
Full Name: *a small boy looks up from where he was sitting cross-legged on the cobblestone sidewalk counting marbles* My name? Theodore Dollaway. *grins and looks very please with himself for having such an important sounding name* *grins even wider and wiggles his bare toes in the sidewalk dust* Lots a people call me Theo, but I ’magine when I’m older folks’ll start callin’ me Theodore. *pokes around in the marble bag* Course, I’ll be all grown up by then... *pauses* or at least fifteen. *considers that all grown up*
Age: *grins proudly* Nine in jus’ one year I’ll be ten, and then nobody can say I’m a little kid cause I won’t be. *goes on, unnecessarily clarifying his statement* Ten’s lots different from nine cause it has two numbers instead a jus’ one. You c’n hold it up on your hands still, an’ that’s good. *nods and shows you by holding up both hands* *still goes on* It’s easier then nine, too, see-- my little finger doesn’t like to stay down all by itself, so ten makes it so it doesn’ have ta be all alone.
Appearance: *wiggles his toes in the dust some more, and takes a deep breath* I guess my hair’s brown-ish sorta, but it’s not really dark, an’ I got blue eyes. See? *opens his eyes as wide as he can and stares at you, unblinking* *grins and smoothes his tousled hair down* Sister Maria Marie said I’d grow up ta be a real gentleman. *frowns and wrinkles his nose* An’ girls an’ old ladies like ta pinch m’cheek an’ mess up my hair an’ try an’ get me ta wash my face. *quickly changes the subject* Wanna see what I got in my pockets? *stands up and digs into his pockets* Um, a button, an’ three pennies, an’ a little stick, an’ a shoelace, an’ feather, an’ a stone that I found that has real gold in it, an’ some rock candy, an’... *pauses and frowns* I dunno... but it’s sticky... *shrugs and shoves it all back in his pockets* *Theo isn’t the cleanest of children--he’s at the age where he loves making messes but hates taking bathes* *his hair is floppy, and in need of being cut as it falls into his eyes* *he abhors shoes and clothes that have too many buttons and doesn’t wear a hat because he would lose it*
Background: *shrugs and pokes around in his marble bag* I lived in Our Lady of Mercy... they said that my Ma died when she was havin’ me... or somethin’ like that. Only they talked more ’bout the Lord wantin’ to end her sufferin’. They taught us numbers an’ letters there an’ ta say our prayers. It was mostly a nice place, as far as things like that go, I’d say. *stops his narrative, skipping the reason why he left the orphanage and how he ended up in Harlem* *looks up from the marble bag* Look, I got two shooters and thirteen aggies. *grins proudly* I won ’em all from other boys at Lady of Mercy, even though some a the nuns didn’ like us playin’ marbles.
Relationships: *shakes his head* I don’ remember Ma... an’ mostly none a the kids at Lady a Mercy had fathers... *shrugs a bit* Sister Maria Marie was nice ta me... that wasn’t her real name, I don’t think, but most everyone called her that. I miss her most a anyone that was there... she was so pretty an’ nice an’ when the older boys’d pick on me she’d read me stories. The boys here are all older then me, but they aren’t mean like the ones at Lady a Mercy. *Theo can be very quick to latch onto anyone that pays attention to him and will tag along with anyone who’ll let him*
Other notes: *grins lots* *could go on and on and on if someone were to let him* *starts in on a hugely long and complex story about how he found a quarter the other day*


Copyright © 2001 Kyla. This page last updated Thursday, July 18th at 4:09 pm CDT. Please contact with any corrections or problems. Thank you.