Hi!  I'm a warm fuzzie!
My friends call me Wuzzie!
Someone sent me your way
so I could brighten your day!

Know someone else to whom I should belong? 
Hey, Whatcha waitin' for pass me along!
I'm not sure where I found this adorable Pooh Bear. If you know or if you are the owner please let me know and I will give proper credit!
Can't remember where I found this but it is a totally awesome background!  I will be happy to give credit or remove it from my site.
I do not claim any of these graphics or adoptions as my own work.  I am not that talented (yet).  If any of these are your work and I am not giving you proper credit PLEASE let me know. 

Please take the time to visit the links on this page.  This isn't nearly all of their work. :)
