What are the signs of overuse or misuse of Medications?

a disorganized medicine cabinet with many bottles prescriptions with missing labels
or that have expired a lack of understanding on the part of the elder as to what medications he or she is taking
taking medications at irregular, or unscheduled intervals, especially to relieve an uncomfortable symptom
an adverse reaction to a drug (e.g. disorientation, or sleepiness)
signs of dependency or addiction, like fear of running out of the drug or not having it close by

What can be done to prevent misuse of medications?

There are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce this problem.

-First of all, seniors are more likely to comply with a drug regimen if they clearly understand what they are taking, and why. Doctors and caregivers need to make sure that the elder has a good understanding of the medication and its effects

-Secondly, if an elder is taking more than one medication, he or she may find it helpful to use a medication calender, or an alarm clock set to go off at regular intervals.

-Finally, elders need to understand that some bodily changes, like sleep patterns, or aches and pains, are a normal part of aging, and may not require medication. Often, we reach for medications when they are not needed, and may have negative side effects that far outweigh their benefits.

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