Compatibility Chart for:

Date of Birth: February 21, 1976
Time of Birth: 11:23 AM
BirthPlace: Puri, India

Date of Birth: February 23, 1986
Time of Birth: 10:07 PM
BirthPlace: Madras, India

This analysis will provide you with information about each partner's personality and areas of possible affinity and discord between you. It is meant to help you better understand the dynamics of your relationship.

The report includes a partner profile and two individual profiles. The partner profile examines the couple's interaction by analyzing the major planetary aspects in each person's birth chart. The individual profiles examine the personalities of each partner and reveal how their traits and tendencies affect their relationships with others.

This study is broken down into the following categories:
1. Couple's Combined Psychological Profile

2. BAPI's Psychological Profile
- BAPI's Behavior as a Partner
- BAPI's Daily Life
- BAPI's Emotions
- BAPI's Career and Social Life

3. SATHYA's Psychological Profile
- SATHYA's Behavior as a Partner
- SATHYA's Daily Life
- SATHYA's Emotions
- SATHYA's Career and Social Life

Astrological Birth Data of BAPI:
Sun Position is 01 deg. 45 min. of Pisces
Moon Position is 17 deg. 53 min. of Scorpio
Mercury Position is 05 deg. 56 min. of Aquarius
Venus Position is 01 deg. 56 min. of Aquarius
Mars Position is 20 deg. 02 min. of Gemini
Jupiter Position is 22 deg. 37 min. of Aries
Saturn Position is 27 deg. 24 min. of Cancer
Uranus Position is 07 deg. 00 min. of Scorpio
Neptune Position is 13 deg. 51 min. of Sagittarius
Pluto Position is 11 deg. 46 min. of Libra
Astrological Birth Data of SATHYA:
Sun Position is 04 deg. 48 min. of Pisces
Moon Position is 23 deg. 21 min. of Leo
Mercury Position is 21 deg. 39 min. of Pisces
Venus Position is 13 deg. 15 min. of Pisces
Mars Position is 12 deg. 26 min. of Sagittarius
Jupiter Position is 00 deg. 46 min. of Pisces
Saturn Position is 09 deg. 20 min. of Sagittarius
Uranus Position is 21 deg. 47 min. of Sagittarius
Neptune Position is 05 deg. 20 min. of Capricorn
Pluto Position is 07 deg. 42 min. of Scorpio

Couple's Combined Psychological Profile

For many "moons", Astrology was sadly relegated to the domain of quack science and pop psychology. Fortunately, things have changed since then, as Astrology is no longer the controversial issue it once was. After all of the incredible discoveries in psychoanalysis, it seems obvious to us today that human beings are at the junction of mysterious and sometimes contradictory forces. As the basis for all astrological interpretation, the Birth Chart is symbolic of the complexity of human existence. It allows us to make a record of the multiple facets that make up any individual human being: his character, his needs, his desires, his intellectual faculties, his behavior with other people, his weaknesses, his deficiencies... in short, all the factors that contribute to his destiny and, not to forget, to his compatibility profile, in his search for the perfect mate. What is proposed to you, here, is the juxtaposition of your Birth Chart with your partner's. This way, you will have the opportunity to find out where you and your partner complement each other, and where you do not. These very subtle planetary juxtapositions could have an influence on your relationship with your partner in a myriad of ways.

Planet Venus in SATHYA's birth chart conflicts with Mars in your own birth chart.
This generally negative aspect of the chart sometimes symbolizes the difficult marriage between your masculine strength and SATHYA's feminine sensuality. Though physical attraction is strong between you, it is the way you both express it that causes you problems. Your real sexual behavior conflicts with the fantasies you and your partner have deeply embedded in your imaginations. You have not learned to give and take. This puts tension in your sexual relationship, as it is not the fantastically exciting sexual contact you both have always dreamed of.

There is conflict between the planet Mars in your birth chart and the planet Mars in SATHYA's birth chart. This aspect symbolizes somewhat stormy relationships...
If your relationship is already well established, there could be a battle of the wills between your personalities. Each person tries to assert him or herself in different directions than the other. On a sensual level (Mars also represents the fire of desire), this opposition can also mean sexual completeness. Your virile aggressiveness reminds SATHYA of the images of sexual conquest she has in her mind. She projects a great deal of psychic energy on the virility she discovers in you. Your warmth, the way you show your love for her, your spontaneous demonstrations of desire, all contribute to the opposition and completeness that exist between you.

