Caption Contest Winners
This has to be the most beautiful flower that I have ever seen
1 Dubloon coin
April 2002
May 2002
Butterfly:"Why aren't you wearing pants"
June 2002
Little Kitty: Wahahaha! *crys* Mommy sorry for messing up your art work. *Mommy walks away**takes off mask* Muawahaha! ITS DR. SLOTH!
Lady: Can't we all learn something here
Girl: I would rather be on neopets then watching a dumb educational T.V. show at school.
1 Dubloon coin
2 Dubloon coin
2 Dubloon coin
July 2002
August 2002
2 Dubloon coin
Brrr it's cold in here..... there must be some Ixi's in the atmoshpere!
I'm the cute hamtaro, I'm the cute hamtaro, I'm the cute hamtaro, which nobody can deny!!!!
5 Dubloon coin
Sept. 2002
5 Dubloon coin
(running) If I don't make it to this meeting on time my boss will kill me!!
Oct. 2002
5 Dubloon coin
Nov. 2002
*Fire Lupe: Oh a yummy apple!! No,no I'm not going to eat it but it would be a good thing to throw at my little sis.*

*Apple Chia: No way man,You throw me at your sis and you have to go to the doctor 'cause you didn't eat your apple today.*
Dec. 2002
5 Dubloon Coin
He loves me(bites off petal)He loves me not.....(bites off another petal)(repeat repeat repeat)
Jan. 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Girl: Look at this demonstration of feeding a pet.
Dinosaur:Slurp Slurp
Feb. 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Theres always Sky swimming or playing with friends but I'm too tired(He said toughtfully)
hmmmmm, theres always working, but this is my day off..
How should I spend my day?hmm.. Playing on the clouds,nah I'm too lazy
How abot flying my wings?
Thats almost the same as working!(He answered himself)
I feel so tired now after all that thinking....
I know (dropping his eyes drooping) I'm going back to sleep (closes his eyes and murmurs"This is the best idea"
April 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
*Ring Ring*
Chomby: Hello?
Someone on phone: Is your refridgerator running?
Chomby: Yes. Why?
Someone on phone: Well you better go catch it
Chomby: (Hung up the telephone) Boy I thought I was weird.
Chomby:";And this masterpiece,ladies and gentlemen, is the work of *blablabla... (on and on)*"
Aisha:* whispers to Blumaroo* "What is it? a blue caterpillar?"
Blumaroo:*whisper*" Maybe it's a door..."
Chomby:"Any further questions?"
Aisha to Chomby: "Are you sure it's not a Picaso painting."
March 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
May 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Aisha: I told my owner not to paint me invisable!! Now look at me!! Im fading away...
"But I copied it off the clever kid!!!"
June 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Turle to Bunny: Hurry Up will ya!
(To Himself):And I thought I was the slwoestt.
July 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Aisha: No!!! Not the mallet!!
Aisha: OUCH!!!
*drinks super size potion*
Owner: Is it too late to say sorry? hehe....
August 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Zafara: Hmm....I wish my owner would be able to buy me one. She's too poor. This wand is an unbuyable. It cost 999,999,999. Wow! Thats nearly a million NP!!!! Its a really powerful and rare wand. Imagine what I can do with it?I would be able to attack Fyora with invisible sticks. I would be able to rule the world and!!! Mwahahaha!!!!
Clerk: Ummm. May I help you?
Zafara takes the wand out of the box right away and ties to repeat the words";I wish Fyora was attacked"  but nothing happens. Zafara gets fustrated and throws wand on the ground.
Clerk: That will be 999,999,999 please?
September 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
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Trick or Treaters: Trick or Treat smell my  Ewww......!!!!! Whats that smell?!?!?!
Owl:Who? Who?
Chomby:Heh! Works every time.
October 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Super Girl: Heres your 1 million neopoints that those robbers robbed from the bank Mr. Skeith.

Doctor Sloth in a skeith costume[thinking]: That pathetic fool doesn't know its actually me, Doctor Sloth and those other guys she beat up were working for me. Now shes going to give me the money! With that money I shall buy rare items and use it against neopia! Muhahahah!

Super Girl: Uhhh... sir are you okay?

Dr. Sloth [in a deep voice]:Ahem.. no.... well thanks.. I have to get to the bank now.

Super Girl: Rightt...
November 2003
5 Dubloon Coin
Purple guy: That's not  fair! I want long ears like that.
Rabbit: I have such beautilful long ears.
Grey Guy: I am so lucky! I have no ears at all! But I do have a cape.  Who needs ears when you have a cape.
December 03
5 Dubloon Coin
Lupe: Orange?  I like oranges, maybe I should poke it and see if its alive.
Janurary 04
5 Dubloon Coin
Like taking candy from a baby.
Feb/March 04
5 Dubloon Coin
Boy what a bad hair that was.
April 04
5 Dubloon Coin
Uni: I wonder if he wants a date
Techo: I wonder what shes thinking.
Bruce: I wonder if they know I'm here,my owner dropped me 2 days ago.
Uni:Don't look so scared and start a conversation.
Techo:I wonder what mom will make for dinner. I hope she will make me soup for dinner.
Bruce: Hello are you not hearing me or seeing me.
Uni:Hey what are you doing this evening?
Techo:Mmmm...Soup. I hate my job.
Bruce:I'm leaving and going to play games.
May 04
5 Dubloon Coin
August 04
Mutant Grundo: If I only was a Mutant Grundo *dreams*

Uni: If he only had a brain..
5 Dubloon Coin
August 16 04
Shoyru: Oh, look! The treasure at the end of the an Ona...?

Ona: Uh...look behind you..
5 Dubloon Coin
Purple Lupe: (thinks to self) I wonder if I scoot closer, would she scratch me? Or, (chuckles to self) tickle me with her ears?

Blue Acara to Baby Acara-(whispers) Why is he looking at me that way?

Baby Acara-I think he likes you.  If youll scoot closer to him, maybe he'll let me play with that ball.
Two Dubloon Coin