E.
Pelsmaker, Alfons de
Peltomaki, Nikolai
*Persson, Ernst  U.
Peterson, Johan
Peterson, Ellen
Petranec, Matilda
Petterson,  Olaf
Plotcharsky, Vasil
Radeff, Alexander
Rintamaki, Matti
Rosblom,  Helene
Rosblom, Salfi (child)
Rosblom, Viktor
Rummstvedt,  Kristian
Salander, Carl
*Salkjellsvik, Anna
Salonen,  Werner
*Sandman, Johan
*Sandstrom, Agnes
*Sandstrom, Beatrice  (child)
*Sandstrom, Margretha (child)
Sdycoff, Todor
*Sheerlinck,  Jean
Sihvola, Antti
Sivic, Husen
*Sjoblom, Anna
Skoog,  Anna
Skoog, Carl (child)
Skoog, Harald (child)
Skoog, Mabel  (child)
Skoog, Margret (child)
Skoog, William
Slabenoff,  Petco
Smiljanic, Mile
Sohole, Peter
Solvang, Lena Jacobsen
*Sop,  Jules
Staneff, Ivan
Stoytcho, Mihoff
Stoyehoff, Ilia
Strandberg,  Ida
*Stranden, Jules
Strilic, Ivan
Strom, Selma (child)
Svensen,  Olaf
Svensson, Johan
*Svensson, Coverin
Syntakoff, Stanko
Tikkanen,  Juho
Todoroff, Lalio
*Tonglin, Gunner
Turcin, Stefan
*Turja, Anna 
*Twekula, Hedwig
Uzelas, Jovo
Waelens, Achille
Van Impe, Catharine  (child)
Van Impe, Jacob
Van Impe, Rosalie
Van der Planke, Augusta  Vander
Van der Planke, Emilie Vander
Van der Planke, Jules Vander
Van  der Planke, Leon Vander
Van der Steen, Leo
Van de Velde, Joseph
Van de  Walle, Nestor
Vereruysse, Victor
Vook, Janko
Wende, Olof  Edvin
*Wennerstrom, August
Wenzel, Zinhart
Vestrom, Huld A.  A.
Widegrin, Charles
Wiklund, Karl F.
Wiklund, Jacob A.
Wirz,  Albert
Wittenrongel, Camille
Zievens, Renee
Zimmermann,  Leo

Embarked at Cherbourg

*Assaf, Marian
Attala,  Malake
*Baclini, Latila
*Baclini, Maria
*Baclini, Eugene
*Baclini,  Helene
Badt, Mohamed
*Banoura, Ayout
Barbara, Catherine
Barbara,  Saude
Betros, Tannous
Boulos, Hanna
Boulos, Sultani
*Boulos,  Nourelain
Boulos, Akar (child)
Banous, Elias
Caram, Joseph
Caram,  Maria
Shabini, Georges
Chehab, Emir Farres
Chronopoulos,  Apostolos
Cbronopoulos, Demetrios
Dibo, Elias
Drazenovie,  Josip
Elias, Joseph
*Elias, Joseph
*Fabini, Leeni
*Fat-ma,  Mustmani
Gerios, Assaf
Gerios, Youssef
Gerios, Youssef
Gheorgheff,  Stanio
Hanna, Mansour
Jean Nassr, Saade
Johann, Markim
*Joseph,  Mary
*Karun, Franz
*Karun, Anna (child)
Kassan, M. Housseing
Kassem,  Fared
*Kassein, Hassef
Kalil, Betros
*Khalil, Zahie
Kraeff,  Thodor
Lemberopoulos, Peter
Malinoff, Nicola
*Meme, Hanna
Monbarek,  Hanna
*Moncarek, Omine
*Moncarek, Gonios (child)
*Moncarek, Halim  (child)
Moussa, Mantoura
*Naked, Said
*Naked, Waika
*Naked,  Maria
Nasr, Mustafa
*Nichan, Krikorian
*Nicola, Jamila
*Nicola,  Elias (child)
*Novel, Mansouer
Orsen, Sirayanian
Ortin,  Zakarian
*Peter, Catherine Joseph
Peter, Mike
Peter, Anna
Rafoul,  Baccos
Raibid, Razi
Saad, Amin
*Saad, Khalil
Samaan,  Hanna
Samaan, Elias
Samaan, Youssef
Sarkis, Mardirosian
Sarkis,  Lahowd
Seman Betros (child)
Shedid, Daher
Sleiman,  Attalla
Stankovic, Jovan
Tannous, Thomas
Tannous, Daler
Thomas,  CharlesP
*Thomas, Tamin
*Thomas, Assad (infant)
Thomas, John
Tonfik,  Nahli
Torfa, Assad
*Vagil, Adele Jane
*Vartunian,  David
Vassilios, Catavelas
Wazli, Yousif
Weller, Abi
*Yalsevae,  Ivan
Yazbeck, Antoni
*Yazbeck, Salini
*Youssef, Brahim
Youssef,  Hanne
*Youssef, Maria (child)
Youssef Georges (child)
Zabour.  Tamini
Zabour, Hileni
Zakarian, Maprieder