In your birth chart, the Sun is in a negative angular relationship to Saturn in SATHYA's birth chart. Saturn represents the "father image" and reality. It is the planet that presides over personal development throughout the vicissitudes of life. These two planets, your Sun and SATHYA's Saturn, were present in the same area of the sky the minute each of you was born. Their position to each other suggests a good deal of tension and disagreement, and some difficult moments in your relationship.
In you relationship, SATHYA sometimes represents the strict, moralist father figure. She denigrates your ideas and hinders you in your personal projects. Other times, she is a solid partner you can count on, and who guides you and protects you from yourself. However, if your character has not fully matured, you may feel as if her intervention in your life is extremely limiting to you. You feel as if she refuses to give you the warmth and comfort you need. She seems to show an incredible amount of pessimism and stubborn negativity when it comes to anything you decide to do. You may even hide from her the things you care about most, because of your continual frustration with this situation. The communication between you will be reduced to only what is absolutely essential, if you are not careful. However, if your character is already well developed, you will use SATHYA's remarks to compliment to your own ideas and visions on life and living.

The Sun in your birth chart is in positive angular relationship to the planet Neptune in SATHYA's birth chart. Neptune presides over our spirituality and our openness to the things that we cannot always explain. It helps us to aspire to a new dimension, which transcends the narrow experience of our everyday lives. These two planets, your Sun and SATHYA's Neptune, were present in the same area of the sky the minute each of you were born; and it their constructive configuration suggests an ideal relationship of subtlety and mutual sensitivity.
SATHYA represents many facets of your ideal spiritual soul sister. If your psychological development allows for it, a kind of psychic communication between your two souls will take place. You seem to be fascinated, almost mesmerized by her personal charm. You are quite receptive to the universe of her imagination, which stimulates you and opens up a world of beauty and fantasies you had never dreamed of. The communication between you takes place on a spiritual, mystical level. Sensuality and sexuality will have a relatively minor role in your relationship, at least at the beginning. However, this very romantic, but plutonic love could very quickly evolve into an intensely sensual relationship, as confirmed by other astrological factors.

The Rising Sign of BAPI is Trine with the Rising Sign of SATHYA
The "I" in BAPI and the "I" in SATHYA will have a tendency to ignore each other, and the two partners will realize very quickly that their ideas are very different. Sometimes their antipathies will be quite intense, and they will have neither the desire nor the patience to beat around the bush about them. Each partner will show a certain amount of intolerance of the other's behavior, and he or she will not allow the other partner's actions to have consequences in his or her life. But what is worse is the total lack of respect that the partners will have for each other. But, Watch Out! Before getting alarmed about the dissonant aspect of the two charts, it's important to consider other planetary aspects. Other aspects may mask the profound divergences between the two partners, for a time at least... But the truth is always waiting there underneath, and will show through one day as clear as the light of day.

BAPI's Behavior as a Partner

Sun in Pisces for BAPI
BAPI has a fragile nature that often makes him oversensitive to the world around him. He is a kind of channel for the forces and currents of energy that both guide and overwhelm him. The strong impressions he receives from people and situations give him his mystical, almost supernatural capacities. He is attracted by the mystery in the world and by the unknown. His very open-mind helps him to assimilate and adapt to any kind of situation. However, his lack of self-confidence often keeps him from taking advantage of his capacities. He is a warm and caring person and attracts many different kinds of people with his very open personality. He gives his all in every aspect of his daily life. BAPI is looking for a partner to whom he can give himself completely.

Moon in Scorpio for BAPI
BAPI is a very attractive person. He is constantly on the look out for intense emotional experience, especially where his sex life is concerned. Ironically enough, he keeps a tap on his emotions in everyday life, and rarely says how he really feels. He is impulsive, but also jealous and possessive of the things he loves. BAPI is a sensual person who is fascinated by his sexuality. In fact, his relationships will be tumultuous; BAPI's unbridled passion could become difficult for his partner to live with.

Influence of Sun and Moon on BAPI
BAPI is both sensual and romantic. He has all the qualities of the perfect lover. His very exclusive, sincere feelings and his powerful sensuality make him a very demanding partner, but a little difficult to live with. Sexuality is an important part of his relationships, and he is generally attracted to very sexy, seductive women. His partner must be a strong woman with the same kinds of powerful feelings and desires. Whoever she turns out to be, their union will have profound effects on BAPI's future.

Venus in Aquarius for BAPI
BAPI has a tendency to idealize the women he loves. He lives in a fantasy world in which his sole goal is to find his soul sister. Yet once he finds her, it is a different story... He is in love with idea of love. But what is hiding beneath all this idealism is a real fear of commitment to a relationship. As long as things remain at the idea stage, he does not have to react. BAPI has two possibilities: he can look for a relationship based first of all on friendship and communication; or he can look for a very open relationship based on the mutual respect of the partner's independence. BAPI is a reserved person anyway, so the second option might be best for him.

