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--I could really give a shit bout wut u think of me--
--If your gonna say shit, say it to ma face or else ur pussy--
--Guys if ur a player, ur the one with no lives and should all get aids--
--I'll speak wuts on my mind, (not harshly) but if u got a problem with it them Dont Talk To mE--
--If u dont like how i look dress or act dont fucken look at me, its THAT simple--

[-OH What goes on in my personal life is none of your concern and I can do w/e the fuck I want, no need to make up rumours if ur all jealous..God u cant get mad at nothing I do its not like its harming you, and if u do get all mad then u must be messed up, it has NOTHIN to Do with YOU WHAT SO EVER so shove it!!-]
+.OkAy HeReS tHe DeAl.+
BuT Seriously you guys man...Im like the nicest person you could ever know, I dont go round startin shit for nothin, I don't tell ppl shit you tell me Im not a liar backstabber or no playette like LMAO you ppl start shit with me all the time and then you wonder why Im A BITCH!! omg GurlZ..i see why guys complain bout them, they are rude, conceited, selfcentered annoying jealous stuck up ppl!! lol not all of them but a lot!! geez!...its a waste of ur time and mine cuz im just gonna ignore you and if u piss me off enough and start shit then the way its gonna be dealt with is pure fists...and if u cant handle that then back off...cuz gettin otherz 2 fight ur own battles if bein a pussy and a watse of everyones time...oh well haha alright well Im out now Buh ByEz<3 to all yah non h8az
$$-EvErYtImE yOu StOp tO tHiNk, TiMe gOeS fAsTeR tHeN yOu ThInK-$$
$$-Day By Day NotHing SeeMs To ChanGe, But PretTy Soon EverYthiNgs DiffErenT-$$