
Full Name: *a mean looking brown-haired boy sneers at you* James Murphy. Dey cawl me Ruse 'round heah. *he narrows his already beady eyes* *he speaks in tight, drawn-out tones, almost hissing at times* Always game fer a good joke, ya know? *he grins tightly and gives the table a hearty smack, so hearty that the table threatens to topple*
Age: *scowls* Nineteen. *this is a lie; he's twenty and is touchy about not being in better paying work at his age* *however, lying about his age is somewhat of a moot point--only those with a death wish would so much as insinuate that Ruse is inadeqate in any way whatsoever*
Appearance: *he speaks rather sarcastically* Ohh, ahh, let's see now... oh, I'd say I'm pretty tall *he glances over his 6'2" tall body*, doncha think? *his raises an eyebrow and waits for an answer, apparently unaware of the rhetorical nature of the question* Well, anyway, got me some hair *he ruffles a scraggly mop of reddish brown hair* here... an'...what color wouldja call these, eh? *he leans his pig-like face forward, widening his tiny, close-set eyes* Aw, nevamind. *he suddenly sits straight in his chair* Cassandra usta say they was, ahh...aqua. Yeah... *his eyes narrow* Aqua. Now ain't dat a pretty word... *he trails off, a slight sneer playing at his thin lips*
Background: *he crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow* Oh, what's it to ya? *his eyes take on a rather frighteningly manaical gleam* What, you gotta problem wid where I come from?! Huh? *he places his enormous hands on the table leaning forward* What's dat ya say? *he narrows his eyes* None 'a your business? Yeah, I'd say dat was about right, buddy-boy. *he glares, leaning back in the chair; he would never dare admit that he grew up in extreme poverty in the Irish shantytowns along the Harlem river*
Relationships: *he scowls* What da hell's dat supposed ta mean? *needless to say, Ruse is not the most personable guy and most of the Harlemites regard him with some measure of discomfort, if not out-right fear* *at one time, Ruse was a rather charming guy, but circumstances, including the unsolved murder of his girlfriend, Cassandra, left him in his current state*
Other notes: *he squints slightly* Oh, ya got somethin' right there. *he indicates your shirt front* No, no, right there. *he swings his fist up, knocking your jaw shut* Aww. *his face is a portrait of mock sympathy* Sorry.

*For the most part, Ruse is a lot of talk and a lot of practical joking that isn't very funny any more. But, as any of the long-time member of Harlem will tell you, do no underestimate him.*


Copyright © 2000-2001 Alicia Mazzara. This page last updated Thursday, July 12th, 2001 at 8:40 pm CDT. Please contact with any corrections or problems. Thank you.