Since I was a small kid just barely starting to take notice of  things that are material only to us humans, I have tried to learn and know them with such appetite as a volture would devour its hapless victim. Things ranging from esoteric topics as the occult, to thoughts that are difficult to fathom as the theory of relativity- all the way to things that are mundane but high tech such as computer programming - are matters which I tried to understand. I thought that I was lucky enough to have the mental faculty to comprehend these things even if it's just a little. Up to now, there are times that I still do entertain these intellectual pursuits even if I find myself alone. Sometimes, however,  when I get the courage to discuss it with someone in particular, I face the risk of being ridiculed or be branded as a heretic, a looney or just simple someone with a missing nut in my head. My continuing problem then in order to be treated as one of the regular guys by my peers is to keep these exotic thoughts securely encased in my lonely head.

        Way back in college, I have tried to understand theoretical physics concepts and I even had the temerity to discuss it with my teachers much to the chagrin of my classmates. In chemistry, I could spend my breaktime inside the lab tinkering on explosives which I found cute that time. I have loved the natural sciences that I dreamed of being a scientist someday. It was only my worldliness and practical mind  that forced me to take on another but  financially rewarding career. If I had all the money and my way then,  (as in me winning in the Lotto), I would have probably spent the rest of my life in a laboratory or in a library contemplating on the beginning and the end of the universe as is being done by present day cosmologists. But by then , we would not have met with me still a normal being.

        Back earlier in high school, life's philosophical questions have also intrigued me no end that I read black books on the exotic topics as magic, world religions and the occult. My priest-adviser even had to warn me to take it easy otherwise I may just reach that stage where I may not be able to sleep in peace.                     

        Having a family to raise now and faced with the daily chores of having to keep ends meet, these thoughts have but virtually hibernated and headed to the deepest recesses of my mind. Once and a while they do manifest themselves as in me still reading some of those books. This time though, I have mustered enough courage  to post this on the internet and see if there is someone out there who is in the same brain-mind mold as me, then e-mail me and let's discuss it till kingdom come.

        If you are not, then don't worry, we can still be friends and I will  talk only on things that will not bore nor scare you. Promise... even limit it to small talks...

        Except the exotic and mind-boggling ideas and activities I have described above, I still of course do my favorites: writing computer programs such as this little HTML thing, tinkering with my PC especially graphics programs and of course surfing the internet. I play regular lawn tennis together with my wife who could play it more regularly than I do. I still read books on cosmology which sometimes find me into debates with the deeply religious and the rest is all WORK. We got to earn - you know!

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