Mars in Gemini for BAPI
BAPI is bright and quick thinking. But sometimes, the thoughts speed through his head like rockets, and he becomes tongued tied, or he loses his train of thought. His frenetic desire to speak, to convince, pushes him to ignore the rules of fair play. It often gets to the point where it is no longer a matter of understanding the other person's ideas, but an effort to convince the other person at all costs; even if it costs him his personal and intellectual integrity. This inclination to play the devil's advocate can be traced back to some emotional problems he had as a teenager. These problems involved some conflicts or power struggles, just as BAPI was trying to assert himself as a person; possibly with his brothers and sisters.

Influence of Venus and Mars on BAPI
BAPI is an idealist who cares more about friendship and intellectual exchange than he does about his love life. When he is really in love, he swims in an ocean of fantasies, feelings and idealized images. He is utterly confused about how he actually feels. Nevertheless, he might just meet a woman who knows how to be his friend first, and then his lover. They will live together in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and high hopes for the future.

BAPI's Daily Life

Mercury, 1st Dominant of BAPI, in angular relationship with Pluto, 1st Dominant of SATHYA
This configuration could cause worry and crisis at certain times in this relationship. BAPI will tend to try and complicate their discussions, which will give them a kind of negativity that neither partner will enjoy. BAPI and SATHYA feel the need to penetrate as far as they can into each other minds. These psychological intrusions are not good for either one of them. BAPI and SATHYA are very independent people, and they may feel as if their partner is infringing on their privacy and freedom. BAPI and SATHYA need to clear the air and be honest with each other in order to grow as a couple.

Sun, 1st Dominant of BAPI, in angular relationship with Moon, 1st Dominant of SATHYA
Such a conflict between the Moon and the Sun is not always a good sign. Given the difference in their deeply entrenched values and ideals , the partner's may feel as if they are not living their emotional lives on the same level. BAPI may have a hard time dealing with SATHYA's instability. For her part, SATHYA may be hurt by BAPI's sometimes-arrogant attitude toward her. She may even feel discouraged when he seems to be spending less time with her than she deserves. In this relationship, there is an obvious gap between the forceful behavior of one, and the gentle, more intimate behavior of the other. The problem can be solved if both partners make the effort from time to time to appreciate what they have got. Moreover, other planetary configurations could easily counterbalance the harsh side effects of this one.

Planet Sun of BAPI in the 5th House of SATHYA
In this kind of "solar" position, BAPI will widen the horizons of his partner in her personal life. His remarkably dynamic personality will allow SATHYA to complete the projects she has been working on for a long time. Their love life will be just as dynamic! SATHYA will appreciate BAPI's sensuality and she will have nothing but praise for him in their search for sexual perfection.

Planet Moon of BAPI in the 1st House of SATHYA
This position will give both partner's spirits and imaginations the opportunity to unite and grow together. Happiness and well being will be the rewards for their relationship. BAPI and SATHYA will understand each other without even having to say a word. All it will take is a look. The smallest details in their daily lives will be sources of pleasure and growth in which both partners will participate with joy.

Planet Mercury of BAPI in the 4th House of SATHYA
This position will instill in SATHYA some new and different ways of considering her family life. With BAPI's influence, SATHYA will develop a love for travel and foreign cultures, and the different life styles that come with them. SATHYA will realize that her homebody attitude contributes nothing to her personal growth. BAPI's ideas will be a breath of fresh air to SATHYA, and their lively discussions will be an important part in their life as a family.

BAPI's Emotions

Planet Venus of BAPI in the 4th House of SATHYA
This position will bring out in SATHYA an immediate and wonderful sense of well-being whenever she is with BAPI. The partners will use their very similar tastes to work together on the decoration of their home. BAPI will know just what to do to make their old house or apartment into the beautiful home they have always dreamed of. SATHYA will admire BAPI for his wonderful creativity.

BAPI's Career and Social Life

Planet Jupiter of BAPI in the 6th House of SATHYA
BAPI takes pleasure and pride in helping other people, because it helps him to value himself as a person. SATHYA will benefit from BAPI's attitude. His advice will help her to be more independent than she ever thought she could be. His optimistic remarks will help SATHYA to face the little conflicts in everyday life and to really figure out where he is going.

