
Full Name: Sketch Meeks
Age: I'm 14...but always get that I'm 16 which ain't dat great...don't help in the sellin' area, ya know?
Appearance: I'se got brown stragley hair, shoulder length, and I wear it in braids when sellin'. I goes about in boys' clothes...always been a bit of a tomboy... I'se 5'6" on the dot, and got big hazel eyes. I'se slim and got long legs fer runnin'.
Background: Me background... Well, I'se lived in southern Manhtattan for a long time then ran away. I'se tried gettin' into the boys' lodgin' house, seein' how I'se tomboy and all... but they steered me here. So here I am... I ain't gonna tell ya no more bout me past.
Relationships: Like I said, I was a big I'se only had a few boyfriends... no one special. Now, well...I like Mush but he's taken... *glares for moment* Oh, don't tell nobody that... I don't want it gettin' round. My best friends is Specs and I'm close with Skittery too. Youse gotta love those two! Well, I'se close to everyone pretty much... 'specially all us Harlem goils.
Other notes: I'se hyper a lot! I'se always got lots of energy...but at times I'm lazy and dull. I got a big appetite too... Some people say I'm stubborn... I jus' dont see it...oh well. Thats all I'se gonna tell ya about myself.


Copyright © 1999-2001 Allison. This page last updated Friday, January 21st, 2000 at 5:32 pm CST. Please contact with any corrections or problems. Thank you.