Your Hardin County
Republican Executive Committee

The Republicans of Hardin County held their County Caucas on March 18th at the Prichard Center to elect Officers and members of the Executive Committee For the next four years.

Here are the officers and members of your Executive Committee including those who have been added in the year 2000,

Chairman-James Weise

Vice Chairman-Grace Cash

Secretary-Shirle McVicker

Corres. Secy-Walter W. McVicker

Treasurer-Robert Fisher

Parliamentarian-Gary Broadway

YR Chairman-Dean Tindall


Bobby Alexander,Bill Ball,Bill Beckerdite,Nanct Beckerdite,Harry Berry,Carlos Bloyd,

Louise Bloyd,John Brecht,Phinus Brewer,Gus Brumm,Chuck Carey,Dan Cash,George Chun,

Mike Hilton,Jackie Hopkins,Dave Jarrett,Sharon Jern,Steve Kilcran,Randall Lane,Bill Roberts,

Barbara Rotert,Bill Rotert,Norma Shehan,Jack Smith,Crista Smith,Mary Smith,Chris Thomason,

Rhonda Tindall. Cheryl Tomassi,Martin Tori,Kitty West

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