Hank's Rockin' Hillbilly Rumpus
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fLIp yOuR naTuRAL tOP

This is the page where I go wigsville. Come join the ride!

All like a good record - could be boredom or something
 maybe more wholesome

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Crazy music, or cool, relaxing - maybe pop jetsome.
Just remember, while a record's eternal - an undying
ember of the real; if you wanna feel its true timbre, the beat getting limber,
not beat like a drunk on the street, you gotta see
the notes fly in the ether, then wither.
If its not being made on the spot,
maybe it'll stop, or rot - like tradsville!

If no-one makes a mistake, it don't rate 'cause its fate will be to go out of date.

So "keep it live" and all that jive - man alive, to see it thrive among the smmoke of a late night bar!
With a few drinks, almost anyone's a star. Don't give up "son, you'll go far."
Who's the man kidding?
Just play it now, with feel.
