Production Support Services from Hanson

Roy Szulakowski has responsibility for business development at hanson Support Services Ltd.
The company operates both regionally and nationally from its base in Scunthorpe, providing both short and long term contract work and responding to emergency situations should these arise.

Major Customers include steel mills, Petro Chemical Industries, Cement Works and Power stations where industrial cleaning services such as vacuumation cleaning, refractory demolition, labour services, mobile plant operation, and waste disposal are operated on a contractual and ad-hoc basis

Health and Safety are given the highest priority in all Hanson operations, as well as complying in full with site regulations and procedures.

We are NQA iso90002 registered as a company, our procedures being fully documented for your inspection.

Some equipment used in our Contracts

Links to other sites

Industrial Vac Hire

Corporate site

Roy Szulakowski business development

Vacuum Information

Phone 01724 867595, Fax 01724 282411


Roy Szulakowski
