Ok, what you need:

Adobe Photoshop
MS Paint
Adobe ImageReady

1. Open Paint
2. Set the size to 13 by 12. Click on the magnifying glass and choose the 6x or the 8x.
3. Click the square. Drag a colored border around it. The line should be set thin already, if not, change it to the thinnest.
4. Next, select the thin line. Draw a straight colored line down the left inside the square, touching the left side of the border. Do the same to the bottom. On the top, draw a straight thin white line. Do the same to the right side, inside the border. All lines must be in the border. Then, pick a color and fill the square. It should look something like this:(magnified at 8x)

5. Now copy and paste it as many times as you need to. For example, if I had the word, "moon", I paste it three more times to complete it.

Like this: (magnified at 6x)

6. Ok? Now, put a letter in each square. It should be at least size 10. (Or if you prefer, you can do it in Photoshop.) Like 'm' in the first and 'o' in the second and so on and make sure it's any color besides white.
7. Copy the whole square (Edit>Select All) Go to Photoshop and save it as a .gif or you could've done it in Paint.
8. Open ImageReady. Open the file. Now follow these instructions carefully!
9. See the Animation tool box? Where the 'Image Map' and 'Slice' is? Click that square on the bottom before the trash can.

10. It should've duplicated it. Now maximize it to a big size. Click the paint bucket. On the top, uncheck the 'All Layers' and leave the others alone.
11. Now, fill the letter with the paint bucket, white. Fill in each pixel carefully.
12. Duplicate it again. This time, the first letter should be filled with the original letter and the second one will be white. REPEAT this until you are done.

This is what it should look like:

(I did this earlier so I used this instead of making another one)

See how each letter gets to turn white and all the other stays the same original color?

13. Now test it out. If it's too fast or too slow, set it. Under the animtion it'll say # sec. Click on that and you'll get to select a speed. Test it out again and see if it works out. Now save it.

And voila, you're done!