Favorite song:  Winter - Rolling Stones - Goats Head Soup.

Favorite color:  Blue.

Favorite drink:  Starbucks - Iced Cafe Latte with a dash of cinnamon.

Favorite movie - This Property is Condemned.

Sleeping position:  Left side...I said "sleeping", lol.

Pet Peeve #1:  People who can't make a decision.

Pet Peeve #2:  People who decide for me.

Slacker?:  I've been working since I was 18 years old.  I am currently looking for a sugar daddy.  Do you know of one?

Cook:  I love to cook, especially Italian.

Things I had to have that I never use:  Wok, pasta machine, sandwich maker, treadmill and Peter.  Hmmm, Peter you ask?  Yep, had to have him, a challenge, ya know?

Write:  Poetry and a journal.

Men:  Long hair, tattoos and a tight butt.  Same as sugar daddy, do you know any?

Hair on men:  Long and flowing.

Hair on women:  Don't care, see "Hair on Men".

Coldest ride:  Sometime in November, snowing like crazy.  Coldest I have ever been.

Tidbit:  I have carried my mothers rosary beads since I was 23 years old.  I never leave home without them.

Nickname:  Quincy - long, long story.  Ask me sometime.

Cigarettes:  Misty menthol lights - bad, bad, bad.

Camping:  Why I'd love too.

Dance:  Good songs, good atmosphere and a sexy guy.  Who could say no?

Best dancer to date:  Phil.  Don't let this go to your head Phil.

Bitch:  Only when I am really, really tired.  Or when the red flag is up at work. Yes, I actually have one, but truth be told it is not a red flag but the oscar meyer wiener mobile.  What can I say?  I like wieners.

Love:  Been there once or twice.  Wouldn't mind being there again.

Man I'll never forget:  Patrick.

Man I want to forget:  Patrick.

The love of my life:  Patrick, I wish I could forget him.

Who the hell is Patrick?

Commute:  Everyday, 40 miles in and 40 miles out.  I have a lot of patience and I make a lot of bathroom stops.

Job:  Love what I do, wish I could do it at home.

Home:  Townhouse, with a garage, of course silly.

Pet Peeve #3:  People who don't answer email.  You know who you are.

Biggest fear:  Phone ringing in the middle of the night.

Worst dream ever:  Ask me about the antelope dream.

Broken bones:  Damn that fatass, she took me down.  Yep, arm, crooked as a jailbird.  Toes - a few.  Arm again.

Broken heart:  Many times but it heals and it was worth it each time.  I am who I am cause I've been where I've been.

Worst night out:  See nickname.

Second worst night out:  This one is a little fuzzy.  Was in my drinking days. They say there is this video of me dancing, at the Christmas party, on the table.....yikes.  Thank God I don't drink anymore.

Pet Peeve #4:  Video's of people dancing, at Christmas parties, on tables.

If I was given one wish:  To be able to spend time with my mother.

Favorite color rose:  Peach

Collections:  Rabbits, angels, wizard of oz, men, teddy bears, rings, men, memories, perfume, music boxes, crosses and men.

Wanted:  A victrola with a wooden horn.  Someday.

Sing:  In my little world I sing like a star.

Will do before I die:  Skydive....or die trying to do...............


Life is good.....Be good to yourself!!!