SATHYA's Behavior as a Partner

Sun in Pisces for SATHYA
SATHYA is a veritable chameleon that can take on the colors of any situation. Nevertheless, SATHYA has a fragile nature that often makes her oversensitive to the world around her. She is a kind of channel for the forces and currents of energy that both guide and overwhelm her. The strong impressions she receives from people and situations give her his mystical, almost supernatural capacities. She is attracted by the mystery in the world and by the unknown. Her very open-mind helps her to assimilate and adapt to any kind of situation. However, her lack of self-confidence often keeps her from taking advantage of her capacities. She is a warm and caring person and attracts many different kinds of people with her very open personality. She gives her all in every aspect of her daily life. SATHYA is looking for a partner to whom she can give himself completely. In love, she is looking to fuse with her partner, and because of this she may even sacrifice herself to him.

Moon in Leo for SATHYA
SATHYA is a charmer and loves to talk, but her powerful magnetism often makes people think she is arrogant. Her reputation is very important to her, and she likes to feel that people appreciate and admire her. In her social life, she is a real 'people person' who likes to entertain at home where she often gets raves from her captive audiences. And, her photographic eye and her sense of esthetics would make her a good person for a career in the Arts, or in movies and television. She is a generous woman, but her self-pride makes her very sensitive to criticism. Her partner must be brilliant (of course) and devoted to his 'muse'. Who knows, he may just help her put her name 'in lights'.

Influence of Sun and Moon on SATHYA
If SATHYA wants to have any control over where she's going in life, she should not let her foolish pride interfere in her relationships with other people. In her love life, she lets her overly developed self-confidence blind her judgements about people. Because of this, her marriage could turn out to be very disappointing, and her partner could be fairly unfaithful. She needs to be more careful about her choices, or maybe she should find a man she can have some sort of control over...

Venus in Pisces for SATHYA
SATHYA is an intensely sensitive person with a profound compassion for others. She is always ready to sacrifice herself for others, or to come to the rescue for a friend. Yet, she is both romantic and idealistic, and often lacks discernment in her decisions about her love life. She is both confused and evasive when it comes to expressing her feelings clearly. However, she is ready to devote herself to the person she loves... sometimes she even loses herself in him.

Mars in Sagittarius for SATHYA
SATHYA is a relatively changeable person, who is enthusiastic about things one minute, and couldn't care less about them the next. She has something inside her that pushes her to seek out the Truth (and that's Truth with a capital "T") in the world around her. She is a lover of philosophy and great ideas, with a sense of personal ethics that she defends to the death. Her convictions may even push her to embrace less traditional moral principles and philosophies, while her spirit of insurrection will push her to make something of her beliefs. She seems to have a taste for adventure and faraway lands. She is an enthusiastic person with an active social life and a very frank, direct approach to sexuality.

SATHYA's Daily Life

Planet Sun of SATHYA in the 10th House of BAPI
This position will give SATHYA the extraordinary opportunity to help BAPI develop his professional possibilities to their utmost potential. BAPI will listen to her advice and remarks religiously. BAPI's great professional success will be proportionate to his love and admiration for SATHYA. He should nevertheless be careful not to confuse his feelings of gratefulness with his feelings of love for her.

Planet Moon of SATHYA in the 4th House of BAPI
This position could give the partners the impression that they belong to the same spiritual family. BAPI will accept SATHYA's impressions and opinions about his own experience because, most of the time, the partners will feel like they are on the same wavelength. SATHYA will do all the long-term planning in the relationship, which BAPI will accept without question even if it is not exactly what he had had in mind before. This kind of complicity makes their relationship pleasant on a daily basis and avoids them many an argument.

Planet Mercury of SATHYA in the 10th House of BAPI
This position will SATHYA to understand and support her partner in his career aspirations, even if these aspirations may sometimes seem a little senseless or farfetched. His hopes and fears will have an important place in her heart. SATHYA will know which direction is the best for BAPI in order to develop his professional capabilities. She will help him see all the little details which he may have neglected himself. This position is very conducive to a couple's working together.

SATHYA's Emotions

Planet Venus of SATHYA in the 10th House of BAPI
SATHYA will be an indispensable help to her partner in almost every aspect of his personal and professional lives. SATHYA understands BAPI's passion for his work. She will do everything in her power to make his life easier, so that he can concentrate on developing his career. SATHYA's career will be a subject of interest for BAPI and their discussions of their professional lives will be an important factor in their relationship.

SATHYA's Career and Social Life

Planet Jupiter of SATHYA in the 10th House of BAPI
This position is a veritable godsend for SATHYA's partner. BAPI will have complete confidence in her partner, and SATHYA will do everything she can to live up to it. SATHYA will give her partner constant support, which BAPI will use in order to progress in life. Anything BAPI tries to accomplish will be a success. However SATHYA should watch her tendency to mislead her partner with her overabundance of optimism. It is sometimes difficult for him to resist her power of suggestion.

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