Embarked at  Queenstown

Barry, Julia
Bourke, Catherine
Bourke,  John
*Bradley, Bridget
*Buckley, Daniel
Buckley, Katherine
Burke,  Jeremiak
Burke, Mary
Burns, Mary
Canavan, Mary
Carr, Ellen
Car,  Jeannie
Chartens, David
Cannavan, Pat
Colbert, Patrick
Conlin, Thos.  H.
Connaghton, Michel
Connors, Pat
*Conolly, Kate
Conolly,  Kate
*Daly, Marcella
*Daly, Eugene
*Devaney, Margaret
Dewan,  Frank
Dooley, Patrick
Doyle, Elin
*Driscoll, Bridget
Emmeth,  Thomas
Farrell, James
Foley, Joseph
Foley, William
Flynn,  James
Flynn, John
Fox, Patrick
Gallagher, Martin
*Gilnegh,  Katie
*Glynn, Mary
Hagardon, Kate
Hagarty, Nora
Hart,  Henry
*Healy, Nora
Horgan, John
Hemming, Norah
Henery,  Delia
*Jenymin, Annie
Kelly, James
*Kelly, Annie K.
*Kelly,  Mary
Kerane, Andy
*Kennedy, John
Kilgannon, Thomas
Kiernan,  John
Kiernan, Phillip
Lane, Patrick
Lemom, Denis
Lemon,  Mary
Linehan, Michel
*Madigan, Maggie
Mahon, Delia
*Mannion,  Margareth
Mangan, Mary
*McCarthy, Katie
*McCoy, Agnes
*McCoy,  Alice
*McCoy, Bernard
*McCormack, Thomas
*McDermott, Delia
McElroy,  Michel
*McGovern, Mary
McGowan, Katherine
*McGowan, Annie
McMahon,  Martin
Mechan, John
*Meeklave, Ellie
Moran, James
*Moran,  Bertha
Morgan, Daniel J.
Morrow, Thomas
*Mullens, Katie
*Mulvihill,  Bertha
*Murphy, Norah
*Murphy, Mary
*Murphy, Kate
Naughton,  Hannah
Nemagh, Robert
O'Brien, Denis
O'Brien, Thomas
*O'Brien,  Hannah
O'Connell, Pat D.
O'Connor, Maurice
O'Connor, Pat
O'Donaghue,  Bert
*O'Dwyer, Nellie
*O'Keefe, Pat
*OLeary, Norah
O'Neill,  Bridget
O'Sullivan, Bridget
Peters, Katie
Rice, Margaret
Rice,  Albert (child)
Rice, George (child)
Rice, Eric (child)
Rice, Arthur  (child)
Rice, Eugene (child)
*Riordan, Hannah
Ryan, Patrick
*Ryan,  Edw.
Sadlier, Matt
Scanlan, James
Shaughnesay, Pat
*Shine,  Ellen
*Smyth, Julian
Tobin, Roger