Deepak                 Gopal             Sangeet             Vinayak            

  Hey all ye unconventional music listeners, jilted minds, preachers and metal maniacs :welcome to our microcosm ,where one religion prevails ROCK.
    Well thanx to the net revolution,for opening up the windows of thousands of minds like us,without which food for sensible and pragmatic thoughts would have decayed.All of us  i.e.Deepak,Gopal,Sangeet and Vinayak might have been having disoriented ideas before,until this vacations had come;when we could sit together,and open up our dark sides rediscover them and realise the common appeal emanating through them "ROCK".Finally it struck upon us to set our own medium of expression ,wherelse, in the net.Well designing the homepage or site is no big deal,but this ain`t any f***** commercial shit where you win prizes or make any stupid transactions.This is our domain for you,and atleast you should have half of your brains filled with ROCK.So here we are ,with the site ,a tribute to our own beast bands



    Here you can explore all about the bands,its members,their albums, and most importantly their message to the world,here you also find our personal comments regarding the band which are legally personal and nothing to do with any factual stuff(save us from any sues).
    On the lighter side of our site you may find our personal pages,a glimpse of what actually we are ,and would be,AND WHAT WE WISH YOU CAN BE.We also have the feedback form,and mail addresses,where you can voice your comments regarding anything;hey you are allowed to use any f***** language,abuse us,about any damn thing,if and only if you LOVE ROCK.

Mail us at