Northeast Working Equipment Group

Labor Day 1998 Working Equipment Rally

Willow Springs Quarry - Richland, Pennsylvania

PAGE 4 - Sunday Evening

"THE FAMILY THAT DIVES TOGETHER...". J.B.and Dawn Pelletier of Frederick, Maryland bothe dived the MkV on Sunday evening.
Our "other" Dawn, Mrs. Mark Butler, was teaching seven-month-old son Sean (below) to tend Daddy's Mk12 umbilical.

MARK VAREY and JIM FOLK teamed up for scuba dives in matching AGA masks and black drysuits.

TWILIGHT AT WILLOW SPRINGS often produces impressive sunset photo opportunities,
and Jim Folk took advantage of it for poses in Kurt Terry's Aquadyne DMC7.

THE SAME EAGER BEAVERS who got things going Sunday morning were the last ones
out of the water that evening. Tim Berger (below) dived Jim Boyd's Aquadyne AH2 and Aquala suit.
Ray Tucker and son Raymond were on hand to get Tim out of the gear by lantern light.

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