Lyndon B. Johnson

by Hannah Rachootin

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Lyndon B. Johnson grew up in a poor southern family. He worked his way through the political ranks until he became an extremely powerful US Senator. He became Kennedy’s vice president even though it meant having less influence because he saw that it was the only way that he could become president himself. Throughout his political career, Johnson had many interesting practices which have delighted the countless history students who have been forced to memorize his name and the dates of his presidency (Lyndon B. Johnson, US president from 1963-1969).

Johnson kept a list in his head of where everyone stood and who owed him what. He was a large man and would physically pin other senators to the wall until they agreed to vote with him. Because of he was conscientious about his size; Johnson wore huge coats to cover himself. He is famous for wearing oversized double breasted suits with the jackets open so that they flapped around behind him.

In the White House, Johnson exerted his power to its full extent. He was known to scream at his staff and publicly humiliate them. Grown men crying in Johnson’s presence was a common occurrence.

Photo from Encyclopedia Britannica Online

Johnson was a workaholic and would not stop for anything, so he had a chamber pot put in the oval office. He would make staff take dictation from him while he was on it both to get things done and to show his authority.

However crude his personal habits were, Johnson achieved more for the country than people give him credit for. Today, he is largely remembered for getting the country involved in the Vietnam War, but Johnson did many great things for America. Johnson was the first president of the 20th century to strongly support civil rights for African Americans. He also worked hard to stop poverty in America, and cut it from 22% to 11% during his presidency through his Great Society programs.

© 2005 Hannah Rachootin