Copyright 2006 by The Haole Crab
Weather links

Updated 4/18/06

Weather conditions and forecast -
Maui Weather Today weather narrative
Zone weather forecasts -
National Weather Service zone forecasts
State weather forecast -
National Weather Service state forecast
Synoptic weather discussion -
National Weather Service synoptic discussion
Storm tracker map - Current NE Pacific Tropical Cyclones
Coastal and offshore forecast -
National Weather Service coastal and offshore forecast
One stop weather site - The Weather Underground (thanks to Brian Y. for this link)     New!
Want to see what it looks like? - North shore web cam (and this one too!)     New!

Surf conditions and forecast -
Maui Weather Today surf information
Oahu surf conditions and forecast -
National Weather Service Oahu surf observations and forecast
Hawaii significant wave model -
Naval Oceanographic Office wave model
Near shore buoy readings -
Hawaii Coastal Buoys
     Mokapu Buoy (outside of Mokulua Islands) -
Buoy 098
     Waimea Bay buoy -
Buoy 106
Open ocean buoy readings (with buoy location map) -
National Data Buoy Center
Travel times from buoys to Oahu
     North-west buoy -
51001 NW          South-west buoy - 51002 SW
     West buoy -
51003 W                       South-east buoy - 51004 SE

Wind conditions and forecast -
Maui Weather Today wind information

Tide conditions and forecast -
Nautical Software, Inc. daily tide and current predictions

Moon phases -
StarDate Online
Sun and moon rise and set times -
U.S. Naval Observatory

Hawaii FAD locations -
Hawaii FADs Program
     Maui FADs -
Maui buoy map

Kaho`olawe open water dates - Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission

Current view of Hawaii (visible) -
Current view of Hawaii (infra-red) -
Main NWS page for Hawaii loops - National Weather Service Radar  
Loop of Hawaii (infra-red) -
Loop of Hawaii (doppler) - WSR-88D
Loop of Pacific (infra-red) - NPMOC GOES IR
